Saturday, June 29, 2019

Chinese Army's 39th Combined-Arms Brigade, 77th Group Army, Western Theater Command via China Defense Blog...


26th Marine Expeditionary Unit and Task Force Jeanne D' Arc (French Navy) @ Exercise Semper by Cpl. Tanner Seims intergovernmental organization outside the EU and NATO?

Oh this is gonna be good!    What is the goal?  Is this about N. Africa?  Surely its not about the Middle East huh?

The weird thing?

NATO is an anachronism.  But somehow it still lives.

The EU Army is a dream without a real purpose.  But in the grand scheme of things I imagine it could be built on the bones of NATO while excluding the US and UK.

But where does this new initiative fit?  The only thing that readily comes to mind is to take care of civil disturbances inside alliance nations but that's some Fallout Video Game shit!  I just don't get it.

Open Comment Post. 29 June 2019

Rostec to present BT-3F, Amphibious Armoured Personnel Carrier with remotely-operated weapon station, at Army-2019

via The
Rostec State Corporation will make the first presentation of BT-3F, an amphibious armoured personnel carrier with a remotely-operated weapon station (WS), at the International Military Technical Forum Army-2019.

The new WS is equipped with a dual-plane stabilised platform and a 12.7 mm Kord machine gun. The WS has a gyroscopic system for aiming sight and weapon stabilisation to hit targets in motion and afloat. It has a laser rangefinder, thermo-vision aiming sight functionality, built-in system diagnostics and a cartridge counter indicating when the ammunition runs out. The machine gun elevation angle has been increased to minus 10 degrees to fight targets located on hill slopes.

“The BT-3F is a joint product of Rostec companies. Created at Kurganmashzavod, its WS was developed by Uralvagonzavod’s subsidiary Elektromashina. Also involved were companies specialising in large-calibre small arms, which helped significantly improve its firing capabilities. BT-3F is a high-quality, elegant, reliable machine with good combat functionality and a high export potential,” said Sergey Abramov, Rostec’s Industrial Director.
Story here. 

Remote operated weapon stations are almost standard on armored vehicles now.  All part of the next gen armor hitting motor pools worldwide.  It hasn't gotten as much attention as Aviation generational improvements but if you look hard you'll see that evolution is happening now.

Russia developing armoured vehicles capable of swimming at 37 mph

via Defense Web.
Russia is developing new armoured vehicles that, at about 37 miles per hour, can move in the water six times faster than current models, Industrial Director of the Rostec’s Armament Cluster Sergey Abramov said.

“The companies of the Vysokotochnye Kompleksy holding have begun work on the vehicle that will be able to reach the speed of 60 kilometres per hour [about 37 miles per hour] in the water,” Abramov told Sputnik at the International Military-Technical Forum Army-2019.

The BMP-ZF vehicle can move at a maximum speed of 6 miles per hour (10 km/h) in the water.

The 5th Army-2019 forum, which showcases modern arms and military equipment, started on Tuesday and will run through Sunday.

F-35B costs 190 million pounds each?

Hat tip to Defense-Aerospace for the link!

This is the moment a Royal Air Force Voyager refuels a £190 million UK F-35B combat aircraft over the Nevada Desert in a test of the capabilities of the UK’s most advanced warplane.

As the tempo increases to prepare the UK’s F-35B for deployment, we exclusively go behind the scenes of the test centre in Edwards, California. 
Story here. 

First I did a double take.  I had to be sure that they weren't talking about a couple of F-35s.

Then I copied the page cause I expect Joint Program Office and Lockheed Martin press relations to request a modification of the article and/or changes made by when they get a bit of pushback.

The reality?

Even at 100 million dollars I don't see how the UK MoD can afford 138 airframes.

Some are tossing around 80 as the number of planes.  I seriously doubt they get above 50.  The QE might have a spattering of F-35s but in reality the UK Joint Helicopter Force just found its new ride.

Politics/Health Talk. Remember the erroneous health advice derived from science?

via Cleveland
The interesting thing was in the 60s, in the 50s, there was a doctor named Ancel Keys who was a scientist who concluded that fat was evil, that it caused obesity, that it had more calories than carbs, and that it actually also led to heart disease.

And so, the research on that was only cause and effect ... I'm sorry, the research on that was only showing correlation, not cause and effect. And so the assumption was made based on relatively weak data that fat was the enemy. And in fact scientists related to him were also in the field at the time, Dr. Hegsted and Dr. Stare at Harvard, were funded by the sugar industry to write a report in The New England Journal of Medicine that said sugar's fine, fat's bad.

And then the guy who was the author of that paper was paid by the sugar industry, he ended up being the guy who ran our first dietary guidelines, which told us to eat less fat and eat more carbs. That turned into the food pyramid, which was looking like this. Fat and oils on [inaudible 00:02:46] except fats and oils were only at the top here, wasn't even that much, it was like a tiny little bit.

So the idea was to eat six to 11 servings of bread, rice, cereal and pasta every day. Now, at this point in our culture we understand that seven or 11 servings of bread or pasta is not a health food, and yet that was what our government told us in the 1992 food pyramid, which correlated exactly with the increase in obesity and type 2 diabetes in America and around the world. 'Cause the whole world took on this dietary guidelines advice.
Story here. 

If you look around you'll see that obesity is the medical epidemic that no one wants to talk about.

How many people remember when "low fat" foods dominated the shelves of stores?  How many remember medicine designed to reduce fat intake?

How many remember that this "science" was accepted without debate and apparently without review?

The science was settled.

Industry, the American people...even the world adopted these nutritional guidelines without debate....and it ruined a couple generations.

The morale of the story?

So called experts get it wrong.  Even those that are supposed to be acting in the public interest can be found to have ulterior motives.

An interesting sidenote?

Broscience beat "hard science" and it wasn't even close.  Consider that on other issues that are supposedly "settled science"!

More Australian Army's 5th Aviation Brigade aboard ship...

Sloppy Joe Sliders...Only for cheat days!

Cheap eats...good eats...yeah this qualifies but only on cheat days!

Friday, June 28, 2019

SU-57 propaganda vid...

Thanks to Fenchea Marius-Eugen for the link!

Hopefully one of my Russian readers can give us an overview on what's being shown here.

It was a nicely done video and the opening shot was some great videography...

Russia developing new lightweight tank based on Sprut-SDM1

via Army Recognition.
On June 27, 2019, the chief designer of the Special Machine-Building Design Bureau, Sergei Abdulov, told TASS Russian News Agency that the firm is working on a new lightweight tank, which is based on the Sprut-SDM1 self-propelled anti-tank gun. It will not be an airborne vehicle but should be amphibious.

Russia developing new lightweight tank based on Sprut SDM1
New Russian lightweight tank to be built, based on the design of the Sprut-SDM1 (Picture Source: Rosoboronexport)

He said, "Work is underway to develop a lightweight non-airborne but floating tank based on the Sprut-SDM1 platform. As compared to the Sprut, the new vehicle will get enhanced protection and different running gear: it will use a torsion bar suspension from the BMP-3 IFV that is more reliable and easier to operate than the Sprut’s hydro-pneumatic gear, the chief designer said, adding that "the weapons on the vehicle will remain the same."
Story here. 

Hmm.  I always considered the Sprut SDM1 to be a light tank.  Really the first of what has become a trend.

Apparently the Russians plan on uparmoring the thing but keeping the same gun.  Considering the fact that it won't be an airborne vehicle, it must be a substantial uparmoring along with a bigger base platform if its gonna be amphibious (buoyancy issue).

I look forward to seeing what they come up with.

Cheap, quick fast food's a favorite you can make at home...

Weird thing.  I've seen people that munch down fast food everyday.  A famous burger chain (or two) seems to always be on the menu as well as a couple of other popular foods (with a distinctly American twist).

Forget that news.

I'm back in the kitchen making my own "fast food" that's better and healthier. Expect more clips like you see above.

I actually made it and it was surprisingly good.

Pic of the day via Australian Army's 5th Aviation Regiment..

Japanese wheeled vehicle...oh shucks moment...

Don't see this very often.  Wonder what wasn't done...or what failed.

Naval Aviation is so cash strapped that they're considering shutting down an AIR WING!

via Naval Institute News.
The naval aviation community is facing a budget shortfall of at least $100 million for the current fiscal year and may have to cut back flight hours and other operations between now and the Sept. 30 end of the fiscal year, USNI News learned.

Commander of Naval Air Force Atlantic Rear Adm. Roy Kelley has notified Navy leadership and the numbered fleets that the aviation community is considering not scheduling additional flyovers until the new fiscal year, reducing flight hours in the fourth quarter of the fiscal year, reducing the operations of expeditionary detachments of helicopter maritime strike squadrons and helicopter sea combat squadron and possibly shutting down an air wing.

USNI News understands that discussions are ongoing and no final decisions have been made.

Three other sources confirmed the basic details to USNI News that the naval aviation community was facing major budget shortfalls and considering altering operations to save money.
Story here. 

What in the name of all that's holy is going on!

This is....strange as hell....I don't know why this isn't front page news on every military blog in creation.

How did they get into this money crunch?

What unexpected emergency occurred that wasn't accounted for?

How could leadership so mismanage taxpayer dollars?

This is just plain weird, disappointing and borderline criminal.  I can't recall this happening before.

Open Comment Post. 28 June 2019

South Korea ready to field self-propelled 120mm mortar

via Shepard Media.
Hanwha Defense has developed a new automatic, self-loading self-propelled 120mm mortar fitted inside a K200A1 tracked chassis for the Republic of Korea Army (ROKA).

The new system will replace the K242A1 107mm self-propelled mortar carrier as well as the K281A1 81mm mortar carrier that are in ROKA service. The nomenclature of the new vehicle is not yet known, but its range is credited with being 2.3 times farther and its firepower 1.9 times greater than the old 107mm tube artillery system.

The Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) announced on 27 June that the new system had completed its development and successfully passed all final trials. Work on the KRW41.3 billion ($35.73 million) project commenced in March 2014 under the authority of DAPA.

The mortar is fitted on a turntable that rotates 360° and slews to the correct direction and elevation. Instead of a breech-loading system, rounds are fed into the muzzle of the mortar via an autoloader feed system.

The 120mm mortar system possesses an automated fire control system, with plotting performed in a tracked vehicle based on the K277A1 command post that accompanies the new mortar carriers.

Hanwha Defense was the prime contractor for the overall system, while S&T Dynamics developed the weapon itself. In addition, around 100 different companies were involved in the project.

Brig Gen Kim Gi-taek, a DAPA official, said, ‘The new mortar system is expected to greatly boost the mission capabilities of our troops. We will proactively support its advance into overseas markets.’

As well as this tracked chassis, the same 120mm mortar could be fitted into the hull of the K808 8x8 chassis built by Hyundai Rotem.
Story here. 


The United States Marine Corps had this first and didn't bite.  Instead we went with a rifled French 120mm mortar and the rest of the world took note and adopted what we labored to produce but didn't acquire.

What am I talking about?

Dragon Fire.

The funny/sad thing?  We still have a gap in our artillery fires.  It makes no sense from my seat to place all our eggs in the aviation/M777 basket when it comes to supporting fires.

I know its a bit more complicated than that but you get the general idea.  If we don't have 105mm howitzers then a 120mm mortar is ESSENTIAL!

Crime News. Ok, this is a weird one....

Have you ever even heard of anything like this?  We live in a fascinating and at times weird country.

Politics Talk. Joe self destructed and if he doesn't win the Dem nomination that party has no chance...

Did you watch the debate last night?

I did and just plain wow.  The Republicans are whacky as hell.  They back some policies that OBVIOUSLY favor the rich and corporations.  They're wobbly on several issues that are God given rights (not made up ones) and they've been a disappointment.

But the Dems?

They were spouting things I KNOW they didn't actually believe on that debate stage.  I mean you could see it in their eyes.  Just the inflection in their voices told you that they didn't believe what they were saying.

Pretty sad.

But back on task.  Did you see ole Joe Biden?  That dude self destructed on the national stage.  He suddenly looked old.  Out of touch with his party and a relic of a past many would like to forget.

Without Joe the Dems can't move to the center.  Without Joe the Dems don't have a chance to win.

Last night Kamala Harris stuck a verbal dagger into the heart of his campaign and with it re-elected Trump.  The next presidential election is like the last presidential election.  We're forced to choose between the best of two evils and on that basis Trump will win.  You heard it here first.