Monday, April 24, 2023

Battles Lost by US Marines



If you rode in a CH-46 and didn't think you could get out and run faster then you were a disgusting fat body (joking...let it go!). Oh and you're old as hell (not joking).

AU-220M 57mm Automatic Weapon Station

Le char Leclerc


The initial evacuation was "easy" (professionals make hard stuff look easy...they were great) but the next is gonna be crazy!


Many readers were saying that they just evacuated embassy personnel and they were right.

So that means many US and other nationals are still in Sudan.

I just heard on the news (stated earlier by readers), that a naval force is being assembled to truck (by road!) foreign nationals out of that country.

Can you imagine that cluster?

Supposedly the Pentagon contacted both sides and warned them not to take shots at our aircraft but wars like this attract terrorist like flies to shit.

Additionally Russia has been playing nice with us despite the sanctions but this could be an easy pressure point for them.

Supply a few crazies with some stingers, anti-tank weapons and take shots at the convoy rushing people to the coast to be evacuated.

The crazy thing is that even that little bitty Tank Platoon that once floated on MEUs along with the LAV-25s would be useful (assuming they're gonna even put forces on the ground to escort...could they try and do it from the air with a rolling cap?).

The die is cast so I'll just wait and see how they do this thing.

Open Comment Post. 24 Apr 23

Sunday, April 23, 2023

First 2 ALTAY MBTs being delievered to Turkish Armed Forces


Open Comment Post. 23 Apr 23


The UK went big with their evacuation package from Sudan..


Not talk of the SAS/SBS in this op.  I guess they were busy in Ukraine.

But for the rest.

16 Air Assault Brigade.  Royal Marines.  RAF.  Bigger than I thought it would be but ya know what?  It kinda makes sense.  This is what the UK would be asked to provide for a joint op. Correction.  This is probably what SOCOM asked the UK to provide.

Special Ops did the deed in Sudan....USMC MEU nowhere to be seen...


The MAGTF is dead. Long live SOCOM!

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Ray Epps on 60 Minutes...

I look forward to seeing this.

The only real question I have is why doesn't the FBI want to talk about this dude or even his activities before the chaos and why hasn't he been arrested for the part he played on that day.

We're living in the land of illusion folks.  It's gone beyond the old KGB "living in the land of mirrors", its full blown intel agencies pushing agendas now.

From what I've seen the DOJ certainly and the FBI probably are no longer to be trusted.

That's a shame too.  The FBI has always done shady shit but its always been toward the view of protecting the country (sorta).

I don't have high hopes for this production though.  I believe its another agenda item.  The House is sniffing around this guy hard and I believe this is probably part of a campaign to purify his image before he gets dragged before the bright shiny lights.

My prediction was correct. The US embassy has been evacuated...


Told ya they'd do it this weekend.

Good God!

The Pentagon follows a script that I'm beginning to glob onto.  

1.  They raise an issue on the skimpy coverage of worldwide news on US main stream media broadcasts.  That primes the pump to let the public know that action in a certain location is possible.

2.  The White House announces that troops are being moved to a certain location to show the Commander In Chief is an alpha and that he is on the situation that suddenly got raised in the media.

3.  The members of this blog already know the deal with all of the above.  If you're not active duty keep up with your brothers that are.  If they start moving unexpectedly then you know shit is up.  

4.  Understand that the announced "movement of forces" has been completed before news has even broken.  

5.  Understand that while the troops are moving the various shops are working out the planning of said operation.

6.  Expect that you will get NO real news of events on the ground. Journalism is dead.  The military has learned to control the narrative (the only fucking thing they learned from our defeats from Vietnam to Somalia to Beirut to Syria to Afghanistan) so we will get tailored news of a SUCCESSFUL op.

7.  Keep eyes open for units involved and body counts of forces that are involved in a fight (meaning between govt and insurgent forces fighting there).  That will give a great idea on whether we escaped without a scratch or if someone got nicked up, fucked up or killed....or if we did the nicking up, the fucking someone up or killing.


WE ONCE DID THIS ALL THE TIME!  I MISS IT!  TOO MANY YES BOYS HAVE INVADED THE BLOG...AND...I made the turn to politics.  Perhaps, not at all sure but perhaps that was a mistake.  Plotting the moves of Defense Depts/Ministry Of Defense is so much more fun.

Open Comment Post. 22 Apr 23


Friday, April 21, 2023

High Mobility Rocket Artillery System Rapid Infiltration (HIRAIN) video. Who came up with this concept and why are they practicing this idiocy!

So let me get this straight. You're gonna load up a HIMARS onto a C-17, "rapidly infiltrate" onto a particular piece of ground, fire the rockets off and avoid detection while doing it? Let's give the benefit of the doubt and assume they're not detected. Let's further assume that the C-17 leaves and more HIMARS are flown in or the vehicles are reloaded. You still have to wonder WHY!

Let's be honest.

This is just a rehashed cannon artillery raid that never made sense either.

This is the weekend assignment for the blog (not really but if you know and have the time to dig I'd appreciate it).

1.  Name one instance where US or foreign forces actually conducted an a cannon artillery/gun/or missile raid.

2.  Name how this actually makes sense in a contested environment against a peer foe.  Hell I'll even accept how it makes sense against insurgents in the modern era!

Polish and U.S. Forces Showcase Poland’s Powerful Land, Air and Sea Capabilities in Exercise Zalew 23


HMH-461 conducts junior pilot training


It ain't getting better in Sudan...I expect a move perhaps this weekend to evacuate the embassy


Yeah its getting real sporting over there. If military planners are on the ball then they are getting ready to go sooner rather than later. They announced troops were being assembled today? That means they've been flowing into the area probably since the middle of last week. That announcement was to prep the public to this possibility. They're gonna go by air and they're gonna have to setup a cap over the op so forces can get in, get civilians out, destroy any info (if they haven't already) and then get the force out. That doesn't include any Americans in the community plus probably a shitload of foreign nationals and our favorite little pets that have done our bidding.

So what is all that?

From the start of the operation to the end?  If nothing goes terribly wrong?

I'm guessing two days on the ground for the trigger pullers.  They're gonna be dragging for those 60+ hours (wide awake for 12 hours before the op starts, drinking energy drinks/coffee/dip for 48 hrs on the ground and then wide awake for a bad flight home).

Not too bad.  I imagine everyone reading this has done max effort for 72hrs and were non-the-worse for wear afterwords.

Now if things go sideways.

If a MV-22 or CH-47G goes down then all bets are off (Rangers better be ready to zoom in quick)....those 160th bubbas better be ready cause they're gonna earn a few distinguished flying crosses if this goes sideways.

That will extend things and whenever things extend for the US military that usually means we start pouring more forces into the area and eventually the fight becomes ours.

We'll see, but that's my prediction.  Embassy evacuation goes this weekend and probably the French, Brits and maybe a few others will toss in some token forces (probably Special Ops and helos).

Thursday, April 20, 2023

Ukrainian Deputy Minister of Defense Hanna Maliar finally confirmed that the counteroffensive has started?

 via Euromaidanpress

Today the biggest news comes from the south. Here, the intensity of Ukrainian attacks has reached new peaks as Ukrainians opened several more lines of attack. Due to the increased pressure, Russians started losing their positions, and the occupation authorities suddenly launched evacuation from the pre-frontal settlements. The evacuation sparked panic about the beginning of the Ukrainian counteroffensive, and today Ukrainian Deputy Minister of Defense Hanna Maliar finally confirmed that the counteroffensive has started.


Just in time for a Friday news dump and priming the pump for the talking heads on Sunday shows to boost the public for more war funding.

Is it true?

Don't know.  

This hits hard. If a person dies during recruit training does he earn the title Marine?


Recruit passed away at boot camp. Dude tells people not to call him a Marine. Thoughts?
by u/horck47 in USMC
This has happened often enough that I think there would be a regulation covering it. I do know this. You die in recruit training your family gets all the benefits so my instinct is yes. This guy makes some compelling reasons why administratively you get the pay but maybe not the title. Does anyone know?

One thing about the trans issue.

Have you noticed one thing about the trans issue?  I wish I could take credit for it but it ain't mine.

Transwomen are piling into women's sport at a breathtaking rate.  

Transmen aren't piling into men's sports.

The difference?

Obvious.  A biological male can take on a biological female that transitions to male without difficulty.  We're just built that way and drug use can only do so much.

A biological male competing against biological female and then transitions has a natural advantage that can't be compensated for without huge ingestion of estrogen (for the biological male) along with huge ingestion of testosterone for the biological female.

But ya know what irks me the most.

Women aren't fighting this fight.

Men are fighting for women in this and women are on the sidelines (except for that brave swimmer) not wanting to defend themselves or more importantly THEIR DAUGHTERS!