Sunday, May 07, 2023

Croatian Army wheeled IFV Patria AMV with Elbit UT30MK2 turret.

BMP-55. I kinda like it.

I like it. It really is the wave of the future. This along with APS is probably how things will go. Protection is essential just for your force to survive on the battlefield. Stealth just ain't possible in my opinion cause ISR is just becoming too powerful.

Open Comment Post. 7 May 23

Saturday, May 06, 2023

Chechens take over for Wagner on the lines...what is the endgame here..the battle is damn near won

A guy in the comments on this one said we're seeing a psyops campaign. Prig is a Russian Nationalist and a Putin loyalist. He ain't turning on Russia or Putin so this outcry is about something bigger. The battle is soon to be won (whatever winning means for a destroyed city and infrastructure) and attention will soon shift to maneuver warfare in other parts of the country. So what is going on here.

Saudi Arabia wants to buy 12 Type 052DL Destroyers?

If this is true then this is huge. The US and West has lost Saudi Arabia? Was the assasination of one journalist and our response the cause of the destruction of our relations with them? Was it participating in the power struggle to see who the next king would be? What led to the Saudis completely turning their backs on us?

Friday, May 05, 2023

Just in time. An oil refinery fire...


Jesus. If I didn't know better I'd think someone is manipulating consumer prices by a few well placed acts of sabotage. We saw it with chickens, beef, oil several times. It's really getting a bit tiresome. So gas is gonna spike, Biden is gonna crow about how we need electric vehicles, the Pentagon will say we can do that too and I'll look at the madness while eating popcorn.

Bakhmut. The city looks like its the center of a fiery hell...

If either side was engaged in serious negotiations, with the US and China co-sponsoring the talks within the UN, then an INTELLIGENT person would have declared Bakhmut an "open city" which would have spared them from this carnage. If either side balked at the idea then the ramifications internationally would have been horrific (this type of PR would have the rest of the world, not just the Western nations giving the Russians/Ukrainians a side look at the very least).

No one wants to turn off this war because they're swept up in the propaganda.

Too bad they can't smell the dead.

One whiff of a dead body along with the image of a bloated corpse would make anyone want this war to end.

Open Comment Post. 5 May 23

Prig continues his rant

Western wheeled vehicles are having mixed results in Ukraine...driver training is essential

The above vid says it all. Wheeled vehicles just can't blast thru obstacles, mud, bogs etc...the way that tracked vehicles can. Judging from most of the vehicle incidents I've seen they're gonna have to emphasize driving training to the max in the future. Beyond the obvious I can't wait to see how the reports read for wheeled vehicles after the conflict.

Thursday, May 04, 2023

The leader of Wagner takes a pic in front of about a platoon of dead fighters and yells to the Russian defense chief asking where are the shells

Wagner is turning into a problem for the Russian military. This is pretty intense though. If you remember the US made a go with PMCs and probably still do (don't know, lost interest and not following the job postings) but I kinda figured it would be the way to go into the future with recruiting being so difficult. Maybe it is and maybe this is just a Russian problem, I don't know. I do believe that if we make a run at using PMCs for actual trigger pulling jobs in the big fight coming in Africa then they're gonna have to setup so intense rules (for order, coordination, etc...) and to get guys to sign up they're gonna have to provide the same level of support they do to conventional units. Otherwise we'll see this with say (just using as an example) the Triple Canopy CEO barking at Austin wondering where the air support/medivac was. *Rush job. Deal with it.

Israeli Air Force tried to be cute for "May the 4th be with you"...I wonder if they know?

I get it. All services try and get cute for pop culture. But the IAF kinda messed this one up. A TIE fighter? That's the bird the bad guys fly! They need a better social media crew!

The largest attack helicopter in the world, the Turkish ATAK 2


The largest attack helicopter in the world, the Turkish ATAK 2, is shown after the flight with with large armaments on it 🇹🇷
by u/Old_Sherbert1465 in Helicopters

Open Comment Post. 4 May 23


The situation in the Far East (artist unknown)

 Thanks to Gessler for the pic!

Ukraine just received its 37th drawdown of US munitions and equipment...


Our reserve is gone. I'm not even sure (I don't believe) that we have enough munitions for two major regional wars. Additionally we've put our allies in a difficult position too. Not talking about any European country either. I'm talking about nations that face credible threats. Countries like Israel, S. Korea and Japan. They've also had their stockpiles reduced to support Ukraine.

Has anyone considered that the Hyper Focus on Ukraine might be making the rest of the world more dangerous for our allies?  Oh and make no mistake about it.  Ukraine isn't an ally, its at best a protectorate.

The new "tanker wars" is a prime example of how views are easily twisted

If you've been paying attention, the Biden administration is catching heat because they haven't responded to Iran seizing two tankers within a week.

Apparently some foreign policy wonks are wanting some type of action.  What type of action I don't know but the outrage is easy to see.

What they fail to acknowledge is that this whole thing kicked off because the US Navy seized an Iranian tanker headed to China!

We are living in a world of manufactured confusion and half truths.

Wednesday, May 03, 2023

13 year old boy that killed 9 people in Serbia will not face charges

This youngster is literally getting away with mass murder.

The ASPIS Modular NG-MB armor, installed on the Leopard 2A4 battle tank of the Greek Army.

Chemical explosion in China. Almost nuclear like mushroom cloud


If Houston, Lake Charles, Mobile or a few other cities with huge chemical plants every explode here in the US then it will be absolute carnage. We literally have MOABS waiting to go off in some of our cities.