Tuesday, August 13, 2019

MRZR in its natural role, not fast attack but more like logistics mule...

Thanks to Gen Armchair for the link!

Do you see how they loaded up that ute?  This is the natural role for this vehicle.  I'm still trying to wrap my head around how the USMC declared it unfit for a fast attack vehicle but it is what it is.  Logistics is probably what its destined for...and battlefield mobility.  Conducting raids in them sounds like a natural but its not to be.

10th Mountain runs the bayonet assault course!

Cool shit.  Tiring, but cool...

Hong Kong Police are storming the airport occupied by protesters...

It has begun....

Iranian Raad 6x6 MRAP (pics)

Thanks to Amir for the link!

Reconnaissance Marines with 3rd Marine Division train with light tactical vehicles to get to their objectives faster.

Interesting.  Didn't they assess this vehicle as being unsuitable in the Light Strike role?

JLTV declared IOC...this is about getting stuff off the books...

via UPI
The U.S. Marine Corps announced that the Joint Light Tactical Vehicle is officially ready to deploy, one year ahead of schedule.

Marine Corps Combat Development Command, Combat Development and Integration said on Monday that the JLTV program had reached "initial operational capability," making the vehicles ready for use worldwide, on Aug. 2.

The four-wheeled vehicle, developed with the U.S. Army, will fully replace the Marines' aging fleet of High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicles. The new transports offer different variants with multiple mission package configurations, including packages for personnel, heavy guns and close combat weapons.

"The warfighting capabilities the JLTV provides our Marines far exceed the capabilities offered by its predecessor," said John Garner of the Marines' Program Executive Office Land Systems division. "I'm proud of what our team, in collaboration with the Army, has accomplished. Their commitment to supporting the warfighter delivered an exceptional vehicle, ahead of schedule, that Marines will use to dominate on the battlefield now and well into the future."
Story here. 

Make no mistake.  This IOC declaration a year early has nothing to do with the vehicle's capabilities at this time (I'm sure they'll be fixed) but everything to do with the budget.

Despite the recent plus up you can rest assured that the predicted budget trainwreck is still coming.

We just got word that the US deficit is approaching a trillion dollars.  With that being the case you can believe with every part of your soul that future defense budgets will be ravaged.

They'll be lucky to have things remain static.  The reality is that they'll soon face REAL cuts.

This move is to try and get stuff off the books. The F-35 lags, the CH-53K is facing a potential delay unless Sikorsky gets it's act together....the JLTV they can get done now...along with the ACV.

French status of operations...

Operation Chammal, the French component of Operation Inherent Resolve (OIR), continues its mission of fighting Daesh and continues to support the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) and the Iraqi Security Forces (ISF).
In Iraq, North-East Syria and the Middle Euphrates Valley, the security situation is stable. The ISFs as well as the FDS are pursuing their various operations of search and security against the clandestine cells of Daesh.

Present in Estonia as part of NATO's eFP ( enhanced forward presence ) mission , the Combat Sub-Battle Group (SGTIA) battle tank platoon, armed by the 12th Cuirassier Regiment (12th RC), surrendered at the Central Training Area (CTA) of Tapa for a shooting session on Saturday, July 20th. For a half-day, several sessions followed, starting with the one conducted by Char Leclerc's Dépanneur crew (DCL), who was able to complete four 12.7 mm machine-gun firefighting sequences from the machine.
Then the two crews of the Light Armored Vehicle (LAV) also fired at the 12.7mm caliber machine gun. Finally, the Leclerc tanks carried out two types of firing: coaxial with the machine gun and shooting of 120 mm exercise shells on targets.

The Barkhane force continues its effort in the Liptako-Gourma region, with an area equivalent to a quarter of the French metropolitan territory. It consolidates the achievements in the Liptako and institutes the same dynamics in the Gourma through operations, actions for the benefit of the population, and supporting partner forces.

BARKHANE: Delivery of an Armored Front Vehicle (VAB) by A400M ATLAS

Note.  The French are ramping up an already ramped up mission in Africa.  This post and the previous one are all from the French Defense Dept Twitter Page.  Additionally the fit inside the rather big A400M is a bit tighter than I would have guessed.  Wonder what the availability rate is for the French Air Force.

News News News News News BARKHANE: First operational commitment in Mali of the high mobility vehicle (pics)...

Story here.

Open Comment Post. 13 Aug 2019

Monday, August 12, 2019

Illustration: Sixty Years of Chinese Tank Design via Offiziere.ch Blog...

click on pic to enlarge...

It's obvious. China has issued an ultimatum to the Hong Kong Govt...control the mob or they'll come in and do it for them...


The Hong Kong Police have taken off the gloves, thrown them in the incinerator and are beginning to unleash holy hell on the population.

From my chair its obvious that China has issued an ultimatum to the Hong Kong Govt.  Either they control the mob or they'll come in and do it for them.

I predicted a bit ago that this would turn ugly.

This is stage one of that ugliness.

Stage two will see this morph into fucking ugly.

China's Armed Police Force stations in south China's Shenzhen are on the move...

Turkish Defense Industry Product Catalog (PDF)

Thanks to Alpay Osmanoglu for the link!


Blast from the past....AAVP7A1 CATFAE ( Catapult-Arunched Fuel-Air Explosive ) amphibious mine clearance vehicle

**What happened with this system and why did we let it fade away!  Looks powerful as hell.  Never saw one in real life, not even in a museum.  Gonna look for a vid later...

Chinese light tank Type 15 (export designation VT5) pics...

Pics via Bmashine Tumblr Page. 

M27 IAR's for everyone & the 15 Man Squad is a thing...

via Marine Times.
Along with the squad drones, each of the Marines in the squad will carry the M27 Infantry Automatic ­Rifle, except for one, which will carry the M38, a more highly accurized M27 with an advanced rifle optic.

That gives the squad better range and a designated marksman in the ranks.

At the same time, each squad will have a grenadier with the new M320 grenade launcher, which users have said is more accurate and also takes the front-load problems off of the Marine’s main rifle.

Though they haven’t gotten them yet, Siverts ­expects that the unit will carry the Carl Gustaf 84 mm recoilless rifle.

The wider Marine Corps plan is to have one per squad and that will replace the current ­positioning, which uses a 0351 infantry assault Marine that resides at weapons company in assault sections that are tasked out to the platoons for greater anti-armor firepower.
Story here.

Mark my words.  The suppressive firepower of having a light weight machinegun will be missed.  Future Marines will wonder why the US Army has it but Marines don't.

There is only one way to make this work but Gunners won't like it.  They're gonna have to call up MAGPUL and order a few tens of thousands of 60 round drum mags and distribute them to Marines.

Oh and they better have armorers forward deployed cause you're gonna have guns break if firefights...especially if they're having to overcome enemy fire.

But ya know what the real deal is?

We picked the wrong gun when we initially picked the H&K.  We should have gone with the Ultimax 100...but that's for another day.

As far as the 15 man squad.

I would love to see how the Squad Leader is able to effectively fight his unit.  One thing is for sure.  We'll be able to spot those bubbas real easy.  They'll be thin as rails and train like marathon runners.  God knows they're gonna be on their wheels running from team to team trying to organize the fight.

Open Comment Post. 12 Aug 2019.

Honor the fallen...

God bless and may his memory be a blessing...