Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Korean Amphibious Assault Vehicle II (KAAV)...

Thanks to Ogden for the link!

Well goddam.  The Koreans have labored hard and built an EFV clone!  simply amazing!

It almost looks like an exact fucking copy!

Ogden says well played, I say fuck me!  Thieving bastards!

Don't believe me?  Check out the General Dynamics EFV below!

You do know what this brings up don't you?  It makes you wonder whether or not the wheeled ACV is the correct choice.  Think about it.  No one else is going the wheeled route.  Everyone is going tracks.

I hope HQMC got this right.

I hope those tests actually prove the viability of wheels in this domain but I can't lie....that little nagging doubt remains.

Read DTR to see their write up on this beast.

Chinese Video Urges War With U.S. via Free Beacon...

via Free Beacon...
China's Communist Party-controlled media stepped up a war of words with the United States recently urging an escalation of the ongoing trade dispute into a full-scale conflict.

"China must be prepared to fight a protracted war," states a four-minute, anti-American video posted five days ago on a Chinese video-sharing service.

"Trump's ‘outrageous and selfish' strategy might work for smaller countries, but it will never work for China," the video warns. "To quote a well-written article in the Global Times: If the Americans want to fight, we will fight them until the end! And we will fight until the Pacific Ocean splits into two!" Global Times is the Communist Party of China's nationalistic and anti-U.S. news outlet.

During the voiceover, images of cargo ships, trucks and shipping containers in China, along with high-technology facilities in China, is shown. An Apple store and a Boeing jetliner also appears in the video and American fast-food companies in China. Criticism of the United States is illustrated with images of the U.S. Capitol.
Story and video here. 

How much more proof do you need that the rise of China will not be peaceful?  I've stated time after time that if you go on Chinese forums (they're becoming a bit secretive of late) that the call for war with the US is spoken of publicly but no one seems to believe it.

No common cause will be found.  No co-existence is possible.

Face the threat head on and deal with it.

That is the only way to survive and win the coming fight!

VMM-163 Evening Deck Qual aboard USS John P. Murtha ... pics by Cpl. Jason Monty

USS Boxer LCAC Operations ... pics by Lance Cpl. Dalton Swanbeck

Maritime Raid Force flight deck live-fire exercise...Pics by Cpl. Matthew Teutsch

No nose gear? No problem...

Marine Air getting it done.

An issue that could potentially write off a several million dollar aircraft?  The pilot working with the deck crew and maintainers find a work around.


Equip the man, don't man the equipment!

Open Comment Post. 29 May 2019

Leopards in the snow (pics) ....

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Open Comment Post. 28 May 2019

Airbus H-160M....

Everyone is fired up about this helicopter but I don't get it.  Nothing revolutionary about it...not really much to get excited about.  I guess cause its shiny!

Finish Air Force intercept Russian a "Blast From The Past"

Translation by Microsoft...
The Air force was executed on Monday 27. May the operative flight to the Gulf of Finland. The F/A-18 #Hornet Destroyer recognized the Russian armed forces Antonov an-12 and Antonov An-72 transport machines in front of Porvoo at 11 a.m. No territorial infringement occurred. #valmius #ilmavoimat

The YC-14 lives on...

Off topic but this should have been our C-130 replacement!

Mig-31s escorting T-95s over the Pacific near Alaska...

Story here.

This was a predictable reaction.  We push in Europe so they'll push in the Pacific.  Exactly what we didn't want to happen...or at least I hope didn't want.

Regardless, does anyone see what's happening here?  Pushing NATO to extend, a dubious alliance whose reason for being evaporated with the end of the Soviet Union, is having the knock effect of making the US less secure!

Take a look at US deployments.

We are OVER EXTENDED!  We are in more places today than during the Cold War. 

The current strategy isn't working.

If you defend everywhere you defend nowhere!

Lockheed Martin officially teams with Rheinmetall to offer the CH-53K to Germany...

Use a translator to suss it out but its basically the title of this blog post.  I'm a bit amazed.  With all the problems and the tremendous cost, the USMC and Lockheed really believe the Germans will buy this helicopter?

If they do then we're being robbed by our own Foreign Military Sales program. The program only works if we're buying them at a premium and selling them at a discount!