Sunday, December 26, 2021
Saturday, December 25, 2021
Russia sends us greetings via our spy sats (cheap joke...funny but cheap)
🇷🇺🇺🇸#Russian army sends warm greetings to #American optical reconnaissance satellites !
— Su-57 5th Gen Fighter (@5thSu) December 25, 2021
The 2nd PLAN #Chinese #Navy Type 075 assault ship seems to be named GUANGXI 32, at least this ballcap seems to indicate. Ship began trials 21 Dec 2020 and is expected to be commissioned soon, a point when generally the name is officially announced. Image via @lqy99021608
— Chris Cavas (@CavasShips) December 25, 2021
Tired of false equivalency. This is what the holocaust looked like...we live in paradise compared to the industrial scale barbarism of the past
25 December 1940 | A Dutch Jewish boy, Leon Jacob, was born in Groningen.
— Auschwitz Memorial (@AuschwitzMuseum) December 25, 2021
In October 1942 he was deported to #Auschwitz and murdered in a gas chamber after the selection.
Steel Knight 22 ... by Cpl. Jacob Yost
First the Berlin Airlift, now the LNG Sealift. America rushes to save Europe again...
Interesting. We're doing a low key sealift of LNG to save Europe while Russia slowly crushes them with their own "Green Movement" rhetoric which made them dependent on their natural gas.Flotilla of U.S. LNG cargoes is headed to natural gas-starved Europe
— Sergio Chapa (@SergioChapa) December 22, 2021
Web story at #ONGT #NatGas #Shale #OOTT #Europe #Houston
Friday, December 24, 2021
This dude is a danger to himself and others in the gun community!
*internal scream from every military officer and nco*
— Lethality Jane (@LethalityJane) December 19, 2021
We will all get Omicron. Embrace that truth!
I see a HUGE ray of sunshine in this Omicron variant. We will all get it. It's mild. Because we will all get it we will finally achieve herd immunity. Covid will remain but will not be the crazy killer that we feared (unless we see a mutation from hell) and will finally be treated like another variation of the cold.1. Omicron is 70x as infectious as delta, which was twice as infectious as the original variant.
— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) December 17, 2021
2. Omicron is resulting in 10x fewer hospitalizations than prior waves in S. Africa.
3. Conclusion A: Everyone will get Omicron. Get used to it.
Italian Frogmen of WW2...Bravery & Advanced Techniques Still Used Today
— Nicholas Drummond (@nicholadrummond) December 20, 2021
“How are you, Bianchi?”
“Well, Commander.”
“Are you scared?”
“Yes, Commander!”
“So am I! Good, let’s go!”
Courage is not an absence of fear, but action in spite of it.
On this day Luigi Durand de La Penne and his team sunk two UK warships in 1941 riding a midget sub.
Spanish Leopard 2E in Latvia with the NATO eFP
Spanish Leopard 2E in Latvia with the NATO eFP
— Jon Hawkes (@JonHawkes275) December 20, 2021
Poland accepting a new batch of Leo2PL
Kilka ujęć z trwających odbiorów kolejnej partii #Leo2PL📷K. Kriegel/ZMBŁ #pgz @MAPGOVPL @MON_GOV_PL @DGeneralneRSZ @Zelazna_Dywizja @11LDKPanc @1WBPanc
— Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa🇵🇱 (@PGZ_pl) December 22, 2021
Netherlands Helicopter Command retires the CH-47D
It’s a wrap. Het werkpaard Chinook Delta CH-47D met pensioen. Met de laatste trainingsvlucht & laatste landing @VlbWoensdrecht komt een einde aan ruim 25 jaar inzet voor vrede & veiligheid met dit type helikopter @Kon_Luchtmacht Onze taken zetten we voort met CH-47F - CAAS 298sqn
— DHC Luchtmacht (@dhcluchtmacht) December 22, 2021
France orders the H160M for its Joint Light Helicopter programme.
France orders the #H160M for its Joint Light Helicopter programme.
— Airbus PRESS (@AirbusPRESS) December 22, 2021
Read the press release: