Saturday, April 20, 2019

Turk Firat-M60T Modernization Project Infographic....

Bumper stickers give criminals vital information...

Story here.

I only advertise a USMC decal (no not the big cover the entire back window one!) that's of small size on my vehicle.  Nothing else.  But I have seen "minivans" decked out like you see above.

I always knew they were putting their info out there but I never did a "threat assessment" like the Alabama Police did.

The uptake?

If you have friends or relatives that are extremely proud of their family that's awesome, but tell them not to advertise details of their life....other people, some of them criminals, are watching.

Friday, April 19, 2019

Turk AAV is shaping up!

Looks like we're already seeing some design changes from the original model posted.  Love'em or hate'em but the Turks are building a very nice defense industry!

Story here (you're gonna need a translator)!

British Tank Force falls to the lowest level since WW1....

First let me tell you straight away that I don't believe for one minute that the USMC maintains 440 M1A1 tanks.  Maybe in storage but not in active duty!  Not by a LONG shot!

Second I find it stunning that the USMC alone has more tanks on active duty than the British Army (heck I might need to add the German Army into this mix too but I don't recall the actual numbers).

What does this mean?

Either armored warfare is changing in ways that I haven't globbed onto, the Brits are hopelessly adrift/in need of funding/adult supervision, or perhaps even all of the above.

I remember when the first round of cuts started slicing the Brit military and many of the pundits in the UK stated that they were the canary in the coal mine.

I don't think so.  At least not for the US.  Too much political capital is invested in the military from Vets, Business, Community and Corporations (not to mention politicians that seek to be seen supporting the military) that cuts will never be allowed to a level that sees responsible spending forced on the Pentagon.

But in other countries?  Yeah.  Domestic issues will force moderation.  The UK is dealing with Brexit.  France, Spain, Italy, Greece and others are all dealing with their own internal problems and populations that demand less action overseas and more work at home.

So what was the deal with this little bit of musing?

What we're seeing in the UK might not be coming to America but it WILL be heading toward at least a few of our allies.

MD 969 Combat Attack Helicopter.....


Armor Porn. Ajax Infantry Fighting Vehicle...

Many of you will call this crazy but I call it lots and lots of practice mixed with courage and endless fortitude.....

Naw bro.  That's just batshit crazy.  

China sentences military veterans for protesting

via ABC News.
Chinese courts announced multiple-year prison sentences Friday for more than three dozen military veterans who protested over the lack of benefits, saying the former soldiers had disrupted social order in a bid to further their own interests.

The announcements from the courts in the eastern provinces of Shandong and Jiangsu follow repeated demonstrations by veterans of various ages who say they have not been adequately compensated for their service.

Veterans have long been organizing quietly, but in recent years have staged attention-getting protests outside government offices and the defense ministries headquarters in Beijing that prompted the government to establish a Ministry of Veterans Affairs last year.

The 47 sentenced to up to six years had been involved in protests last year that involved hundreds of former soldiers.
Story here.

I'd usually throw stones at the Chinese over this kind of story but I know American history.

How many of you know about the "Bonus Army"?  How many of you know about the role that some of the greats like Patton and MacArthur played in that "action"?

China is walking ground that we've already covered.  So this ONCE, while I think the sentences are EXTREMELY unfair, I choose not to throw stones cause we (historically) live in a glass house.

Blast from the past. Warsaw burns and Nazis murder 13,000 people over the course of one month...

On this day in 1943, Warsaw burns as Jews in the city's ghetto rise up against the Nazis. 13,000 are slaughtered in the 27-day crackdown.
Drink it in.

The Nazis probably murdered everyone in the above pic.  Now?  Now we're allied with entire battalions of them in Ukraine.

I hate parts our foreign policy.  Some issues require a hands off approach...especially when you consider the history of things.

The remaining 50,000 residents were captured and shipped to concentration and extermination camps.

This Strike Fighter was designed for rough field operations!

Like they said.  Check out that undercarriage!  This thing could probably handle carrier landings.

Everyone weeped at the thought of the Tornado bowing out of service.  They should have been shedding tears about the Jaguar going away.  This is perhaps one of the most successful of the Euro-Fighters and the least talked about.

Pity.  It was a special bird.

EOS T2000 Turret (manned/unmanned)...

Thanks to Matt for the heads up!

Click here to download the pdf for your files.

Click here to go to the EOS website.

Matt recommended that I take a look at EOS' bigger turrets that might fit the bill for the ACV and to be quite honest I like what I see in the T2000.

It checks every box I'm looking for.  Good size gun (built to accept either the 30mm or 40mm...I'm sure they'll adapt it to 50mm if asked), has great sensors, built in APS, see thru armor for the crew and integrated anti-tank missiles.

Plus it doesn't penetrate into the troop compartment.  Oh and did I forget to say that it comes in manned/unmanned variants?

Sounds like a solid win to me.

How it stacks up against the Eitan turret is beyond me, but they have one major advantage even now.

They're letting us see it.  Learn a bit about it!  The Israelis are acting as if its a proprietary item only available to the IDF.

Check it out for yourself and tell me what you think.  From my chair I like it!

Side note.  How much you want to bet this puppy will find its way to either the Boxer or another Australian vehicle?  This thing is BEAST!!!

Iran Rolls Out New Fighter Jets On National Army Day? This is the threat to regional security????

via Kashmirobserver.
 Iran celebrated its National Army Day on Thursday by showcasing domestically made fighter jets during a military parade that was broadcast live on state TV.

Among the aircraft was the "Kowsar," a twin-seater modeled after the American F-5 fighter jet. The jet's name is an Islamic reference to a river in paradise and is also the title of a chapter in the Quran.

The parade also showcased the Saegheh, or "Thunderbolt," another domestically built fighter plane. Iran's air force already has U.S.-made and Russian-made Sukhoi aircraft in service.

Moreover, MiG-29, F-4 Phantom and F-14 Tomcat warplanes also took part in the parade. The maneuvers also saw KC-747 and KC-707 aerial refueling tankers fly from bases situated in the cities of Tabriz, Tehran, Hamedan and Isfahan.

Missiles, submarines, armored vehicles, radars and electronic warfare systems were also put on display.

The military parade comes amid rising tensions between Iran and President Trump, who earlier this month, formally labeled Iran's Revolutionary Guard a "foreign terrorist organization."
Story here. 

Read the article.

After you've read the thing then answer this for me.  This is the threat to regional security that everyone is talking about?  This pathetic force?  They're building old tech....I mean 1970's tech and they're claiming that its new.  They're acquiring second hand Russian gear with a few exceptions and they have what we would consider at best an average Army/Navy/Air Force with a few elite units scattered between.

Are we getting played?

As far as threat to the region I would label the Quds Force as perhaps an enhanced terror organization, not an entity that could topple a nation state (at least with our assistance and without the assistance of people in that nation).

The only thing they have that could possibly tilt things is a nuclear weapon but they don't have that yet (or at least that's what we've been told) so why orient forces to deter a force that is probably infantile at best?

I could easily be wrong so tell me where I went off the rails but Iran isn't the big bad and we should probably toss this mess over to SOCOM while the conventional force gets ready to deal with REAL threats to the survival of our nation.

Side note.  How much of this is about wanting particular fights (for the conventional side), not wanting to be involved in side show conflicts (for SOCOM) and as a threat to increase budget (for all involved)?

Open Comment Post. 19 April 2019

Armor Porn. Airborne BMP on exercise...

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Rheinmetall seeking to gobble up BAE Global Combat Systems????

via UK Competitions and Market Authority.
The CMA is investigating the proposed acquisition by Rheinmetall Defense UK Ltd of BAE Systems Global Combat Systems Ltd.

Phase 1 Invitation to comment: closes 30 April 2019

15 April 2019: The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) is considering whether it is or may be the case that this transaction, if carried into effect, will result in the creation of a relevant merger situation under the merger provisions of the Enterprise Act 2002 and, if so, whether the creation of that situation may be expected to result in a substantial lessening of competition within any market or markets in the United Kingdom for goods or services.

Launch of merger inquiry

12 April 2019: The CMA announced the launch of its merger inquiry by notice to the parties.

Anticipated Acquisition by Rheinmetall Defence UK Ltd of BAE Systems Global Combat Systems Ltd

Notice under section 96(2A) of the Enterprise Act 2002(the Act) published pursuant to section 107(1)(i) of the Act.

The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) hereby gives notice pursuant to section 96(2A) of the Act that the merger notice provided by Rheinmetall Defence UK Ltd and BAE Systems Global Combat Systems in relation to the purchase of 55% of the entire issued share capital of BAE Systems Global Combat Systems by Rheinmetall Defense UK Ltd (the Merger) meets the requirements of section 96(2) of the Act.

The initial period defined in section 34ZA(3) of the Act in relation to the Merger will therefore commence on the first working day after the date of this notice, ie on 15 April 2019.

The deadline for the CMA to announce its decision whether to refer the Merger for a Phase 2 investigation is therefore 13 June 2019. 
Good God!

Rheinmetall is like a monster trying to eat up everything....its almost a baby Lockheed Martin!

One thing is certain.

If they do gobble up BAE Global Combat Systems then we need to ensure that BAE North America is completely walled off.


Blast from the past. Navy Corpsman takes info on fallen US Marine...

A U.S. Navy hospital corpsman takes down the information of a U.S. Marine of the 1st Marine Division who was killed on the beach of Peleliu during the American landings of the Battle of Peleliu (Operation Stalemate II).

Sometimes words are insufficient.

We were so into the turret/gun on the ACV that Warrior Maven posted, that we missed the real item of interest...

Remember the pic I posted earlier today?  Warrior Maven had a pretty good write up on the 40mm cannon that was being tested on the ACV.

I guess we can be forgiven for focusing on the firepower aspect of things but we missed the real item of interest.

Look at the pic again.  Now check out what's highlighted below....

Yeah.  It's got one of those big masts that I've only seen on pure recon vehicles.  The Canadians were real big into it and I've seen the Germans dabble in it a bit, but this is a USMC vehicle.

Additionally if you've been keeping track of the talking points on the ACV and how the Marine Corps intends to use it, one of the "points" is how it fits into the network and will be a node in the system.

We need to know capabilities, weight etc....

The ACV is looking like it's trying to be a jack of all trades for us.  I'm pleased.  I guess we're gonna have to look hard to keep track of this thing.

EOS Defense Systems R400 would be a perfect fit for the ACV....

Want the ACV to get off to a running start?  Pick the EOS Defense Systems R400 for immediate fit to the vehicle.

No penetration into the troop compartment.

A nice sized gun NOW.


Extremely accurate.

Is it an enduring solution?  Not sure.  But I don't have visibility into their work. What I do know is that we can get awesome firepower that can reach out and hit enemy targets now without giving up any carriage ability.

It's a win-win that's available today!

Sidenote.  If the US Army was smart it would dump the Kongsberg for its Strykers and move this way...Of course that's just my opinion but we must not lose track of the real purpose of the IFV/APC.  To provide protected transport to infantry and to provide fire support when needed.

Shit just got real for the 2nd MarDiv

pic via Terminal Lance!

Terminal Lance says they're about to start playing games.

I think shit just got real.

I couldn't stop laughing.

Don't know what these boys did but they're about to be in for some pain and misery!  They fucked up and now they're about to be fucked with.

When the Division CG sends shit like this out and then adds..."I expect EACH AND EVERY Marine and Sailor to fully embrace the following routine" then you KNOW you better kiss your wife/girlfriend/(new Corps) boyfriend goodbye cause you're about to experience a deployment at home.

I laugh cause that old saying applies.

Better you than me!

31st MEU--Ready, Partnered, Lethal...Video by Lance Cpl. Kyle Bunyi, Cpl. Isaac Cantrell, Lance Cpl. Dylan Hess, Lance Cpl. Tanner Lambert, Lance Cpl. Cameron Parks and Cpl. Luis Velez

I really wish the USMC would get off the "partnered" bandwagon...or at least come up with a new word/phrase.

This title sounds like some horny gay couple that's about to go on a killing spree...