Monday, May 27, 2019

Unique Fashion/Art...

Chinese Navy vs The Quad Navy...

They're listing Type 55 as cruisers?  So what is being listed as a US cruiser!  I thought we retired all ours.  Also I guess the Type 52 is listed as their destroyer but vs what US platform?  The Burkes? 

I'm a bit confused.  Anyone care to clear this up.

USMC Force Recon & Recon Platoons on exercise with Norwegian Coastal Ranger Commando (KJK)

Bundeswehr - Mountain Infantry Brigade 23 .... via Instagram

What is this contraption? Some type of remote control anti-tank missile/mine/thing?

Blast from the past. The part of WW2 you never read about...

RAF Alconbury, Cambridgeshire. A 500lb bomb detonated while being loaded onto a B-17, setting off the other bombs on the aircraft; 19 were killed and 21 injured. 27 May 1943 

It'll never happen but I wonder how many US troops died in training accidents during WW2.  Add to it incidents like this one and then compare it to actual combat related deaths.

I'm not sure how they accounted for things back then (I'm sure it was much more straightforward than today) but a comparison would be instructive.

On this Memorial Day, may their memory be a blessing...

2008 Russo-Georgian War, Georgian drone films its own demise after a Russian Air Force’s MiG-29 intercepts it.

Are missiles the preferred weapon when encountering drones?

China’s meter wave anti-stealth radar capable of guiding missiles to destroy stealth aircraft: senior designer

via Global Times.
China's meter wave anti-stealth radar not only detects advanced stealth aircraft, but also guides missiles to destroy them, a senior Chinese radar designer said at a recent interview.

Meter wave radar can be deployed on vehicles, on land and warships, creating a dense web that gives hostile stealth aircraft nowhere to hide, Chinese military experts told the Global Times on Thursday.

"As long as they are designed to serve this purpose, meter wave anti-stealth radars can fulfill the requirement," Wu Jianqi, a senior scientist at the state-owned China Electronics Technology Group Corporation (CETC) who conducts researches and designs anti-stealth radar, said when asked in an interview with the Naval & Merchant Ships magazine whether a meter wave radar can guide missiles to shoot down stealth aircraft.

Meter wave radars can detect stealth aircraft because modern stealth aircraft are mainly designed to avoid detection by microwave radar, and are less stealthy to meter wave radar, military experts noted.

However, analysts previously said that because of their low resolution and accuracy, meter wave radars can only send warnings about incoming threats. And even if microwave radars compensate for the shortcomings of the meter wave radars, they are unable to entirely overcome these shortcomings.

Wei Dongxu, a Beijing-based military analyst, told the Global Times that older meter wave radars could only see roughly an object's general direction, not its exact location.

Wu solved the issue by designing the world's first practical meter wave sparse array synthetic impulse and aperture radar.

I know the reaction from many will be NO!  He's lying.  But I simply ask this.  Is it possible?  Does this sound at all plausible?

Leaving this here for the actual and self proclaimed radar experts to discuss.

I just want to know if its possible and if it is then what next. My response would be to look at what we're working on.  Hypersonics.  A quiet shift to long range, high capacity least that appears to be the focus...the B-52 being re-engined, the B-21 coming online...seems like the USAF is going for a payloads with platform approach.  Just a hairbreath away from the Navy's view of things.

They know something we don't.

This could be it.

Taiwan practices repulsing amphibious assaults (vid)...


Name the only nation on the planet that actively practices repulsing amphibious assaults.



I wonder if the Marine Corps shouldn't invite a few Taiwanese Battalion Commanders to the US to give us their take on this subject so that we can adjust accordingly.

From my seat they're the premier anti-amphibious assault specialist on the planet.  That probably includes airborne assaults as well.  This is their entire reason for being so we could probably learn a thing or two from them.

Just a thought.

Memorial Day 2019

Memorial Day 2019.

Everyone's busy.  Everyone has stuff going on.  Everyone has things to do. Essentially life goes on.  I get it.

But this isn't one of those superfluous holidays that you can just piss away. It doesn't take much.  Just a quick remembrance of those that gave all.  Maybe a toast of your favorite beverage to a young man that didn't make it home.

And then you can get on with whatever you were doing.

It ain't much but it's worth it.

They're worth a few minutes of your time.

You need a it is...

Ah get over yourself.  I thought it was funny.  Learn to relax a bit!

Otokar - Arma 6x6 Armoured Wheeled Vehicle

Otokar - Arma 8X8 Armoured Wheeled Vehicle

Otokar - Tulpar 105mm Light Tank

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Ajax Atlas completes recovery trials...

Sunday Wallpaper....Su-57 fighter over the south-Russian semi-deserts

Is this the future Russian aircraft carrier...

KADDB Al-Mared 8×8 armored vehicle goes to war in Libya...

Jordan has stepped in into the ongoing fighting on the outskirts of Tripoli as evidence has proved it has provided an unknown number of its indigenous KADDB Al-Mared 8×8 armoured vehicle to Khalifa Haftar’s forces.

The delivery of the armored vehicles is yet another boost for Haftar’s forces from a foreign country backing up his offensive against Tripoli, where about 3 million people reside.

Before Jordan, its ally and Haftar’s main supporter; the United Arab Emirates, provided Haftar’s forces with Nimr armored vehicles, many of which have been either destroyed or seized by the Libyan Army forces under the command of the Government of National Accord (GNA).

The UAE, not to mention the funding provided by Saudi Arabia and the support in all forms of France, is with Jordan violating the UN arms embargo by delivering military equipment, vehicles and weapons to an illegitimate body fighting the UN-backed GNA and bombing civilians in Tripoli, according to several Libyan officials.

What’s KADDB?

KADDB Al-Mared 8×8 armored vehicle is based on the TATRA’s 8×8 truck chassis, attached to a fully protected all-welded steel hull. It can withstand ballistic fire against STANAG 4569 Level 3, small arms up-to small arms 7.62×51mm caliber AP (Armor-Piercing) at 30 meters with 930 m/s.

The KADDB al-Mared has a crew of two and can carry eight fully equipped infantrymen at the rear of the hull.

It has firing ports on all sides for returning fire. There is also power-operated ramp at the rear of the hull which is used by the infantrymen to leave and enter in the vehicle.
KADDB arriving from Jordan to Haftar’s forces.
Story here. 

This war is heating up dramatically.  I haven't been following it but the Libyan National Army is getting a MASSIVE influx of armor and other weapons from several different sources.

This place was sent spiraling by NOT the US but because France wanted to get into the regime change business.

Now you have not only France, but Turkey, Jordan and others playing in this war.

The region was filled with dictators of various stripe.  The region wasn't what we in the West would call free but it was STABLE! 


Now we're facing basically a regional war that stretches from the Middle East to North Africa.  Drink that in.  We are seeing a regional war that stretches from the Middle East to Northern Africa (and I'm being generous because Africa is also ablaze).

I don't know the thinking but what we're doing isn't working.  The West in general needs to reassess.

Scarabee crawls forward....via EDR Magazine...

Story here.

Business Jet lands on dirt can Royal Flying Doctor Service get it done and military aviation is hesitant?

Can't lie.  I was waiting for that nose wheel to collapse but it didn't.  Hope they were able to take off successfully too.  Oh and did you check out that strip?  Can't quite tell but it looks more primitive than many I see Bush Planes using.

How can the Royal Flying Doctor Service get it done but military aviation be hesitant?

Things are not "perfect" in China...student protests are a common occurrence...

Despite efforts to paint China as being a paradise, it appears that at least students aren't buying it.

This is rather poignant.

During a protest the participants are posting farewell notes if they disappear? Sometimes I think we don't value our freedoms as much as we should.