Monday, July 01, 2019

Open Comment Post. 01 July 2019

Master Chief is without a doubt the greatest HALO Spartan...more awards and more campaigns than anyone else...but Locke HAS TO BE number 2...less augmentation but still approaching the HYPER LETHAL designation...

Sunday, June 30, 2019

No combat ready unit has ever passed inspection. No inspection ready unit has ever passed combat....Our Navy is ready for the fight!

Thanks to Filippo for the pic!

Our Navy is ready to kick ASS!

At least I hope so cause they're definitely NOT inspection ready!  That's the kind of rust you expect to see on a Tramp Steamer, not a state of the art, front line combatant for the most powerful Navy on the planet....

Turkey is building the ultimate M-60 MBT...

So let's see.

The Turks have...uparmored it....added APS to fire control/other electronic widgets to it...and now they're adding a mast.

This has to be the ultimate development of the M-60 MBT.

Don't get me wrong.  I have no illusions about it being competitive with other more modern MBTs but as an Infantry Support Tank, I believe it to be extremely COST EFFECTIVE (well can get M1A1s for a song and the German are tossing Leopard MBTs at people...).


I like what they're doing.  It is possible to breath new life into older vehicles. It is possible to field a capable military while being frugal.

"KURJAK" 6/6 amphibia,made in cooperation Serbia-South African Republic ...this looks interesting...IF it's real...

So if this is real what did they do?  Give the Ratel IFV a little amphibious treatment?

Politics Talk. Explain why the Trump visit to N. Korea is so outrageous...

Zooming around the internet this morning and the outrage over Trump's visit has many in an uproar.

I don't get it.

Trump makes a visit to N. Korea and people go nuts.  Trump backs off a strike on Iran and people go nuts.  Trump talks about eradicating Iranian nukes and people go nuts.  A few years ago the Pentagon was doing demonstration of force after demonstration of force up to the coast of N. Korea and people go nuts.

This makes no sense.

Is it Trump the man that has people loopy or is the idea of actually trying a bit of diplomacy without giving up the store the thing?

What do I base this on?

Against Iran we've seen in what is in my opinion a sensible response.  We voided the nuke deal because (again in my opinion) we would have strengthened their economy while they were still researching nukes AND funding terror forces in the region.

Against N. Korea the sanctions remain in place and all Trump is doing is talking to the little fat bastard.

What is the problem with attempting a foreign policy that ATTEMPTS to use military force as a last and NOT first resort?

Prototype 8x8 armored vehicle being developed for the Royal Thai Marine Corps (RTMC) called the Panus R600. (Updated with more pics)...

via AsianPacificDefenseJournal.
Thailand's Panus Assembly Co. Ltd. revealed their prototype 8x8 armored vehicle being developed for the Royal Thai Marine Corps (RTMC) called the Panus R600.

The vehicle is being developed in cooperation with Thailand's Defense Technology Institute (DTI) to fill a requirement for 8x8 Amphibious Armored Personnel Carriers (AAPC) for the RTMC.

The prototype vehicle, which would be an Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV) variant, will be armed with 30mm gun mounted on ASELSAN's NEFER  unmanned turret system.

The Panus R600 will powered by a 600-horsepower diesel engine from Cummins. It will also have two waterjet propulsion systems for traveling over water.

Aside from the IFV with 30mm gun variant, the company also sees the development of other variants including fire support, anti-tank, and engineering vehicles.
Interesting.  Never heard of this company before.  What's hard to deny is that it has the flavor of the FNSS PARS 8x8.  To be clear it appears to have taken certain design cues from it.

I want to see it move .... cross broken land and swim .... so I can get a bit of this things flavor.

Note.  Thanks to Donno for adding these pics...

BMP-2M Infantry Fighting Vehicle deliveries underway...

via Janes.
The Russian military is upgrading its fleet of BMP-2 infantry fighting vehicles (IFVs) to the BMP-2M Berezhok standard, a Ministry of Defence (MoD) source told Jane's at the Army 2019 defence exhibition being held in Kubinka near Moscow on 25-30 June.

"Following agreement on the delivery of 540 upgraded BMP-2Ms to the MoD signed in the autumn of 2017, we have started to receive Berezhok IFVs, and in recent months deliveries have gained momentum," the source said on 27 June.

The military has already received 70 BMP-2Ms, which have been issued to field units, according to the source. "The MoD is trying to balance the armour capabilities of its military districts.
Nice upgrade but have you noticed something?  The Russians have a TON OF DIFFERENT variants of APCs/IFVs doing the same job.  No way that can be considered logistically advantageous.

Export.  All these models might dot the Russian military but its with an eye toward export.

It's the only thing that makes sense.

Russia unveils new Sosna variant on BMP-3 chassis

via Janes.
The Nudelmann Design Bureau unveiled the Sosna short-range air defence (SHORAD) system mounted on the BMP-3 chassis at the Army 2019 defence exhibition being held in Kubinka close to Moscow on 25-30 June.

The system was first shown publicly at Army 2018 mounted on the MT-LB chassis. The BMP-3 chassis has both a faster swim speed and greater ballistic protection than the MT-LB chassis.

The Sosna system is armed with 12 9M340 missiles, which are arranged in banks of six on either side of the turret. The missiles are two-stage, with a large booster first stage, and a dart-like unpowered guided second stage containing the warhead.

The Sosna system uses an infrared sensor for target detection and tracking, while the missiles operate on the laser-beam-riding guidance principle. This reliance on passive detection means that the Sosna does not trigger radar warning receivers and can be difficult to detect prior to missile launch. The system is capable of firing on the move.
Neat, clean design.  Based on a proven platform, coupled with a missile system that is already in service.  Why can't we do this?

Regardless you know what this is don't you?  This is a rotary winged/deep penetration helo killer.

What happens when we can't rely on Air Force/Navy/Marine fast jets because they're fighting for control of the sky AND our rotary aviation is jacked because the enemy has passive anti-air systems mounted on high mobility vehicles roaming the battlefield?

Everything that has spinning propulsion is hazarded...from AH-64/AH-1Zs to MV-22s, CH-53s and CH-47s.

The Russians appear to be working on counters to our counters...

Russia presents new T-15 variant (upgunned with a 57mm cannon!)

via Janes.
Rostec subsidiary Uralvagonzavod (UVZ) presented a new variant of the T-15 heavy infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) at the Army 2019 defence exhibition held in Kubinka, close to Moscow, on 25-30 June. This version uses a modified variant of the Kinzhal 57 mm turret developed by TsNII Burevestnik that was shown in 2018.

The 2019 Kinzhal turret appears to be a cropped version of the one shown in 2018, with a much smaller side profile, which may be indicative of modifications made to the ammunition stowage and feed systems. The turret also appears to be mounted somewhat higher off the top of the hull than the 2018 Kinzhal, which may be indicative of modifications to allow greater weapon elevation.

Of interest is also the fact that both the gunner sight and the commander's independent sight are different, and appear to use the same sighting system as that used on the 2S38 Derivatsiya-PVO, which was first unveiled in 2018, and had a smaller side profile than the 2018 Kinzhal. As such, it is highly likely that some of the development work that has been used for the Derivatsiya has made it into the T-15 turret programme, given that TsNII Burevestnik is the company that developed both the Kinzhal turret and the Derivatsiya.

The 2019 Kinzhal retains many of the same features as the 2018 variant, such as the 57 mm rifled automatic cannon, which has been referred to as carrying the 2A91 GRAU designation in local sources, and the cannon shown was also not fitted with a muzzle-mounted ammunition programmer as was fitted on the Derivatsiya-PVO. It likewise retains the bank of two 9M120 Ataka missiles on the right-hand side of the turret, and the layout of the smoke grenade launchers remains the same. The T-15 host vehicle also did not appear to possess any modifications other than the new turret. 57mm cannon on a heavy IFV?  Add a decent APS and this thing will be a beast on the battlefield.

The Armor Evolution Race is full tilt boogie.

We're slow out the starting blocks.  I still think the Russians are building a DEFENSIVE, not offensive force but you know China is looking over their shoulders and many of these vehicles WILL hit the export market.

Wherever and whoever we fight next will be much harder than it was in the past....especially if vehicles like this start spreading to hostile countries.

Open Comment Post. 30 June 2019

Rob Lee's Twitter Page is all over Forum Army 2019!

AAV takes a tumble while heading out into heavy surf!


You know that was a rough ride!  How many broken bones resulted from that tumble!!!  Found it on YouTube so you can get a better look at the first 20 seconds of the vid....

Australian Army's 7th RAR is aboard the HMAS Adelaide? Is the entire Army going amphibious?

 I might need to reassess things.  I thought the Australian Army was going to only assign the 2nd RAR to amphibious work but apparently I was wrong. 

Note.  I download the pics for max viewability on the blog but try and embed the Twitter post so that you can have a readily accessible path to that person.  Most of the guys are worthy of a follow so hit the link!

Quick visual reference: Russian airborne armored vehicles...pic via Veli-Pekka Kivimäki's Twitter Page...