Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Talisman Sabre 2019 Picture Thread (2 of 3)...

Talisman Sabre 2019 Picture Thread (1 of 3)...

Talisman Sabre 2019 is currently going on in Australia.  Thanks to the work of the Australian Defense Combat Camera Corps, we're being provided with some stunning visuals.  This thread is broken down into 3 parts cause it's just that big...and just that good!

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Talisman Sabre 2019 - Amphibious Assault

Fastest Aircraft Ever Exist Maximum Speed Comparison 3D

I am constantly amazed at how the speed of military/civilian aviation has stalled.  Once there was a tremendous "need for speed".  You still see it in some aircraft like the Chinese J-20 but for the most part most seem happy with a range of Mach 1.5 to 1.8 on the military fighter side and high subsonic for civilian airliners.

I'm sure if you asked an aeronautics engineer from the 50's how fast he thought we'd be flying by now and he'd have said Mach 4 I'm sure.

Over 1 Million People sign up to storm Area 51...USAF warns against it!

More than 1 million people have signed up to storm the U.S. Air Force's clandestine base in Nevada, commonly known as Area 51, this September in hopes of seeing "them aliens," but the service is cautioning individuals against participating.

The viral Facebook event, "Storm Area 51, They Can't Stop All of Us," calls for alien enthusiasts to show up outside the base Sept. 20 and break through its barriers by "naruto running," or weaving like a ninja to evade lethal force. This technique, group members say, will help bypass base security and any protective measures.

The Air Force is trying to discourage the alien hunters.

"The United States Air Force is aware of the Facebook post," service spokeswoman Laura Mcandrews told in an email Monday. "The Nevada Test and Training Range is an area where the Air Force tests and trains combat aircraft. As a matter of practice, we do not discuss specific security measures, but any attempt to illegally access military installations or military training areas is dangerous."
Story here. 

This is a somewhat funny story, but mark my words.  The next flashpoint (in the short term) for the US military will be force protection both at home and at our overseas bases.  The issues....

Massive training ranges.

Lack of spending on installation security.

Too few troops dedicated to the task.

We're basically asking for a terrible event to happen.  I won't even get into the ease of getting on base, but you get the picture.

Russian Airborne Troops receives 42 BMD-4M AIFVs ...the most formidable Airborne IFV in service today...

via Army Recognition.
The Russian Armed Forces have received forty-two BMD-4M airborne infantry fighting vehicles from Kurganmashzavod plant, which failed to deliver them in 2018 after France had refused to supply some of the components, Russian Vice-Premier Yuri Borisov said on Friday.

Earlier, Borisov told a conference in Kurgan that Kurganmashzavod had not executed a number of state contracts but had not specified what vehicles were in question. "In 2018, the enterprise broke the deadlines on a number of state contracts but BMD-4M airborne infantry fighting vehicles were an exception. Due to force majeure circumstances (France’s refusal to supply thermal imaging modules) the time of delivery of forty-two BMD-4M airborne infantry fighting vehicles was put off until 2019. At present, the aforesaid contract has been executed," the Russian vice-premier said when asked about the situation with the Kurganmashzavod plant. "There are no preconditions for disrupting the program in 2019," he added.

The BMD-4M airborne infantry fighting vehicle weighs 14 tons. It is armed with a 100mm gun, which also serves as a launcher for the Arkan anti-tank guided missiles (the ammunition load consists of 34 shells and 4 missiles); a 30-mm automatic gun (the ammunition load is 500 shells) and a 7.62mm machine-gun. The BMD-4M can reach 70 km/h and float at a maximum speed of 10 km/h. The crew consists of three men. The vehicle can carry up to five paratroopers.
Story here.

Love them or hate them, the fact remains that the Russians have cracked the code when it comes to giving their airborne forces a capable air droppable, infantry fighting vehicle.

Yes.  We can rig up a first gen LAV to perform the same job.  Problem?  Even in its smallest form factor the LAV family is big in comparison.

The 82nd Airborne has been forced to use militarized ATVs that you'll see in the backwoods of America (used by farmers, hunters and outdoorsmen for recreation) to transport their forces from the drop zone.

Even now the interim solution is to provide them with a Humvee light to get the same mobility (only over terrain favoring wheeled vehicles) while having less protection,  and most definitely less firepower.

The Army is working on an Airborne tank.  Is it time to work on a proper Airborne IFV too?

Canadian Tactical Armored Patrol Vehicle Infographic...

VBCI gets a new look AND a 40mm cannon!

Probably the most underestimated 8x8 on the planet.  It's new look is glorious!  Doubts remain about the 40mm but time will tell.

Awesome pics of Japanese V-22s in action...

Open Comment Post. 16 July 2019

Monday, July 15, 2019

USS Indianapolis, Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) 17, is the first Freedom class LCS fitted with the AirbusDefence TRS-4D Active Electronically Scanned Array radar.

SU-57 Concept Art...

Japanese V-22 in its new colors...

228th Radar Station of the Turkish Air Force in Gürvil of the province Sirnak radar dome was destroyed by an anti-tank missile...

This is rather stunning.  I wasn't familiar with this installation and did a quick Wiki search (here).  Not everyday you get to see an anti-tank missile knock out a radar dome.

Open Comment Post. 15 July 2019

Sunday, July 14, 2019

French Barracuda Nuclear Attack Sub...

Cool Armor....ASCOD Medium Main Battle Tank...

Is the time of the Medium Main Battle Tank dawning?  Heavyweight IFVs, plus superior optics/sensors, with added APS (especially when it matures) should provide sparkling protection/first shoot-first kill capability..