Friday, April 28, 2023

Chinese propaganda vid


Protests in Australia to donate Hawkei multi-role vehicles to Ukraine


The puppet masters are at work in every Western nation.  Perhaps they've been too successful, but they have the public jumping to their tune.

Have you ever heard of a protest to donate vehicles to a nation? I haven't but here we see it.

It's an interesting issue.  

Australia probably has the industrial capability to supply them with the vehicles but at the same time they have their own military to equip for a potential war in the Pacific.

Passion for an issue is one thing.  The money to follow that passion is another.

Are Aussies willing to foot the bill for higher taxes to pay for this?

HIMARS Rapid Insertion (HIRAIN) on the Decimomannu Air Base in Sardinia Italy.


So this EABO, SIF concept is going worldwide for the Corps. Makes twisted sense. The divestment has been so severe that it should have been obvious that this would be the only role that the Marine Corps could undertake. Hate to say it but this is an extremely limited capability to expend all the money and resources on for an entire service. The public might want the Marine Corps, the old Marine Corps, but the New Marine Corps just doesn't make sense and is probably too expensive to keep around.

Performance of HIMARS at SINKEX questioned.

 via Naval News

The performance of the Army HIMARS was also questionable, with it being reported on the SINKEX’s live stream that the system missed all six of its shots at the World War II-era corvette. In previous SINKEXs, such as those held at RIMPAC exercises, targets were relatively static which allowed for munitions that struggle or cannot hit moving targets to participate. One of these systems that cannot hit moving targets is HIMARS with its current set of rockets. Due to unknown circumstances, BRP Pangasinan developed a drift that threw off the HIMARS’ targeting.

Yet, even with these difficulties, the SINKEX was deemed to be “amazing” by both forces. Lt. Col. Nick Mannweiler, Communications Strategy Planner for U.S. Marine Corps Forces Pacific, told Naval News the actual purpose of the exercise. 


Press Release: EOS secures another Ukraine contract for Remote Weapon Systems



26 April 2023, Canberra -- Electro Optic Systems (EOS) today announced that its EOS Defence Systems business has secured a second conditional contract to supply up to fifty Remote Weapon Systems (RWS) to Ukraine, including ammunition, spares, and related services.

This contract, valued at up to US$41m (approximately A$61m), envisages the supply of the RWS to Ukraine during 2023 and 2024. It is in addition to the previously announced contract for up to one hundred EOS RWS units, valued at up to US$80m (approximately A$120m), announced on 3 April 2023.

The contract allows for conditional early termination rights in favour of the customer, which is typical in wartime contract arrangements.

Andreas Schwer, Chief Executive Officer of EOS, said, "EOS is proud to support the Ukrainian Armed Forces and the people of Ukraine by providing the country with the lifesaving utility of its Remote Weapon System. This will contribute to its critical security and defence needs.”

EOS will draw upon its support network and supply chain consisting of over one hundred suppliers located across Australia, and others internationally.

The EOS RWS product portfolio is designed to provide the highest firepower for lowest weight, delivering superior accuracy and reliability compared to competitor systems.  Over 2,500 units have been sold and are currently in use with several military services in Australia, North America, Europe, and South-East Asia.


EOS continues to work on other opportunities relating to Ukraine, including opportunities for direct supply to Ukraine, and to other countries providing support.

I personally think this is one of the best systems on the market and I've been disappointed that this compact offering isn't being placed on every JLTV in USMC service.

Regardless this is gonna be a welcome addition to Ukraine's vehicle fleet.  Too many guys are riding around with their heads sticking on on both sides.

Oh and I love their viewpoint.

Accuracy, accuracy, accuracy! 

11th Airborne Div press release on the air to air collision between to Apache Attack Helicopters


Open Comment Post. 28 Apr 23


Taking away a child from a Muslim family because they teach that it isn't acceptable in Islam faith?


This issue is the biggest threat to democracy, a real threat, that I've ever seen. To take a child from their family because they disagree with the state? Just wow. I have thoughts but would be sanctioned and probably get a knock on the door if I posted them, but suffice it to say that this is truly obscene.

Oh and for the haters in this community make no mistake.  If they do this to a Muslim family then you're fair game too.

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Been thinking about this for awhile now. If there is outrage about transwomen competing against biological women in sports then what about close combat?

 I don't know why anyone isn't hitting on this and I've been thinking about it for awhile but if people are finally rallying to the idea (to include feminists) that transwomen shouldn't be allowed to compete in sports reserved for biological women then what about close combat/infantry?

It shows how batshit crazy our leadership is.

We setup different sports leagues for women because we acknowledge the physical differences between men and women yet we are willing to toss women into the meat grinder of close combat?

Do you think that enemy infantryman is gonna give a damn?  After seeing what's happened to the population in Ukraine do you think that a female Soldier, Sailor, Airman or Marine isn't gonna get gang raped to death (probably most forces that we'll see on the battlefield will do that).

Make it make sense!

Even worse.

Every Marine leader of worth knows this.  Many Army leaders do too yet none have spoken out.

The blood of female servicemembers will be on their hands.  The only fair thing will be if there daughters suffer along with a few misguided women from the middle and lower class that bought into the lies.

Open Comment Post. 27 Apr 23

Ukraine Defense Minister says expectations for the counteroffensive are "overheated"


Suddenly Egypt because of supreme importance in the Sudan evacuation...


Egypt is important now and govts all over the world better make note. Africa is about to become the new "gold rush" or rather it will be the new strategic mineral rush of the world. While I expect the US to continue to play worn out imperial games, the French have learned recently and the Chinese always knew (although they have made more than few missteps with their approach) that the key is thru economic partnerships, not military partnerships.

I believe, not sure at all, but I believe that Bush Jr pushed the idea of using the military as a "diplomat" and that's when we got the view that the US military also served as a quasi state dept.

Bush Jr was wrong and the Pentagon was wrong for not pushing back on the idea.

Class assignment.  Name the last REAL SecOfState.  By that I mean someone that actually performed the job and did not pursue an agenda of regime change, economic blackmail etc... (just had a realization .. what if that IS the job!).

List here.  I look forward to your answers.  

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Open Post Comments. 26 Apr 23


Pentagon officials cheer Tucker Carlson’s ouster

 via Politico

From maternity flight suits to diversity policies to Ukraine aid, the military was a favorite punching bag for Tucker Carlson. Now that he’s off the air, some Pentagon officials are quietly cheering his departure.

Carlson’s criticism of Biden-era personnel policies appealed to many of the rank-and-file, which has a large bloc of conservative members. But at the upper levels of the Defense Department, news of Carlson’s firing from Fox News on Monday was met with delight and outright glee in some corners.

“We’re a better country without him bagging on our military every night in front of hundreds of thousands of people,” said one senior DoD official, who like others interviewed for this story was granted anonymity to discuss a politically sensitive topic.

“Good riddance,” said a second DoD official.

Asked to respond to the news that DoD officials are pleased by his departure from Fox, Carlson responded by text message: “Ha! I’m sure.” He declined to comment further.



Leadership in the military is out of touch with the people that will MAKE UP the military (as long as its all volunteer).

If they can't handle Carlson criticizing them then how are they gonna handle the Chinese sinking an aircraft carrier?

We're gonna get raped with a cactus in the next big fight.  The bubbas in service right now don't even realize how fucked they are.

God bless them, its gonna be ugly.

US Army Aviators are complaining of a "stealth" stop loss being used against them...

 via Daily Caller

The heart of the issue is when the soldiers must serve their three-year BRADSO. Until recently, the Army allowed aviation officers to serve their BRADSO concurrently with their flight school Active-Duty Service Obligation. The Army recently changed the rules to require the officers to serve the BRADSO consecutively, adding three years to the officers’ service times.

The Daily Caller obtained a video filmed in 2020 of an HRC officer saying that the BRADSO would be served concurrently to the flight school ADSO.

“You’re ADSO upon graduation … you’re not going to have to do three [years] after,” he said, in reference to the BRADSO. The officers note several instances like this one of them being told that the BRADSO would “run concurrently with the flight school ADSO.”

All three officers told the Daily Caller that they were alerted to the changed interpretation in February 2023.

Army HRC did not provide a response to the Daily Caller’s request for comment by publish time.


 “Every company commander I’ve had in five-seven years has left. None of them have made a career of it,” the first aviation officer said. Company commanders are typically captains. Some officers want to exit the service before they get promoted to major, which, for most, is effectively a grounded desk position. “I don’t want to do that.”


Can't comment on the facts at play here but I can say without a doubt.


This kind of thing affects recruiting in a big way!

The solution seems simple.  Just let them continue to fly.  Don't push them behind a desk.

Is there any such thing as a permanent Captain and then just add steps to his pay since he won't go up in rank to ensure they stay?

Captain 1st, 2nd, or 3rd class sorta thing?

Probably not but they better figure out something.

Long time reader indicates that Kurganets-25 is likely dead....


Long time reader, S300V4 said this in the comments section...

Su-57 is expected to reach 1 per month rate this year. Or already reached, information is now scarce. Goal "76 before 2027" might as well be reached.

T-14 is being supplied to training facilities and does some warm up in Donbass, according to TASS. Tank is beyond "lets close it", it is near ready, I guess.

Kuragenetz is probably dead.

Bumerang developer said they are going for state trials again, "alterations were made and we are now ready for another try".

Koalitsiya is alive and is being "updated in chassis". Chief of Artiellery and Missile stuff says its "nearly completed".

So far progress is slow (war, after all) but so only Kurganetz is highly likely dead - most of other projects are (i'm suprised) were not axed due to war.


This is what I was hoping for with having readers from so many parts of the world.  Real deal info.  At least with the hardware side of things.

Did anyone even think to ask where the Kuragenetz was in its development phase?

I hadn't.

To be honest it had slipped my mind.  Now we know its probably dead.

Open source info mixed with informed readers worldwide contributing to the conversation.  That shit is awesome! 

Tuesday, April 25, 2023

Korkut anti-air system

I would so love to see how this would perform in Ukraine. Turkey has taken a middle road in the fight so I don't think we'll see it. But if we could...OOOOHHH!!!!

Speaking of Turk armor. OTOKAR AKREP II 4x4 is being prepared for mass production.

The Turkish heavy-weight attack UAV (Bayraktar Akinci) and unmanned fighter (Bayraktar Kizilelma) carried out a joint flight

Jesus! The Turks are zooming along with their UAV programs and very few people are paying attention. Armor is zooming too. Oh and did I mention the unmanned naval ship program is zooming? How they're building drone ships that look capable of swarming a naval task force? Imagine an aerial drone and unmanned ship drone attack on a naval task all quadrant attack that puts the task force on its back foot followed up by manned fighters going in for precision strikes on capital ships that are in the middle of damage control/rescue operations. We need to walk and chew bubble gum. We've become scared to push tech. Musk is right. The designers in the 50s were right. Try. If you fail you learn. But try! We've become scared of failure in our development. Too cautious. Even DARPA has slowed down. Evolutionary upgrades with an eye toward technological advancement/design/research. That is how you build a force in the 21st century.

British Royal Marines are helping evacuate citizens in Sudan


Hmm. If we have a Marine on the US Army's staff can we claim USMC participation in this effort? LOL!