Tuesday, April 25, 2023

The Ukrainian offensive has barely begun and officials in Washington are already down playing expectations...

 via Politico

Alex and JONATHAN LEMIRE have a story today about how the Biden administration fears it will be criticized if Ukraine’s counteroffensive falls short of its goals. Simply put, if Kyiv’s forces don’t retake a large chunk of territory seized by Russia, hawks will say the United States should’ve provided more weapons while doves will claim the time for peace talks was yesterday (and that’s not even including what on-the-fence allies would do).

So today, we thought we’d dive a little deeper into why this fear is cropping up all of a sudden.

Two U.S. officials told our own ERIN BANCO that the belief is the Russians are so dug in that the Ukrainian offensive won't amount to much. There is even some thinking that the offensive might not happen at all, at least not in the way Ukraine’s push last year went down. "I don't think that there's going to be this, wake up one morning and see, like, Ukrainian streaming across large swaths of territory sort of situation,” said one of the officials, who, like others, was granted anonymity to discuss sensitive internal deliberations. “Definitely not."

Furthermore, our own PAUL McLEARY heard that when Ukrainian officials were in Washington, D.C., last week, they asked administration officials what pledges or guarantees they could expect from the United States during the NATO summit in July. The general response to them was: “Depends on how the counteroffensive goes.”

Story here 

Depends on how the counteroffensive goes.


If we were only supplying military weapons and gear then I could easily say ok.

But we're doing more than that.

We're propping up their entire freaking economy and that's with the knowledge that many of their senior officials are stealing our money like there is no tomorrow.

So what's my concern.

They're gonna push because they want to get money. But the soldiers on the ground who will follow the orders to push are gonna be paying with their lives.

I wish that at least ONE TIME in my lifetime we could get an ally that isn't corrupt as hell (does Kuwait qualify?) that we could support fully and only wanted to achieve truly measurable goals without the sloganeering of "as long as it takes and whatever it takes".

The Corps is finally waking up to the fact that the total focus by the Commandant on the Pacific has cut us out of missions in other theaters...


LVTP-77 Cybernetically Coupled Amphibian


Story here

Let's finish the job. Never in my life did I think those words would strike fear in my heart

1st Special Forces (Green Berets) & Australian Commandos jump into Balikatan 23

3d Littoral Combat Team, 3d Marine Littoral Regiment, and Philippine Marines conduct a bilateral mechanized raid

So is the JLTV the only ground combat vehicle available to the MLR? If so they better not EVER attempt a motorized raid.

Maiden flight of TAI HURJET Trainer and Light Combat Aircraft

You have got to be shitting me! Rebels occupy gain of function lab in Sudan???

Conspiracy theory. Ok. Now we know where the next pandemic is coming from just in time for 2024 election season! Just kidding...well sorta. I put nothing past this administration.

They finally said it outloud. The NEW Marine Corps is a coastal defense force that can do a precious few other things...


America's Force In Readiness is now a bitched up coastal defense force. The transformationalist might be proud, but our enemies are laughing. Operating in the blunt layers to deter enemy activity sounds good at forums but laid out plainly is just a shit for brains concept that will fail if ever tested. Berger isn't really worried about logistics or evacuating the wounded. These Marines are simply pawns being sent forward to die in place.

Open Comment Post. 25 Apr 23


T-14 Armata too expensive to produce. Better to modernize T-72.


Ok tank experts time to step up.

Why the fallback to the T-72 instead of running with the T-80 or T-90?

Is this possibly a hint toward the idea that tanks are no longer the primary focus of the Russian Army (I shudder at the thought that they're actually going "Berger's Road").

They also talk about the SU-57 being too expensive too.  HUH??? What are they gonna do for modern fighters?  Was the SU-75 pushed because it would be their fallback position for aviation?

Food inflation in the UK eases to 17.3%? They're getting hammered!

The UK is an advanced country. Why is their inflation so freaking high? How can a govt survive in their system with it that high? The average person should be getting hammered and noodles should be the staple of the country!

Victoria Nuland's fingerprints are on Sudan???

 Thanks to MV for the pic!

This has to be confirmed but GEEZ!

Victoria Nuland is like a hitman.  If she shows up in your country then some kind of drama is soon to follow.

That aid is suspicious as hell too.  Bet that was funding to our favorite puppet.

Like I said, all this has to be confirmed but if true then the UN is beyond useless.  We're using it to our advantage now, but China has waded into those murky waters and basically stonewalled the response thru the UN (aided by their allies that wanted Trump out of office and the economy shut down) and I'm sure that since they discovered the power they have they'll use it more.  JUST LIKE US!

Our State Dept is useless.  We need to fire any and all there and start over.

As things stand we have two Depts of War.  The Pentagon and the State Dept.

All we need is ONE that does the job properly.  I guess that means we need to shut both down and start again!.

Morality question. Is the war porn from Ukraine/Russia conflict bad? I say no...not if you're a decent human being..

NSFL! UAF drone drops two grenades directly on Russian soldier
by u/AC5L4T3R in UkraineWarVideoReport
We've all seen lots of nasty stuff coming from this war.

Any decent human would watch and not cheer.  People getting killed on mauled on both sides have families.  Mothers, Fathers, Sisters, Brothers etc...

The bad of this whole thing is something I've touched on.  So many including a ton of people on this blog are cheering.  They have forgotten their humanity and unfortunately the puppet masters have encouraged it by calling people "Orcs".

In the war on terror we weren't allowed to do that, but in this war its allowed.  Interesting.  I also note that while we had a huge rush to evacuate any and all out of Afghanistan while leaving behind those that fought on our side, we're leaving US citizens behind in Sudan but that's a different subject for a different day.

Back on task.

If you're a decent human that is making note of all the pain and suffering and watching this stuff for informational purposes then you're good to go.

You need to be informed.

If you're some clown that gets off on body counts for either side and revel in the pain seen in the pic above then YOU are sub human and need to seek help.

Russia's modern take on reminding/educating soldiers...

This is actually brilliant. We won't do it cause they did, but could you imagine how much this would help some of the "slower" recruits in boot camp or basic training? Additionally the military is still male dominated and from what I've heard, men are visual learners. Regardless it's an awesome way to pass along serious information that animation will keep eyes glued to while some so called trainers lose their audience at the introduction.

Monday, April 24, 2023

Weird ship selection to evacuate civilians...A destroyer and mobile base?

We either need a few ships that are high speed troop transports OR we need modules to slam onto the mobile base to keep folks outta the weather. Either we do that or more likely, we should restart the C-17 line or buy some 747 cargo variants to increase our airlift. AFRICA IS HUGE!!!

Shit is getting real in Haiti


If criminals are allowed to terrorize citizens long enough, you can bet your last dollar that citizens will grow weary of it and will strike back. All communities are getting tired of the criminal activity they're seeing in the big cities. Even if they don't live there the fear is spreading like a disease. People will begin to start acting on their own and we're setting the stage for "baby Punishers" sprouting up dealing out vigilante justice. The soft on crime wave is a disease. Its misguided and has already gotten people killed. The politicians and activists behind this nonsense have blood on their hands.

Fox News Viewers are pissed. "Done with Fox" trending...



Fox News viewers are pissed.  The above pic is from the "Done with Fox" trending stream.

They've been number 1 for so long I wonder if the thinking is that conservative viewers have no where else to go?

If you invest in media companies here's a tip.  News Max is getting alot of play on that trending stream.

Don Lemon fired from CNN & Tucker Carlson parts ways with Fox?


Did not see any of this happening.

The Tucker Carlson news is more stunning to me so lets hit that first.  The announcement was made around 0900 Central Time that Fox News and Tucker Carlson have agreed to part ways and that the broadcast last Friday was his last.


That dude is popular.  If it was a pleasant parting seems like they could have let him tell his audience bye.

But they didn't do that.

More to that story and I can't wait to hear it.  

Now on to Lemon.  Saw this from a mile away.  The bible says pride goeth before the fall and from what I could see this dude was a prideful individual...ON STEROIDS.

Rumors are floating that it has something to do with how he treated female colleagues but I find that weird.

I thought gay guys got along GREAT with females.

Wish I could say that this is a turn to making CNN a hard news channel but I don't think so.  I think its probably a preliminary move to get ahead of a lawsuit.

French Forces In Estonia