Tuesday, May 02, 2023

Turkey's KAAN multi-role fighter is bigger than I thought..


Now we might have bases in Finland? The tilt to Europe is weakening us worldwide

Mark my words. This tilt towards Europe which never seems to lessen will have dramatic consequences for us worldwide. We only have so many forces and to have SO MANY dedicated to Europe is a mistake. Name hotspots. Ukraine is the only one in Europe. To be honest and to piss off the haters, that conflict is contained. It's dragging on too long just like all the wars we participate in during the modern era but its contained. Russia ain't about to attack NATO! The rest of the world? Big issues. LIMITED RESCOURCES REQUIRES PRIORITIZATION! The forward deployed concept is a loser. Everyone claims to be expeditionary but everytime you look up you see forces locked into one geographic location. Time to bring back REFORGER for Europe and the rapid deployment force for the rest of the world!

Open Comment Post. 2 May 23

HMLA-367 is supporting 75th Ranger Regiment and 160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment (SOAR) @ NTC

Hmm. This is busy work. The 160th don't need USMC gunships to provide cover. One AC-130 or a few UAVs flying support will work for them. I guess the move now is to become an enabling force for SOCOM? Don't see much future in that. Another mission that Army assets can perform...especially when the fight moves further from the sea under FD2030. SOCOM is much in love with the 160th. If this is the move then they'd do better to try and support AF Special Ops CV-22s. Tie that into the Pacific fight with longer distances involved that the little bird can't handle. But that leads back to the issue of being a ONE theater force that is useless everywhere else. Remember Belleau Wood. Marines go where the nation needs, not where they planned for the next fight. There is no wiggle room in this concept. Berger went native when he was in the Pacific and he's trying to drag the Marines along with him.

Monday, May 01, 2023

These Coast Guard pilots were seconds away from a very bad day


Possible microburst almost downs USCG HH60-Jayhawk
by u/Low_n_slow4805 in Helicopters

Wagner sniper team in Bakhmut with a MTs-566 sniper rifle (all pics from Rob Lee's Twitter thread)

Kinda insane. The USMC killed off snipers and have embraced the idea of designated marksmen. But the Russians and Ukrainians are using them to good effect in their war. Does this mean that the USMC doesn't see itself engaged in urban combat once Force Design 2030 is fully implemented? It's the only thing that makes sense. A stand off force cannot close with the enemy and FD2030 makes the USMC a stand off force.

Open Comment Post. 1 May 23


We practice Non-Combat Evacuations but what about full on Combat Evacuations?

History indicates one thing. Combat evacuations are the wave of the future. I don't know if its because policy makers are hesitant to call for a withdrawal because they're afraid that the situation would spiral or if its because intel is behind the power curve on how all this will escalate.

One thing is pretty obvious in Sudan.

This thing is going sideways fast.

Which leaves us with a question.  What does the Administration and the Pentagon do?

The claim from the State Dept is that only a few Americans are left in country that want to leave.  That's a fragile declaration.  All it will take is for one foreign reporter to do a report or a YouTube video appear online claiming that they've begged to get out but got no help from the US govt to make that small fig leaf evaporate.

So where is the manual on doing combat evacuations between two warring entities?

Is there one?

Do we have a war plan covering that situation?

Saturday, April 29, 2023

Another factoid that illustrates how absolutely batshit stupid the sanctions are...


So we're all paying higher prices for gas because of the sanctions but the sanctions ain't working cause they're still selling oil at a high rate? The public is getting played and someone is getting rich on the slick. An impassioned public is so easily to manipulate. Get them riled up enough and they'll start supporting shit that's against their own interests!

And so it begins. Denmark will allocate 1 billion euros for the reconstruction of Ukraine.

Make no doubt about it. This is a planned release.

This is probably coordinated with the allies to get the public primed for the reconstruction of Ukraine.

But understand this one thing.

1 billion euros is chump change.  Reconstruction?  That won't even cover the operating expenses of the govt.

The war has been hellishly expensive.  The reconstruction will make it look cheap.  Plus its gonna be a generational expense.

Let me get ahead of this thing and make my position clear.

We have issues at home.  

Let Europe deal with the reconstruction.

The sad thing?  Puppet masters have had people dancing to their tune.  They'll easily get the public to spend even more of their tax dollars to support Ukraine without realizing the tremendous burden they're placing on themselves and their children.

Canada's 17 Armoured Engineer Squadron, 1 Combat Engineer Regiment, conduct training with the Badger 2 Armored Engineer Vehicle at 3rd Canadian Division Support Base Detachment Wainwright training area


The Supreme Court case you never heard about but is of utmost importance to your relations with taxes & govt...

Many can't imagine it but consider.

You're an elderly person living from check to check at best.  Yeah you might be being subsidized by the govt, but just the costs of everyday living even while not being extravagant is beyond your means.

The only thing you have after living a relatively long life is the hone you live in.

Suddenly you're hit with taxes that you can't pay (I think many can relate...the tax bill after that covid "gift" has stunned many).

The govt then takes your property.  They make a profit - They pay themselves your back taxes and pocket the rest.

The puppet masters are at work and most aren't paying attention.

We're so spun up on social issues (bombarded with them daily) that the theft of our life's work is being stolen on a daily basis.

Be aware folks.  They're coming for every last penny you have.  Get financially aware now!