Friday, January 14, 2022

Iron Fist 2022: Japan Ground Self-Defense Force soldiers conduct AAV water ops

25th ID Lightning Academy - FRIES/SPIES Master 02-22 conducts aircraft operations with A Co / 2-25

1st Battalion, 8th Cavalry Regiment, 2nd Armored Brigade Combat Team sent rounds down range at LFAST and Table IV.


Alaska Air Guard medevacs two patients in harsh weather



North Korea fires fresh missiles in response to U.S. sanctions...we've got to come up with a new response



The smart boys/girls in DC are gonna have to come up with a new response.  Not only is this tired, weak and ineffective...


We've used "sanctions" so much that from my limited reading there is a HUGE blackmarket moving goods worldwide to get around them.

The only people that will be hurt by these sanctions are the poor, illiterate and desperate people of N. Korea.

Not one single power player will be affected.

We've got to come up with a better play because this gameplan just don't work!

Late Open Comment Post. 14 Jan 2022


Marine Corps HRST Masters/Force Recon/MARSOC have to come up with a better way....this is beyond goofy...its fucked up!

Fast roping from a MV-22 shouldn't be this way.

I've never done it, just watched and its beyond goofy.  This is fucked up.  No.  Its beyond that.  I don't have the language skills necessary to relay to you how beyond fucked up this is.

HRST Masters/Force Recon/MARSOC have to come up with a better way.

It's kinda funny.

Going out a CH-46 was smooth as silk and you could get two ropers out the back (salty ones back in the day, probably called crystalized now would talk about how they would send 4 down at a time!), now it looks like a crap shoot just to get everyone down safely.

Guys in the fleet educate me.  Is it good to go or am I off on tangent?

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

How long before we see attacks against uniformed law enforcement in the US?

Looks like the Italian Air Force has shown up for JRTC

Zoomed by the area airport and what am I seeing? An A-400 and a C-295.  Seems like the Italian Air Force is playing at this rotation at JRTC. The Airboys are acting an ass and JRTC ain't picking up the phone so no quality pics.

Open Comment Post. 12 Jan 2022


NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg warned that if negotiations with Russia fail, the Western military alliance "will be ready for a new armed conflict in Europe."

Brinkmanship is back in style. 

God save us all. 

A self contained conflict is being threatened to turn into a regional one all because...I really don't know...

The deer....My God, they're learning to fight back!

Let's see. 200 pound deer running at approx 30mph hits a 250 pound stationary hunter equals how much pain?

M1A1 Main Battle Tank during a simulated chemical weapon attack on Exercise Gauntlet Strike at Puckapunyal Training Area, Victoria. ... CPL Jarrod McAneney