Friday, May 10, 2019

Piranha fish eating a rat

Nature is brutal but I wonder.  Is this animal cruelty?  Weird from a human that consumes beef and pork.  I guess we're doing the same to herd animals but to see a rat that is bred just to feed a predator fish in an aquarium causes a moment of pause.

In the wild the rat MIGHT be able to escape.  In the aquarium his fate was sealed.

Phillipine Navy takes deliver of two AW159 Wildcat Maritime Attack Helicopters...

Hanwha K-30 Biho mobile air defense system for Indian Army

via Army Recognition.
India has finally selected the South Korean-made Hanwha K-30 Biho, designed mainly to protect forward maneuver units. Further official confirmation properly documented is expected.

Hanwha's K-30 Biho (Flying Tiger) twin 30mm short range, mobile self-propelled anti-aircraft system, manufactured by Hanwha, has been selected by the Indian Army following a competition that included Russia’s Tunguska-M1 which has a range of up to 10 kilometers, and the Pantsir-S1 ‘Greyhound’.

The weapon was developed to meet the operational requirements of the Republic of Korea Armed Forces for a highly mobile short-range air defense system suited to the operational and terrain conditions of the Korean peninsula. It combines an electro-optically guided 30 mm gun system with a surveillance radar system on a K200 chassis. It supplements the K263A1 Chungung, a self-propelled 20 mm Vulcan system. The K30 is primarily built by Hanwha Defense Systems.
Story here. 

Hmm.  This is interesting.  Several S. Korean blogs are talking about the Biho II being offered (pictured above) but Army Recognition is saying its the legacy model.

Regardless I'm surprised to see the Pantsir-S1 lose this competition.  I had it pegged as an easy win for them.  Wonder what happened and what the Indian Army saw that they didn't like.

Lockheed Martin's worst fear. Trump nominates Shanahan for SecDef...

via Breaking Defense.
The longest acting defense secretary in US history has finally and officially been nominated for the job.

Patrick Shanahan, a 30-year Boeing executive with no prior government experience before coming to the Pentagon in 2017, will now start preparing to face the music on Capitol Hill, where he has received a pretty mixed reception during his 17 weeks as Acting Defense Secretary.

Since taking over from Jim Mattis on Jan. 1, after the former Marine general resigned due to differences with President Trump over Syria policy, Shanahan has mostly held the line on policies already in place, keeping an emphasis on modernization and the National Defense Strategy released last year.

The nomination comes at a challenging time for the Pentagon as the Trump administration ramps up pressure on Iran and Venezuela, while keeping an eye on a new round of ballistic missile tests in North Korea and scrambling to maintain the US military advantage over China and Russia. Over the past year, Shanahan has also pressed the case for standing up a Space Force, while managing almost 25,000 US troops deployed in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria.

That is a full plate for any policymaker, but particularly one who had had no relevant foreign policy or military experience since becoming Mattis’ deputy less than two years ago.   
Story here.

This is interesting on several levels.  The biggest is that the Pentagon will now act more toward Trump's instincts which are to end endless wars, cut the defense budget, to stop subsidizing allies that won't pay to defend themselves and to use the military to defend the southern border.

The biggest procurement issue for the Pentagon is the F-35 and Shanahan ain't a fan.

The propaganda campaign against this man had been nothing if not impressive and coordinated.

But he's thru the fire of the IG inspection, just has a Senate confirmation that he'll probably hit a little turbulence and get thru....and then its on to slicing the defense budget with the biggest hanging fruit being the F-35.

My recommendation to the incoming SecDef?

1.  Cut the F-35C NOW!  It's a boutique fighter that does not fit the Navy strategy.  Kill the thing and force the USMC to buy Super Hornets for the carrier mission.

2.  Focus on deep strike missiles.  A conventional Pershing 2 is needed asap.

3.  Get a handle on the aviation maintenance issue across all services.

4.  Consolidate cyber in the Navy and Air Force.  Cyber warfare is a strategic function, not one for ground forces engaged in combat.

5.  Prioritize Electronic Warfare.  The Navy is on the right track.  The USMC should be forced to buy E/A-18's and the Air Force should be made to develop a version of that plane based on the F-15E.

That's a start.  Then the hard stuff....

6.  Cut the number of General/Admiral billets.  When we have more generals/admirals than divisions, fleets, and squadrons then you have bloat.  Cutting the bloat should come before cutting troops.

7.  Take a serious look at manning levels.  Does the USMC need to be 180K?  How about Army, Air Force and Navy numbers?

8.  Revitalize our nuclear strike.  It's a must if we're actually back in super power competition.

9.  End the building of infrastructure in allied nations.  Not one penny of that construction should come from US taxpayers.

That's a start but its obvious that this dude has a tall hill to climb.  Good luck bro!

Open Comment Post. 10 May 2019

New Israeli Off Shore Patrol Vessel...

via Shepard Media.
Israel Shipyards will unveil a new offshore patrol vessel (OPV) design at IMDEX Asia in Singapore – dubbed the OPV-45 – as the company looks to gain further traction in potentially lucrative international markets.

According to the company, the OPV-45 is designed for a wide range of naval missions and can carry a variety of payloads as required to perform EEZ patrols and infrastructure security taskings, counter-piracy operations and fisheries protection, among others.

The vessel has a length of 45.7m and is capable of a sustained speed in excess of 24kt. For missions that require high-speed interceptions, the OPV-45 can embark a 7m rigid-hull inflatable boat.

The deck space can accommodate two 20ft containers that can be equipped for a variety of missions to enable rapid re-rolling and additional capabilities, with up to 24 crew depending on requirements.

In addition, the vessel can accommodate up to 24 extra people for missions involving special forces, or survivors during search and rescue operations.

Speaking to Shephard, Eitan Zucker, CEO, said that the Asia-Pacific market has ‘a large demand’ for OPVs of various types, with the OPV-45 ‘a very good solution’ for coast guards and law enforcement agencies in the region, as well as for navies with ‘a challenging’ budget.

‘We have discussed with some of them already, and are in a process of offering the required adjustments and “turn-key project” solutions to undisclosed potential customers in the region,’ Zucker explained.

The platform’s versatility enables it to be equally applicable for military and civilian or parapublic agencies, he continued, with multi-disciplinary systems allowing for its ‘easy modification’ and adjustment to each service’s requirements.

Currently, the OPV-45 can be manufactured in around 18 months for the first vessel, with this time decreasing to between 4-6 months for additional vessels. Zucker said that this short construction period makes it possible for customers to get several hulls in a short amount of time.

Zucker said that the OPV-45 sits between the Shaldag patrol vessel and Sa’ar corvette currently in the company’s portfolio, enabling a ‘full and comprehensive solution when it comes to coast, border and EEZ protection in all sea states and weather conditions'.
Story here. 

V-280...a return to the UH-1 utility/ what the USMC sees in a medium tiltrotor...

via Breaking Defense.
“I like where the Army’s going [with] the H-60 replacement,” the Marines’ top aviator said here. “We’re going to be partnered, we’re going to stay right on their wing as they begin to accelerate” the medium-sized variant of Future Vertical Lift.


“It’s going to replace our H-1s” — the much-upgraded UH-1Y and UH-1Z variants of the Vietnam-era Huey — “in about the 2035 timeframe,” he said. “It would probably be a utility-attack variant that would escort the V-22. Currently today our Cobras — our premiere light attack platform — cannot keep up with the V-22 for escorting it into LZs [landing zones]. We accomplish that with our F-35s,” which are a scarce resource.

Beyond the escort mission, Rudder said, he sees FLRAA operating as a light attack aircraft that combines the speed and range of a fixed-wing turboprop with the versatility of a helicopter, able to operate without a runway from bare-bones Forward Arming & Refueling Points (FARPs) .
Story here. 

The story is about why the USMC wants the CH-53K.  Luckily it goes beyond that and Rudder talked about what role he sees the FVL playing going forward.

I was confused on why they would want that platform but now it makes sense.  The only question it really leaves is why the MUX is being pursued.

Regardless.  This allows me to sit back a bit.  But only a bit.  Sikorsky, Lockheed Martin and the USMC are going to have to get the cost of the CH-53K in line with reality.

A reader talked about Marine culture and how its "semper gumby".  He was right.  Which leads to this reality.

If the CH-53K doesn't work right and/or isn't affordable then we CAN make do with CH-47Gs.

Thursday, May 09, 2019

Pics from Finnish Army's Arrow 19 Exercise...

Trying to find that "corrosion" story on the F-35 that I've been reading about in comments...

The title says it all.  If you have the link then drop it in the comments!

Heroines of the Italian Resistance....

My God!

If you are not amazed and wow'ed by the bravery of these ladies then you have no heart, no sense and no perspective.

Simply incredible!  Add these ladies to the list of people I'd love to chat with if I make it into heaven...

Chinese BlackHawk Clones become operational...

Imitation is the greatest form of flattery?  Consider me unimpressed and definitely not flattered.  Sikorsky gave away the blue prints for a piddling few purchased helos.  Pretty sad.  China isn't beating us, we're beating ourselves for a few pieces of silver!

Philippine Marines receive first KAAVs

via Shepard Media.
In April 2019, the Philippine Marine Corps (PMC) received four Korean Amphibious Assault Vehicles (KAAV), an amount that constitutes half the PHP2.423 billion ($52.6 million) order that Manila placed in 2015.

The KAAVs were built under license by Hanwha Techwin in South Korea, and the first batch was originally contractually scheduled to be delivered last August, with the second quartet due in December 2018.

Their AAV7A1 hulls were manufactured by BAE Systems in the US, while Hanwha installed components and subsystems. The vehicles delivered to the Philippines were finished in an olive green paint scheme.

To fulfil this order, Hanwha had to restart its production line, and it is believed the delay in delivery related to obtaining requisite license permissions from BAE Systems.

This represents the first time that South Korea has exported the KAAV, although a large number estimated at around 160 were assembled by Samsung Techwin for the Republic of Korea Marine Corps (pictured). However, South Korea donated ten older LVT7A1 vehicles to the Indonesian Marine Corps in November 2009.
Story here. 

This is beyond interesting.  The idea that Hanwha would restart their production line is tantalizing enough but the real story is what are the S. Korean Marines going to do for their follow on vehicle?

I don't expect the S. Koreans or the Japanese to settle on the USMC's ACV.

They're gonna go fully tracked.

The form that takes will be interesting and I'm watching with anticipation.  One or both will come up with something formidable.  Can't wait to see what it is.

F-35 News. In every parody there is a bit of truth!

Just plain wow! 

In every parody there is a bit of truth.  Watch it quick but the F-35 on fire and then exploding is a bit curious to post but the USAF did it!

Like the X-Files says...the truth is out there.

Wonder who is gonna lose their job over this one!!!

Hat tip to The Aviationist.  I don't usually follow the USAF so thanks for doing the leg work for me!  Hey relax bro!  I'm linking to your site so the readers can get your take on things!

USS Blue Ridge Aerial Video in the South China Sea....Video by Jim Ong

I was strolling thru DVIDs and ran across this aerial shot of the USS Blue Ridge, an Amphibious Command & Control Ship.  It got me wondering.  Every LHD and now LPD is capable of acting as Flag Ships for amphibious assaults.

So what is the new role for these ship (before they're retired cause they're old as hell)?

I wonder cause I don't see them (and really never least since Desert Storm) acting in their stated role.

My proposal?

How about adding even more antenna, computing power, dedicated personnel and making them our new "cyber assault platforms"?

I'm still a bit dazed and confused about the USMC's concept for adding cyber specialist to platoons and even squads.  I've always viewed this as more a strategic type weapon.

If we can take these ships and make them our mobile cyber/electronic warfare platforms...serving the function of providing a protective bubble around a couple of assembled MEUs that are getting ready to go ashore that might be a winner.

A ship that can stand off shore and conduct powerful electronic warfare along with blasting the enemies cyber capabilities might be something that could prove useful in the future.

Of course I could easily be spitting in the wind and it might not be practical but I haven't had my first cup yet.

A brilliant man, a hero and a man that used his enemies hate against them!

I'm in awe.

If I make it to heaven I'd love to talk to this dude.  I bet there is alot more to this story.

Super Hornet Block III is zooming thru testing!

Nice!  Very nice!

Personal Opinion?  

The F-35C should die immediately.  It's always been a boutique system whose only reason for existence is to keep alive the idea that all three service operate the same aircraft.

If the Marine Corps were smart it would reinstate its electronic warfare ability and buy a couple of squadrons of E/A-18s and fill its' carrier role by buying two seat Super Hornets that should be beyond valuable as close air support platforms.

Debate time. Is this dude spot on or dead wrong?

Opinion time.

I just want to see where everyone is on this.  I'll keep my opinion to myself and let you guys hash it out (keep it civil).  Is this dude spot on or dead wrong?

Open Comment Post. 09 May 2019

Finnish Army’s mechanised exercise Arrow 19

I'm really becoming a bit fascinated with the Finnish Army.  If you aren't keyed into their Twitter pages then be advised that it's worth a look see.

MQ25 gets a new coat of paint