Tuesday, April 02, 2019

A story about the INF treaty and how Russia @ China forced our hand revealed something else entirely...

The Red Dragon has risen!
This story from the National Interest was SUPPOSED to focus on how China and Russia forced our hand on the INF treaty.  Instead it revealed some shocking (to some) news.  Check this out...
Just as China has transformed its economy in a short period of time, the same has happened with its military. The Chinese navy has become the world’s largest, and there is no realistic chance that the United States will catch up under its present shipbuilding program. Compounding that, the United States has a global naval role and cannot concentrate all its naval forces near China’s coasts. The balance of naval power in the eastern Pacific has moved toward China.
Yeah. They have superiority in the Pacific.  That's not the real news.  Have you heard anyone state that China has the biggest Navy in the world now? 
 Along its coastal shores on the China Seas, including the Taiwan Straits, China is the major maritime power—a point noted by Admiral Philip Davidson, the commander of Indo-Pacific Command, when he described China as a “peer competitor” and one “capable of controlling the South China Sea in all scenarios short of war with the United States.” Considering that U.S. aircraft carriers can no longer operate within the first island chain, this understated assessment underscores that the era of American naval dominance, particularly in East Asia, is ending.
This!  This is why I believe that the war on terror has been an unmitigated failure.

While we dithered chasing terrorists in the desert, the Chinese have surpassed us in the one area we MUST be supreme.  Naval forces.

This has implications that most dare not consider.  But we were warned and instead of acting, allowed greed to trump common sense.

Read the entire article here but the heart jabbing issues are above.  We wasted time and they caught up.  They surpassed us.

The only question is this.

How far are the Chinese away from perfect victory?

Open Comment Post. 02 April 2019

Danish Piranha 5s

Russian ministry of Defense confirms explosion of unknown device in military academy in St.Petersburg

Blast from the past. Aircraft Carrier (Medium)

Thanks to Blacktail for the link!

via Wikipedia.
In the early 1970s, the United States Navy, following the doctrine of Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Elmo Zumwalt for larger numbers of smaller and cheaper ships, initiated design studies for a "minimum-cost" carrier of 50,000–60,000 tons. The new design was planned to be much cheaper than nuclear-powered carriers (a cost target of $550 million was set in 1972[4]) but still be suitable for replacing the ageing Midway-class aircraft carriers.[5][6][nb 2] Work on the project (designated T-CBL) was stopped however, when the US Congress made statements encouraging all major warships to be nuclear-powered, and in 1976 an order was placed for a fourth nuclear-powered Nimitz-class aircraft carrier.[4][6]

Later that year, however, US President Gerald Ford cancelled the order for the fourth Nimitz, stating that instead, two CVVs, medium-sized, conventional-powered carriers which were expected to mainly operate V/STOL aircraft would be built. The existing T-CBL design formed the basis for the new CVV, this being of the required size, while capable of operating all existing conventional carrier aircraft (this proved important as the hoped-for supersonic V/STOL fighters did not come to fruition).[4][6]

The CVV carried a smaller airgroup than existing supercarriers (i.e. about 60 compared with about 90 for the nuclear-powered Nimitz class or the conventional-powered Kitty Hawk-class aircraft carriers) and had two steam catapults rather than four and three arrestor cables instead of four. The CVV also had a less powerful power plant, with steam turbines fed by six boilers generating 100,000 shaft horsepower (75,000 kW) in a two-shaft arrangement, compared with the 280,000 shaft horsepower (210,000 kW) delivered to four shafts of the larger carriers, giving a speed of 28 knots (52 km/h) compared with over 31 knots (57 km/h).[7][8] While slower than earlier carriers, this was still sufficiently fast to keep up with carrier task forces.[1] Not all of the design features in the CVV were less capable than earlier carriers, however, as the carrier was planned to have improved protection for the ship's magazines and to be protected against under-keel explosions.[9]

This article points out two issues about the USMC's plan to use LHDs as light carriers.

1.  They wouldn't carry enough fast jets to make it a viable option.

2.  Current USN carriers are underutilized.  The current class of ships is designed to operate over 100 aircraft.  They have been operating with just over half that number for over a decade.

The cold reality?

The Navy needs less aircraft carriers or more airplanes.  It doesn't need more decks.  Additionally if we were to size our carriers for the number of aircraft we have in service then by my rough count we could probably go down to 6.

Yeah.  Let that sink in.

If we were to operate our carriers with the number of aircraft they're designed to have on deck then we could shed HALF our carriers, put about 100 aircraft on each of the remaining flat tops, save money, free up escorts and still have the same striking power.

Just throwing that out there.

Assault Craft Unit 5 Landing Craft Air Cushion Operations .... pics by Petty Officer 2nd Class Kyle Carlstrom

Monday, April 01, 2019

F-35 News. US suspends sale to Turkey over Russian S-400 purchase!

And the hits keep coming!

A tiny trickle is turning into a tidal wave.  This is the kind of news that don't buff out.  Wonder if they're distracted or if they're getting a handle on the operating costs.

That one issue is the real show stopper.  If they can't make the plane affordable then they won't get the sales they're hoping for....even if they can jiggle the initial buy numbers to a point that's acceptable to the public.

Brazilian M-109A5's to receive a 25% increase in firepower? Pretty bold claim by BAE!

I need details!  That's a pretty bold claim!

F-35 News. Did the Aviationist reveal that we have a power I didn't realize?

via The Aviationist Blog.
Israel has unveiled their previously classified F-35F Nebekh Joint Social Media Fighter (JSMF). The new rear seat position in the two-seat F-35F Nebekh is occupied by the SMO or Social Media Officer. The modification is in response to threats to the F-35 in the social media space. Gen Hadir Uffani of the IDF told reporters, The F-35’s primary threats exist in the social media space, so we have made a special variant of the Joint Strike Fighter to counter this threat in real-time.”

The SMO suite consists of integrated sensor fusion that monitors Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and Snapchat for flamers leveling criticism against the Joint Strike Fighter program. When critical social media posts from internet know-it-alls and trolls are detected, the system can respond in real-time by assigning a massive arsenal of cat memes to interdict the threat. The cat memes are stored in a special, low-observable internal hard drive in the aircraft’s stealthy weapons’ bay.
Story here along with a great pic of a mythical two seat F-35. 


This is obviously a tongue in cheek, April Fool's Day story but behind the humor could there be a truth that I didn't realize?

Is social media actually powerful enough to concern the pro F-35 forces? 

I always thought we were spitting in the wind but this "joke" has a certain flavor to it that betrays their thinking.

We're in the fight.

We might not be winning but we are worrying them!  The Aviationist is NOT a favorite.  I think the dude gets stuff thrown his way and I believe that he's in the back pocket of Lockheed Martin.

That's my opinion and its worth absolutely nothing.  It matters even less.  But what does matter is that this post indicates that we are making a difference. The fight continues.  We can still bring a bit of sanity back to procurement.

It's an April Fool's Day joke but it makes my heart sing.

They are all in on the Light Carrier Concept! The Future is Now...from MCB Hawaii Twitter Page...

It's coming.

This is standard operating procedure for HQMC when they're about to roll out something new, and totally different.

GCE commanders should take note.  Fast Air is off on its own.  Time to adjust to the new reality.

A painful truth. The influx of immigrants at the border has the scent of an invasion...and I know how that sounds...


Never in my life thought I would parrot the line of some of the most despicable humans on earth.  The vile racists that have shouted about immigration and how its destroying the fabric of America.

But here I am.

Watching the news this morning I heard that more than 100K immigrants crossed into the United States in March.

That's madness.

It's to the point where we are seeing whole populations of other countries entering our own.  It has the scent of invasion and I know how that sounds.

The ramifications of this movement are shocking and doesn't take much imagination.  We're seeing too many people moving here too quickly.  We're not giving them a chance to assimilate so that means that our common values...what is considered standard behavior will morph over night.  Considering the stress that America is under right now, I don't know if we can survive that type of shock.  Add to it the worries of crime, economic displacement of citizens etc...and this is a real threat to civil society.

Unless this is checked this could lead to civil unrest.

I fucking despise Nazis.  I hate the KKK with all my heart.  I think they should be taken to the deepest part of the swamp, tied to a tree, poured honey over and left to be devoured by the beast that lurk there.

But this time they might be right.

That is agonizing.

Keep the comments civil.  Keep this shit between the lines.  But someone tell me I'm wrong to be alarmed.

China should reinforce “deterrence facilities” in the South China Sea?

via South China Morning Post.
China should reinforce “deterrence facilities” in the South China Sea as the United States and its allies mount a bigger challenge in the contested waters, a prominent Chinese specialist said.
“Tension in the South China Sea will rise in the coming year so we must deploy some defensive facilities that are able to overawe American warships entering nearby waters,” said Wu Shicun, head of the government-affiliated National Institute for South China Sea Studies.
On the sidelines of the Boao Forum for Asia in Hainan on Friday, Wu said the US would step up what it called freedom of navigation operations in the area with more frequent and wider-ranging manoeuvres this year.
“The Americans feel that they alone are not enough. They might also bring in allies such as Britain, Australia or Japan for exercises, or even create a regular joint action regime,” he told the South China Morning Post.
Story here. 

I chuckle at this story.  First it proves what I've been saying.  We don't need to worry about China's Anti-Access/Area Denial scheme.  We're ALREADY there (although in light of my feelings toward Chinese troops in Venezuela it does give me pause...big boys play big boy games...maybe expected in light of super power games).

Next.  This bubba that got interviewed just dropped pants.

In essence he told us which of our allies he fears.  Australia and the UK...even Japan.

That is illuminating.  It also puts a light to their view of S. Korea.  They're not listed.  Is it because they feel that they'll push a neutrality stance?  I didn't for one second expect Singapore to be listed.  Other states with potentially hostile feelings toward China either...countries like Vietnam, or the Philippines.

Doesn't matter.

The reality is clear.  China is itching for a fight.  They don't feel like they're ready yet and that's to be expected from a cultural perspective.  If attacked they will defend like madmen.  If on the attack they will wait until victory is assured (unless another event forces their hand and considerations are tossed).

We have a bit more time if we go alone.  We have at least a decade or more if Australia, the UK or Japan make it clear they will fight with us.

Turkish company YET(Directed Energy Systems and Technologies) electromagnetic railgun systems

The entire world is playing the high tech game.  It's gonna be harder to stay ahead.

If Turkey is doing this then we can expect every modern country on the planet to be working on it too.

Open Comment Post. 1 April 2019

Time for the Ground Combat Element to accept the divorce from Marine Fast Air...they're still pushing the light carrier concept...

via National Interest.
For years the normal air wing for the Navy's eight Wasp-class assault ships has included around 10 MV-22 tiltrotor transports, four AH-1Z attack helicopters, four UH-1Y light helicopters, five CH-53E heavylift helicopters and the six fighters, plus a couple of Navy MH-60s for search and rescue.

But the L-class Wasps were capable of trading helicopters for fighters. During the U.S.-led invasion of Iraq in 2003, four assault ships each embarked up to 20 Harriers in order to contribute to the coalition air campaign.

"This is not the norm for an amphib," Senior Chief Aviation Boatswain's Mate Wynn Young, leading chief petty officer of USS Bonhomme Richard's air department, in 2003 told a Navy reporter. "Our air assets dictate that we operate more like a carrier."

As the Marines began replacing old AV-8Bs and other jets with "fifth-generation" F-35s, planners dusted off the "Harrier carrier" concept and rebranded it as the "Lightning carrier." Other naval experts simply refer to the Harrier and Lightning carriers as "light carriers."

"By 2025, the Marine Corps will operate 185 F-35Bs—enough to equip all seven L-Class ships," the Marines Corps explained in its 2017 aviation strategy. In fact, the Navy expects to operate at least 10 L-class ships, including the Wasps and three, newer America-class vessels. An assault ships displaces around 40,000 tons of water, making it slightly less than twice as big by displacement as the Navy's 11 nuclear-powered supercarriers.

A Lightning carrier would embark between 16 and 20 F-35s, compared to the roughly 40 strike fighters that a supercarrier normally carries. A Lightning carrier should be able to sustain 40 sorties per day, the Marines estimated. A new Ford-class supercarrier, by contrast, is supposed to be able to sustain 160 sorties per day.
Story here.

I remember the first time I heard "L-Class Carrier".  It was floated out by Amos in one of his talks.

When the America class got its well deck back I thought that the idea had been curb stomped but I was wrong.

The reality?

The USMC Ground Combat Element needs to accept the divorce from Marine Fast Air.

Marine Fast Air should be viewed in the same light as the USAF, USN, and allies providing air support when possible.

This concept for all intents and purposes dramatically alters the Marine Air Ground Task Force.

Its something I can't cheer.  What's the difference between the US Army and US Marines?  Yeah.  Its the MAGTF.  It's the way we fight with fast air totally integrated into the Commander's tool kit.

With the Light Carrier Concept almost certainly a thing, we need to get it done.  Marine Air was a great girl but for some reason she no longer wants to be in the relationship.  Better to man up and let her go away instead of begging her to stay.

Justice in America is weird...

When laws no longer make sense, people will no longer follow the law.

When laws are no longer just then people will no longer follow the law.

I think we're in a place where all the above applies.  I've had a couple of "oh shit, you've got to be fucking with me moments" but the last month has been a doozy.

First we find out that the Trump collusion case was based on nothing.  Nothing at all but we heard that drumbeat for over 2 years.  Now that he's been found not guilty of that crime, they're trying to pivot to other charges.

The next was the Jessie Smollett incident.  We didn't cover that one on these pages because it was just plain weird.  Dude barely had a scratch on him but supposedly he was attacked by far right MAGA supporters?  That thing didn't make sense from the jump.  It took a turn when the Chicago Police stated that the whole thing was staged.  It took a turn for the worse when he wasn't convicted of anything...all charges dropped.  

Now we have this.

Swatting is idiotic.  Full stop.  It's also a crime.  Full stop.  But the cops shoot an unarmed man and the idiot that decided to SWAT someone gets 20 years in jail?  

How can you follow the rules when the rules don't apply equally?  How can the cops shoot an innocent man and not pay for that mistake?

I support the police but this is unfair, unjust and smacks of different tiers of justice depending on where you stand in the social order.

Sunday, March 31, 2019

Mighty Mouse is bringing the pain overseas!

It's a shame he couldn't stay in the UFC but he's onto bigger and better overseas.  Good for him!  He's a great fighter and brings an energy that is sometimes lacking in the heavier weight classes.

F-35C has a mission capable rate of 5% according to the WARZONE!

via WZ
As of June 2018, Lockheed Martin had delivered 75 F-35Bs to all customers, the vast majority of which went to the Marines. Even if the service had received all of these planes, it would have had less than dozen jets fully mission ready in December 2018, more than three years after officially declaring the type operational.

The figures for the F-35C are far worse. For more than two years, the Navy has been unable to even get the full mission capable rate about 20 percent. As of December 2017, not a single one of the service's jets met that standard at any given time. A year later, the rate was still in the single digits. With just 28 C models in total, this would have meant just around one of the stealthy aircraft was ever fully ready to go, on average, for at least 12 months.
Story here. 

The Dam has broken on F-35 news.

I don't know what's happened but the stories are coming quick, fast and in a hurry with regard to its readiness/maintenance/cost of ops.

If I were to guess this is a gambit by the Pentagon.  Someone has the long knives out for that airplane and patience is now gone.

Funny how budget reality sharpens the senses and pushes away happy talk.

Chinese Troops in Venezuela? Is this true????

Ok.  This is getting interesting.  We've been hearing about imminent US action in Venezuela.  Now?  Now its Chinese troops are teaming with Russians in that country?

Hey Trump!

Monroe Doctrine bro!  Forget the Middle East.  These fucks are playing in our backyard!!

This!  This right here is the idiocy of our foreign policy!  We need to prioritize, analyze and act accordingly!  We don't have the money, the force structure or the will to police the world!  Hemisphere second.  Homeland first!  Distant shores a distant last!

Late Open Comments Post. 31 March 2019.

The blast from the past when a Harrier intercepted a TU-95!