Sunday, May 07, 2023

3rd Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division participate in the attack phase during Joint Readiness Training Center (JRTC) Rotation 23-07 on Fort Polk, La

1-91 CAV, 173rd Airborne Brigade at Bayonet Assault Course

The Marine, The Violent Threat & The Lateral Vascular Neck Restraint (NOT A FUCKING CHOKEHOLD!)

New York City has been shitting the bed for awhile now.

Let me hit you with real life versus the fantasy life that most Americans live in.  The pussified existence that most live in now.

The reality is that New York City subways are cesspools of depravity, violence, and lawlessness.

If the people protesting took the time to care about their fellow citizens riding these subways instead of the criminals making their lives a living hell, we would live in a better world.

The reality is they don't give a shit.  They like the chaos, they look for things to protest.  In my opinion there has to be network of professional protesters.  That is their job.  Protesting is how they make money.  Even better would be to know who is funding all this idiocy.  I don't think its an adversary cause it would have been hunted down by now.  It's got to be a political operative and they're winning because they're diving Americans once again.

Now back to this case.

The Marine (and a black and hispanic man) observed a violent person that was terrorizing the subway.

They restrained him with the Marine applying a Lateral Vascular Neck Restraint.  NOT A FUCKING CHOKEHOLD!!!!

Only noobs, pussies, bastards, dick suckers and idiots call it a chokehold.

An LVNR ensures that the larynx isn't crushed.  Breathing is still possible.

Wanna know the crazy thing about a perfectly applied LVNR?  I know this from experience before it was outlawed in my dept.

You can apply that shit picture perfect.  Applying an LVNR is when you get the payoff for all the bicep and forearm work.  I've applied it textbook style and the freak still wouldn't go out.  My arms are burning and he wouldn't go out.  My buddies were trying to grab his hands so that he could be cuffed but he wasn't about it.

I had him wrapped right.  LVNR applied, legs wrapped and he was still moving.  Every Defensive Tactics course I've been to has said it should be done in 10 seconds.  He went for at least two minutes before he finally said, "I'm done just let me go".  I told him OK but he's getting cuffed first and he complied.

The moral of the story?  This dude was drugged up, full of hate, and what works on normal people doesn't work on the addicts or the insane or both.

This Marine did his civic duty and I'll support him.  If he starts a "go fund me" page I'll contribute (most likely won't because they're trying to paint him as a vigilante) but I hope he finds an alternative.

We need more people like these 3 men.  Yeah that kinda irks too. The black and hispanic men that participating in trying to restrain this dude are being ignored because of politics.  If anything if they're trying to say the Marine fucked up then those two are accessories to the incident.

That's my take.  What's yours?

Leonidas 300 from EODH. NIMROD 300 RWS turret from Valhalla.