Sunday, July 07, 2019

Iron Dome Mobile....

Hat Tip to Caesar's Twitter Page for the link!

Absolutely brilliant!  Wonder if we can make it fit the FMTV so the Army will buy in bulk so the USMC can get a discount?

Hong Kong Police begin cracking down on protesters...

Expected reaction from local authorities.

I imagine this is just the beginning.  Both sides seem to be dug in.  Perhaps the Chinese govt could help cool things off but I don't see that happening.

T-90A “Vladimir” main battle tanks to be modernized to T-90M standard...

All of Russia’s T-90A “Vladimir” main battle tanks are to be modernized to T-90M standard. A contract was signed between the Russian Ministry of Defense and the Uralvagonzavod Corporation at the annual “ArmyExpo-2019”.
Announced by the information service of the Rostec State Corporation, a contract was signed, which is one of the largest in the five-year history of holding this event. The contract was signed by Andrei Vernigor on behalf of the Russian Ministry of Defense, and by Deputy Director General Vyacheslav Halitov on behalf of the Uralvagonzavod Corporation. According to Mr. Halitov, this agreement will enable long-term contracts for the employees of Uralvagonzavod, as well as help further increase in the production and technological potential of the corporation.

During R&D efforts to modernize the basic T-90A to T-90M standard, engineers of the Uralvagonzavod Corporation focused on the combat experience gained in Syria, as well as on the general experience of the use of various Soviet/Russian armored combat tactics in many conflicts around the world.
This is interesting.

The Russians are incorporating lessons learned from the fighting in Syria with a great sense of urgency.

From aircraft to armored vehicles, we're seeing wholesale improvements  based on their experiences there.

Of personal interest but yet to be seen is the role that armor played in that conflict. 

Syria is the most chaotic battlefield in recent history.

How armor was used warrants further study.

The Soldier of the Future

Sunday Comic...Kinda dark so you've been warned...

How come everyone wants to see Winnie The Pooh on ice?  Like I said, this thing is kinda dark but somehow mildly amusing...

Note.  Thinking a bit more it's just plain weird to see two loveable little cartoon characters involved in something like this. That's what makes it a bit funny.  Especially considering Pikachu as a sniper/hitman.

Rheinmetall Lynx KF41 at IDET 2019

Swedish Finnish Amphibious Task Unit – Strong Force for Shared Goals

UCLA professor steals secrets for China...faces max sentence of 219 years in prison.

via Newsweek.
California-based electrical engineer has been found guilty of attempting to export sensitive military electronics to China and could face more than two centuries behind bars.

Yi-Chi Shih, 64—a part-time professor at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)—was convicted on 18 federal charges last week, linked to a plot to illegally obtain microchips from an American company and export them to China, where they could be used in a range of military systems including missiles and fighter jets.

The Department of Justice announced Tuesday that Shih faces a faces a statutory maximum sentence of 219 years in prison. A co-defendant—Kiet Ahn Mai of Pasadena, California—had already pleaded guilty to smuggling charges linked to the plan in December.

Shih posed as a customer to acquire the hardware—so-called monolithic microwave integrated circuits (MMICs)—from an unnamed U.S. company.

The MMICs were then shipped to Chinese company called Chengdu GaStone Technology (CGTC), where Shih had previously served as president. The firm was in the process of building its own MMICs factory, the DOJ press release said.
Story here. 

Our universities/research centers are thoroughly penetrated by Chinese spies. It's past time for a clean sweep. 

Does that sound reactionary?  Perhaps even racists?  I personally don't think so.  The evidence is there for all to see.

The harsh reality is that the US & China are involved in a war for the future and we're late out of the starting blocks.

Questions the British Army will have to answer before they can move into the future....

I was monitoring discussions about the British Army and while the discussion is always about gear, a bigger question looms that no one seems to want to answer. What is the British Army expected to do after BREXIT?

But let's ignore the big question and focus on their current procurement priorities. Check out the confusion..........

1. Why continue the Warrior upgrade. It makes no sense, costs mad money and is not the performer that the AJAX is. Wouldn't it make more sense to buy the AJAX to fulfill that role than modernize the Warrior?

2. Why put the AJAX in the scout role. Its way too big and seems to be repeating the mistake the US Army made by trying to put the Bradley into that role.

3. What are you gonna do with the freaking Challenger? My God that thing is old in the tooth and is getting older while decisions are being made. Why not grab onto the US Army's upgrade path with the Abrams?

4. How big is big enough for the UK Army? Cap badges are important to you guys. I get it. But a smaller, more affordable and efficient force seems like a no brainer.

5. What about artillery? Your current Self Propelled Gun gets no love, I see no move to upgrade it or buy a newer model and the investment in HIMARS/MLRS seems pathetically small.

6. Like most in the West the British Army has awoken to the idea that anti-air is necessary for ground forces on the modern battlefield. Awesome work so credit is given.

7. What is the fight you're getting ready for? Is it against Russia? If so then I don't see the rationale (besides the fact that they're facing the horde of organization built to defend against one about a waste of resources and a propaganda win). Is it against China? Cool! But we need you guys to be totally different than you are now. The Middle East? This makes sense but do you really want to wade into those waters?

The British Army is a proud institution. They'll figure this out.

But they should first pause, pick a direction and then move. Doing it on the fly is wasteful.

I know I left alot out so fill in the blanks. If you agree cool. If you disagree then tell me where I'm wrong.

Open Comment Post. 7 July 2019

Saturday, July 06, 2019

Houthis have loitering munitions?

Houthis are once again smacking the Saudis around like an abused housewife.  What has me spinning is that they're getting better and better at the deployment of these weapons and the Saudi Air Force appears incapable of stopping them.

I'm not even talking about the battlefield either.  I'm talking about vital infrastructure that should be a no brainer for air defense protection.

Are we seeing a terrible future for US forces?

There are only a couple of systems on the market that can fill this need.... Land Ceptor...

And Iron Dome.

The system Rheinmetall developed will work for light drones but the Houthis are using heavier models that require a bigger punch.

I like the Ceptor but the Iron Dome is a more compact system and I'm betting that it could fit on the back of a long bed MTVR.

Rheinmetall – Systems for drones defence (40mm Automatic Grenade Launcher for drone defense? Brilliant!)

You ever see an idea so absolutely obvious that you wonder why you didn't think of it?  This is one of them.  This shouldn't have taken so long to be teamed with anti-drone systems but this is the first I've seen of it.

A 40mm Automatic Grenade Launcher teamed with detection gear to knock down drones?

Freaking brilliant!

We've seen other corporations on hot streaks before.  BAE was sizzling.  Patria, General Dynamics, ST Kinetics, Boeing, Lockheed Martin...all of the them have had times where they were hitting on all cylinders.

Seems like its Rheinmetall's time in the sun now.  They're smoking!

Sorry boys...had to do it!

Soviet SAM system fired during #NATO exercise.

Hong Kong continues to boil...

Saturday Comics...

Nature is brutal...this Snow Leopard was totally focused...


That's alot of work and alot of pain for a meal.  That bad boy was totally focused on getting meat on the table that day.  Kinda surprised they both survived the fall...

Blast from the past....David Herold moments before his execution...

David Herold moments before his execution. Herold, a Confederate sympathizer, was convicted by a US military tribunal for his involvement in the plot to assassinate President Abraham Lincoln, Vice President Andrew Johnson and Secretary of State William H. Seward. July 7, 1865, Washington D.C. [Library of Congress / B817-7797]

Mi-38 helicopter successfully tested in extreme conditions

via Russian Aviation
Specialists at Russian Helicopters’ Moscow helicopter plant (part of Rostec State Corporation) have conducted a series of Mi-38 flights according to instrument flight rules (IFR), as well as in conditions of extremely high temperatures and in high mountains. The test results were transferred to Rosaviatsiyu to make additions to the helicopter type certificate.

In particular, the helicopter made more than 50 flights in Astrakhan, successfully confirming the possibility of operation at ambient temperatures of up to 45 C (113 F). Tests at high altitudes took place on Elbrus. According to their results, the Mi-38 proved its ability to fly at altitudes up to 3,000 meters (9,842 feet) above sea level. In addition, the helicopter made a series of 50 flights, during which the possibility of piloting and navigation was evaluated in the absence of visual visibility of landmarks and the horizon.

“Given the high interest in the helicopter from the Russian and foreign customers, we are trying to maximize the disclosure and documentation of its capabilities. In particular, testing of the new review system and certification of new hardened rotor blades, which will also be used by Mi-Heli helicopter, are planned in the near future,” said Andrei Boginsky, director general of Russian Helicopters.

The Mi-38 is equipped with new domestic high-performance TV7-117V engines, an integrated digital flight-navigation system with data display on five LCD displays, and an explosion-proof protected fuel system. Also, the helicopter was equipped with additional supports on the landing gear for landing on soft ground and snow. The installed integrated on-board equipment complex IBKO-38 provides the crew with high-quality information that ensures a high level of flight safety. In the cabin of the helicopter are easily removable seats, removable sanitary equipment and roller table equipment for loading, unloading and transporting cargo.

The scope of the Mi-38 helicopter is the transportation of goods and passengers, search-and-rescue operations, and VIP transportation, which can all be performed in a wide range of climatic conditions, including maritime, tropical and cold climates.