Wednesday, May 03, 2023

Did Ukraine attempt a decapitation strike on Russia with the drone strike in Moscow?

Open Comment Post. 3 May 23

French Forces @ Orion 23

Anheuser-Busch family of beers...just so you know...


Just a little informational so you know the family of beers associated with Bud Light...

This is too stupid to be believed. NATO is livid as Ukraine carelessly stockpiled US and EU weapons in a few well known locations. Russia launched a massive missile attack against those sites last night

Now for the batshit crazy talk that I expect from Zelensky, that will have to be reined in by adults (do we have any in Washington) before this thing spirals uncontrollably. They're talking about conducting deep strikes into Russia against water, power sites etc... There you have it boys and girls. This war is gonna drag on thru this year into our Presidential cycle. What should worry the Ukrainians is that the Russians are stockpiling munitions right now. I believe that they, along with Chinese are gonna make a major push to fully retake those 3 pro Russian provinces and to reinforce Crimea while hammering Ukrainian forces where ever they find them. What am I saying? I'm saying that the Chinese are covertly arming Russia and that it will be plain for all to see in 2024. Additionaly because of what we're seeing from the Iranians lately I would guess that they're doing the same with an eye toward Israel. Our Gulf partners will probably sit on the sidelines of that conflict and we will have two regional wars. 2024 is gonna be crazy.

Heads up. There is a low grade tanker war going on in the Persian Gulf...

Background on this bullshit. THE US NAVY seized an Iranian tanker on its way to China. The Iranians retaliated by seizing an oil tanker. Don't know if we seized an additional tanker but now we see the Iranians have seized ANOTHER one. Who is coming up with this? I'm positive that the Chinese are evaluating whether or not to send a few of their destroyers to escort their oil shipments. The US Navy is NOT ready for this challenge. The Marine Littoral Regiment is not equipped to "deter" this type activity (nor will it be in the future). What does this illustrate? From my chair it validates my talking point. The flash point between the US and China will NOT be the Pacific but WILL BE in the Middle East or Africa over resources!

Nigeria buys Indian Attack Helicopter


Motorcycle "powered" armed robbery

This is huge in S. America and from what I've seen from videos its really bad in Brazil and Mexico. My question? How soon before it starts hitting up here in the US. My dept uses Ford SUVs for patrol (a few sedans for administrative purposes) but if you've ever chased a motorcycle then you know they make the almost perfect get away machine. 

 Their acceleration is tops, they're extremely maneuverable and even if you run into slow or stopped traffic the chase goes on because they lane split and can easily navigate sidewalks etc...The only real way to stop it is to have armed citizens detecting and then neutralizing the threat. 

 Of course that means that you're gonna have to put down the cell phone if you're walking (yeah, they go as far as to steal your phones and what cash you have on you), turn down the radio and get your head up if you're in a vehicle and for all to basically get your head up and be alert to threats.

For some its too much to ask but the threat is looming and the public should get ready for it.

Quite honestly I'm looking for a country spin to it in my area.  Even in urban areas ATVs are extremely popular.  Individuals tune those little beasts up to 11 and they're much much faster than you can imagine.  Add to it the ability to carry up to 4 people and you can see virtual robbery squads rolling around.

They don't have the extreme maneuverability of a motorcycle on pavement but they have a distinct advantage off road...especially against the SUVs used by the State Police, Sheriff's Depts & Police which are lowered for higher speed (beefed up engines too...those puppies can fly!).

This is coming in the next crime wave in the US.  Get ready now!

Tuesday, May 02, 2023

And even more freaking aid for Ukraine


This is the military aid. Which has become obscene. The money being sent over to fund their govt is astronomical too. When is enough enough? We have a 31 trillion dollar deficit, they're talking about cutting programs here at home yet we're sending money we don't have to Ukraine? MAKE IT MAKE SENSE!

Amphibious ship crisis. Berger's myopic focus on Force Design 2030 laid the seeds of this disaster

 via Defense News.

In July 2019, Gen. David Berger took command of the service and quickly released a document titled “Commandant’s Planning Guidance” that backed away from the requirement of transporting those two brigades, saying the Corps would fight differently in the future.


Berger, Smith, and the rest of HQMC is scrambling to lay the blame on the USMC's lack of participation in crisis response on a lack of amphibious shipping.


But make no mistake about it.  The seeds of this disaster was laid in his proclamation that the USMC didn't need 38 amphibious ships anymore.  That we wouldn't need to transport two MEBs.  That we would fight differently in the future.

We can now see that not only did the Navy pounce on this misguided plan and that idiotic statement but so did the SecDef's office.

Suddenly the Marine Corps is saying that it doesn't need 38 amphibs?  Is gonna fight different?

I'm sure the conversation went, if they're gonna fight different and if they're gonna get 31 Landing Ship Mediums then in an era of tough recruiting we're just gonna give them one or the other but not both.

My belief.

The Pentagon is about to stiff the Marine Corps on big amphibs and on the LSM.

Berger is gonna leave the Marine Corps in worst shape than when he found it.

Buckle up boys.

For the first time in modern history the Marine Corps is ACTUALLY facing a crisis regarding its future and place in the DoD.

Even worse?

The pain was self inflicted due to an out of control Commandant that did NOT plan for the inevitable consequences of his concept.

3rd Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division participate in the attack phase of their Joint Readiness Training Center (JRTC) Rotation 23-07 on Fort Polk, La

It's a damn shame that the Army was able to crack the code and the Marine Corps wasn't. They're adding missiles to their force and creating a multi-domain concept instead of tearing down their Brigade Combat Teams. We should have added, not subtracted from the Corps. More capability trumps less ... or worse, specialization that is pixie dust.

Reactions? Does this contribute to good order and discipline or endanger it? Or a non-factor?

Russia has switched from targeting power to munitions...

Budlight is facing an unprecedented backlash


The USMC under Force Design 2030... "Not enough people, not enough units, not enough capacity"

 via Breaking Defense

And the force’s slimming down as part of Force Design 2030 may now be showing itself, according to John Ferrari, a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute.

“They put themselves on a diet, and all of a sudden when there’s a lot of phone calls, they can’t answer it. Not enough people, not enough units, not enough capacity,” said Ferrari, a retired Army officer. “It’s not a linear descent in capability [and] capacity — a smaller force spins faster to do fewer missions.”


 Andrew Metrick, a fellow at the Center for New American Security, told Breaking Defense it’s about “cultural ethos,” as well as new questions about the future of the force.

“The fact it’s bothering parts of the Corps, I think is reflective of the larger ongoing debate that you see … around Force Design 2030. There is an ongoing debate within the Corps and within the retired community about Marine Corps identity,” he said. “So, when things like Turkey or things like the current [situation] in Sudan come up, and other aspects of the US Joint Force are responding, it’s uncomfortable because [the Marines] look at it as something that historically they have done.”


This is the fruit of Berger's gamble.

A force that is designed for one region against one foe can't do traditional missions.

If you've been reading Marine Corps writings and watched the forums on video then you know that this issue is already covered.

Talk is already going on about what missions need to be given up in order to fully realize FD2030.

They use the lack of amphibious shipping as a cover for not being able to respond to issues popping up but I believe that behind closed doors this is also part of the plan.

Just like the Army providing tanks if necessary, I believe that its been decided behind closed doors that SOCOM would pick up the crisis response force along with the joint force as enablers to them.

The question asked by the Marine Corps Major a few your ago "Sir who am I" is back full force.

No Marine from the past will recognize this new construct.  It will not be able to do the missions that the legacy force performed.

If war doesn't come in the Pacific then the Marine Corps will continue to be left on the sidelines.

Thank Berger and his sycophants for that.

PzH2000 is a princess of a howitzer. You have to put on booties to avoid tracking in mud & each has its own vacuum cleaner!

Fierce fighting continues in Bakhmut. How did this city become the focus of both sides and turn into a meatgrinder?

I admit I don't know the terrain but for the life of me I don't understand how this small city has become the focus of both sides and turned into a meatgrinder. The good thing is that this is a great primer on urban warfare and is another data point that supports my view that cities are to be bypassed and left to wither on the vine. Makes no sense to tie up so many units in a fight for a destroyed city that has little value. I mean even if you win, what have you won?

173rd Airborne Brigade and Italian Army Paratroopers assigned to Folgore Brigade, conduct a water airborne operation

Special Tactics Airmen jump from a Marine Corps KC-130J Hercules

For the professionals in the audience...Defining Distributed Maritime Operations and the Future of Naval Warfare (

It's a whole twitter thread of think tank thoughts so give it a look if you're interested in this type of thing.