Friday, July 12, 2019

Cool Armor....BMD-1 playing hide and seek...

LA County Sheriff's thoroughly penetrated by the Banditos Gang...

via LA Times.
Late one night last September, a party for Los Angeles County sheriff’s deputies was winding down.

New deputies working in East L.A. were celebrating having successfully completed a probation period and their status as full-fledged members of the Sheriff’s Department.

But the gathering took an ominous turn for some when several older deputies showed up.

According to legal claims filed against the county Thursday by seven deputies, the men belonged to the Banditos, a clique of predominantly Latino deputies who wear tattoos of a skeleton with a sombrero, bandolier and pistol and are alleged to routinely harass young Latino officers at the station.

The claims, which serve as precursors to lawsuits, demand tens of millions of dollars from the county for failing to address the hostile work environment the Banditos are alleged to have created.

The party ended in violence when the Banditos attacked several of the new deputies, according to the claims. One rookie said he was thrown to the ground and punched in the face before being knocked unconscious. Another recalled being choked to the point of passing out.

“This is not just a case about beating up a handful of cops — it’s about fear through intimidation to maintain the corrupt status quo and make certain the new idealistic cops don’t talk,” said Vincent Miller, an attorney representing the seven deputies who filed the claims. “This has been going on for years, and the county needs to fix it.”

The Sheriff’s Department issued a statement Thursday that said it would not tolerate any form of hazing or harassment within the organization.
Story here. 

That's alot of armor in the Chinese Type 071 fear of facing a fully mechanized Chinese Marine Corps looks to be coming true...

That's a helluva lot of armor in the well deck of that Type 071!  If you believe like I do that its inevitable that US Marines face off against their Chinese counterparts then how do you think our MEU would fare?

I'm not talking about a set piece battle, more like the two sides stumble into a fight during some diplomatic tensions and everyone is doing a "show of force" mission.

We don't know how the Chinese will organize their MEU equivalent.  Will it mirror our own or will they add an additional ship sorta like the Reinforced MEU concept I've talked about?

It doesn't appear that they're going "aviation centric" so will Marine Air make up for the deficit in armor?

Additionally we don't know if this is simply a propaganda pic or if this is truly representative of how they'll operate.

So many questions so few answers.

Open Comment Post. 12 July 2019

Venezuelan second-tier militia unload from a truck


Didn't know about this group.  Enrique's words are instructive...
You see these old men (and women, not pictured here) usually manning guard posts at hospital, public stadiums, and any sort of public building, although they’re always unarmed. 

And for what I’ve seen, they’re just retirees trying to earn some extra cash by serving the regime, so unlike the colectivos, whom use their position to impose death and violence on anyone that opposes them, they just quietly stick to the jobs they’re tasked with, doing so with a type of kindness I though was lost among Venezuelan public officials, so really, as much as I hate the Maduro regime, I have absolutely nothing negative to say about them!
Venezuela is a mess.

Trying to guide an insurgency is also messy.  These retirees are part of the govt.  Not because they're trying to oppress the rest of the population but because they're trying to put a little food on the table.

A scalpel is needed to remove Maduro, not a sledgehammer.

Is there a way to remove this guy without bloodshed?  Is there a way to support the people there without aiding the govt?

Don't know.  It's above my payscale.  But hopefully someone is on it.

Portugal places order for 5 KC-390s

via Embraer Press Release.
The Portuguese Government announced today a firm order of five multi-mission airlifters Embraer KC-390 as part of the process to modernize Portuguese Air Force capacities to support national Armed Forces operations and increase readiness in missions of public interest. Deliveries are scheduled to start in 2023.

The KC-390 is designed to set new standards for efficiency and productivity in its category while presenting the lowest life-cycle cost of the market. The aircraft can perform different types of military and civilian missions including humanitarian support, medical evacuation, search and rescue and firefighting, while fully meeting the requirements of the Portuguese Air Force, adding new superior cargo and troops transport, aerial delivery and aerial refueling capabilities.

“Today is a historic day for the KC-390 Program and I want to thank those who have contributed to the project. This is a very important step to consolidate the aircraft which we believe will become another success for Embraer. The Portuguese KC-390 will meet new interoperability requirements, in the areas of secure navigation, data and voice transmission that will allow the KC-390 to integrate joint operations in multinational alliances in which Portugal is integrated. These requirements, developed in partnership with the Portuguese Air Force, will enable the KC-390 to meet the needs of many other nations around the world.” said Jackson Schneider, President and CEO of Embraer Defense & Security. “The industrial partnership between Portugal and Embraer contributes to the development of engineering and the Portuguese aeronautics industry, representing more than 300 million euros in exports each year and thousands of highly skilled jobs.”
Story here. 

I love this airplane.  I think that it COULD HAVE been a C-130 replacement but they got one thing wrong...

They built it too small.

The REAL C-130 replacement needs to be able to lift approx 60 tons today.  In essence the USAF retired a plane that it desperately needed and never sought a replacement for...the C-141.

That's where the future market is and no air force on the planet seems to have developed a jet plane to fill that void.

Yeah I'm aware the A400M and AN70 either meet or get close to that mark but as was seen in previous blog post, turboprops just have difficulty in that size range.

You need a jet plane and none are on the drawing board to my knowledge.

That's the rub for the KC390.  Its sized like the C-130 and in that niche the oldie will always win.  Its smaller than the A400M/AN70 so it can't compete.

If I was Embraer I'd design a stretched KC390 with four engines that's about the size of the A400M (or just a bit bigger) and see how much interest they get.

Il-112V aircraft mass will be reduced by at least 2 tons

via TASS
The mass of the new Il-112V military transport aircraft will be reduced by at least 2 tons. About this TASS reported on Thursday a source in the military-industrial complex.

“The weight loss plan is being carried out, now it is going ahead with some advance. It has already been partially implemented on the“ unit ”(the first car is TASS), there it is planned to realize a ton of weight reduction. On the troika at least 2 tons” said the agency interlocutor.

According to him, in order to reduce weight, some units will change. "We have already launched the manufacture of a new ramp and cargo door hatch. Four sets were ordered at once - for a" unit ", for a" resourceman "and for the third and fourth aircraft," said the source.
Story here.

The Czech Republic has signed the contract to acquire 62 TITUS

via Nexter Group
The Czech Republic has signed the contract to acquire 62 TITUS ®. We are proud to participate in the modernization of the Czech armed forces and thank the Czech Republic for its confidence

Thursday, July 11, 2019

”When they work they’re brilliant. They just don’t work that often” one RAF officer told me of the A400M....

A row erupted at a recent Nato conference over the RAF's new £2.6billion transporter planes as it has emerged engine problems mean just two of 20-strong fleet are able to fly at any one time.

The delay in bringing into service the new A400M plane for the RAF and other partner nations led to a major disagreement between Airbus, the aircraft manufacturer, and Nato Ministers.

Stuart Andrew, the MoD’s Minister for Procurement, said that after an “extremely robust meeting” the problems with the A400M aircraft should be fixed by next year. 

Concerns have been raised over the new aircraft since its inception in 2003. A recent Defence Select Committee was told that engineering staff at RAF Brize Norton called the aircraft “a dog” and that on occasion only two out of the fleet of 20 aircraft were serviceable.
Story here.

Another example of propaganda being an important part of defense procurement.  In this case (as in others) image trump's performance.  Pity.

New Commandant will consider a smaller Marine Corps...

If the Marine Corps is going to remain the most elite, well-trained force, it could be forced to spend less on people and more on badly needed upgrades to outdated training ranges and equipment, the service's new top general told this week.

Gen. David Berger, who became commandant of the Marine Corps on Thursday morning, said he's prepared to consider a smaller service if it means building a more capable force. It's something past commandants have considered, he said, when the force wasn't involved in major combat operations.

"Now, I don't know if we will need to, but the willingness to do that, I think, [would be] a reinforcement from me to leaders and to Marines that the No. 1 thing is quality," Berger said during an interview at the Pentagon. "... We owe this country a very capable, very lethal force that can do what no one else will do."

As Marines shift from nearly two decades of ground deployments back to more naval missions, Berger said they must take a hard look at what they need to be successful. This comes as China builds military hubs on tiny man-made islands in the Pacific, Russia ramps up its submarine activity, and Iran threatens American ships in the Middle East.
Story here. 

This has been baked into the planning for almost a decade now.  Many have forgotten (I didn't) that a plan was floated to reduce the USMC down to 150K.

The pushback on that idea was fierce but it never went away.  Then we saw a push back to 185K+ and its remained in that range for a number of years.

But reality is reality.

You can really look at procurement numbers (especially on the ground side) and see that a new lower number was  baked in.

200 ACVs?  Perhaps another 200 more?

That alone pointed to fewer Marines...and that's before we start looking at the costs of gear.  The CH-53K, F-35B and the upcoming UCAV are going to be budget busters.

The weird thing?

At least from my seat I don't see how this doesn't make sense.  Even worse? I see it as a minor risk in the grand scheme of things.

A smaller, elite force is the price of doing business in the world we live in.  Even at the size I mentioned we're still looking at the most powerful Marine Corps on this planet.

It's not ideal.  It DOES assume a certain amount of risk.

But if its managed correctly and if they avoiding cutting combat arms and instead trim the tail (most especially leverage certain expertise found in our sister services...I've always thought that having Army & Air Force detachments, along with our historic partnering with the Navy could yield benefits for all) smartly, then we could reclaim the mantle of being the most cost effective, lethal force the United States Of America has at its disposal.

U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Munro crew interdicts suspected drug smuggling vessel...Courtesy Photos...

MUST SEE! US Coast Guard doing some serious/hard core work against drug smugglers in a low riding boat!

Hell yeah!  Get'em Coasties!  Well done boys!  Very well done!

Geez...Brahmos has been upgraded to hit targets at up to 500 km now...

If this missile spreads then things will become a bit problematic for our naval forces.

Imagine if Iran was able to get a few of them!  They would be able to close a vital naval route with little problem.  They could even station the actual missile batteries deeper inside their country to make attacking them difficult too.

This bears watching.

The pendulum seems to be swinging toward the attacker with regard to the missile race.  We're gonna need better shields (anti-missile systems).

In walks Berger...the new Commandant of the United States Marine Corps...

Turkey Must Drop Russian S-400 to Stay in F-35 Program

The Department of Defense will remove Turkey from the F-35 joint strike fighter program if the nation accepts delivery of the Russian S-400 air defense system, a senior Defense Department official said.

Meeting with think tank representatives at the Pentagon, Katie Wheelbarger, the acting assistant secretary of defense for international security affairs, said the NATO alliance and nations partnering in developing and fielding the F-35 are unified in their opposition to Turkey fielding the Russian system.
Story here.

First I've heard that other participants in the F-35 program were in agreement with US authorities that Turkey should be kicked out if they proceed with the S-400 purchase.

Thursday Funny....This girl is epic!

Neat video.  

Turk Altay Main Battle Tank w/RWS Anti-Tank Missiles...

Doing my daily scroll of events and ran across this pic of the Altay Main Battle Tank.  Haven't noticed before (maybe you did) but its sporting anti-tank missiles on the turret.

Combine this with the recent upgrade we've seen on their M-60's of adding a mast sensor and you have something that should be able to reach far with both missiles and its gun.

Of course this brings up a different issue.

Are we getting to a point where we're slamming too many responsibilities/capabilities onto our armored vehicles.  Flexibility is prized but at what point do you say enough is enough.

When looking at US armor I can see a push (especially with networks becoming a thing) to putting anti-aircraft missiles on all our vehicles just to cover gaps in coverage.

Too much or just right?  I don't know.

Open Comment Post. 11 July 2019

Houthi propaganda vid with a weird twist.

Thanks to Yemen.Wrath for the vid.

Watch the video closely at the 1:06 mark.

That does not look like an MRAP.  It looks like a standard truck.  The missile hits true but the effects do not appear catastrophic.  Bad round?  Additionally I'm not sure the people inside were that badly affected.  I'm seeing guys jumping out running away.  Sure they might be in shock.  Probably more than a little rattled but they appear functioning.  Additionally the driver seems to have maintained a certain amount of control over the vehicle.

The vid was produced for propaganda but its telling us a bit about something else.

Force Reconnaissance Marine clears the flight deck of the amphibious dock landing ship USS Ashland

CORAL SEA (July 07, 2019) – A Force Reconnaissance Marine with the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) clears the flight deck of the amphibious dock landing ship USS Ashland (LSD 48) during a visit, board, search and seizure (VBSS) training exercise with the amphibious transport dock ship USS Green Bay (LPD 20). Ashland, part of the Wasp Amphibious Ready Group, with embarked 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU), is operating in the Indo-Pacific region to enhance interoperability with partners and serve as a ready-response force for any type of contingency, while simultaneously providing a flexible and lethal crisis response force ready to perform a wide range of military operations. (U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Markus Castaneda)