Friday, May 12, 2023

AMPV: The Future of Battle

HDT Global’s Robotic and Autonomous Solutions


Our influence continues to wane in the Middle East...Egypt ignores US requests...


I keep saying it but no one is listening. The world outside of the West does not view the war in Ukraine the same way our leadership does. My biggest concern is that this war and the way we're conducting it is having unintended knock on effects. The most obvious to me is the "you're with us or against us" camps that are developing. The US/EU has only Japan, Australia, a little bit of S. Korea and I can't name many more on one side and on the other China, Russia and the rest of the world.

The terrible thing is that I don't think its the war itself that has caused this but the over the top sanctions, the seizing of assets and the SWIFT actions that has caused many former allies (along with numerous other issues on individual nation state basis) that is weakening us world wide.

This war won't end this year.  More fuel spikes are coming.  The food supply chain will remain fragile.

In short I expect more chaos ahead.

I'll never understand the "want" to self censor news on the war between Russia/Ukraine

I find this interesting. Ukraine, Russia, the US, UK, NATO and EU (and all the countries that belong to NATO/EU) give updates on military activity on an ongoing basis. So why the desire by some bloggers/tweeters to self censor news on the war? I don't get it. On this blog we talked about advances today by both sides. Considering the time differences and the reporting from the lines back to their defense ministry and up to the civil govt and then the MSM, we're already seeing at least a day or two delay at best.

So what's my point?

By the time we read about it, its already old news.  If we read about it then its most likely being released for propaganda, because its assumed the other side will or both.

Self censorship of news is a disgrace. We supposedly have access to more information today than at anytime in history.  Sadly that info is so manipulated that its even more difficult to tell what's true, what's a lie and what's being used to manipulate opinion.

Thursday, May 11, 2023

I wonder what Ukraine is up to

Denver PD kick in door, kill hostage taker with head shots (GRAPHIC VID)...follow the link and read this story!

That's range time in action right there! I'm assuming they had a good description of the suspect and what he was wearing cause I had difficulty figuring out the victim vs the threat.

The Command Post as we know it is doomed. Our electronic signature is HUGE


S. Africa accused of supply Russia with arms

Not many follow what's going on in Africa. I do. The S. African President (I believe, could have been another official) stated that the US told them not to allow Putin to visit. He said that they would escort the plane once it got to S. African air space, that they would escort him from the airport to whatever event he was attending, that he would be allowed to relax and talk to whoever and that they would escort him back. He ended by saying that the US doesn't tell them what to do.

I don't think many in the West understand how much we're hated in large parts of the world.  I'm just wrapping my head around that and it can be a bit stunning.  

Sometimes I think we've been sipping too much of our own Kool-Aide.

Chunmoo K239 MLRS...the S. Koreans are about to take over the MLRS market

26th MEU conducts VBSS training...


Zelensky says Ukraine needs more time for counter-offensive

 via BBC

Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky has said his country needs more time to launch a much-anticipated counter-offensive against Russian forces, as the military awaits the delivery of promised aid.

The expected attack could be decisive in the war, redrawing frontlines that, for months, have remained unchanged. It will also be a crucial test for Ukraine, eager to prove that the weapons and equipment it has received from the West can result in significant battlefield gains.

Speaking at his headquarters in Kyiv, President Zelensky described combat brigades, some of which were trained by Nato countries, as being "ready" but said the army still needed "some things", including armoured vehicles that were "arriving in batches".

"With [what we already have] we can go forward, and, I think, be successful," he said in an interview for public service broadcasters who are members of Eurovision News, like the BBC. "But we'd lose a lot of people. I think that's unacceptable. So we need to wait. We still need a bit more time."


Open Comment Post. 11 May 23

Get your eyeballs on Avdeevka, Ukraine...

I would have washed out of Naval Flight School just trying to park the damn thing! Never thought I'd have respect for PARKING!

Why won't they leave the stage?

I don't care about her stock trades. She's corrupt as the rest. No new news there. What I wonder about is her health. She looks horrible and should be home trying to enjoy her life. But she won't leave the stage. What is up with that generation that they don't know how to walk away? It's not just the democrats either. Mitch McConnel looks like shit yet won't leave. This is horrible arrogance from those that are supposed to be our honored elders. We should be seeking their advice when necessary but looking for them to continue to lead? Naw. It just doesn't make sense. One other thing. Our elections are jacked. After a certain stage the election machines are so powerful that the weak minded will continue to elect them to office. My solution. We need to DEMAND and make law where competency tests are part of the requirements for elected office after 75. Is it agism? Maybe but look at what we're dealing with now.

Explosion in Milan, Italy


UK Defence Intelligence explains why there were so few armoured vehicles at Moscow parade

 via Yahoo News

UK Defence Intelligence has suggested that Russia could have displayed more armoured vehicles at the 9 May Victory Day parade in Moscow, but the Kremlin feared domestic criticism.

Source: Intelligence report from UK Ministry of Defence on 10 May

Quote: "On 09 May 2023, the make-up of Russia’s annual Victory Day Parade in Red Square highlighted the materiel and strategic communications challenges the military is facing 15 months into the war in Ukraine."

Details: Over 8,000 military personnel reportedly participated in the parade, but most were auxiliary, paramilitary forces and cadets from military schools.

The only personnel from the deployable regular troops were the Railway Troops and military police.

The sole tank on the parade was a vintage World War II-era T-34 from a ceremonial unit.

Quote: "Despite heavy losses in Ukraine, Russia could have fielded more armoured vehicles. The authorities likely refrained from doing so because they want to avoid domestic criticism about prioritising parades over combat operations."

1944 ad from the US War advertising Council. "Be a saver not a buyer"

Interesting isn't it. We went from a manufacturing nation to one that is consumer based. China is trying to get its citizens to consume more and stop being such strong savers. I am curious to see how they balance things.

Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Educational Video.

Many of you have never been cursed by having to deal with a REAL crackhead. People talk about it, use it as an insult (I do) and have a view of it. Well let me tell ya. Ya got to see this up close to fully understand how dangerous these people are. Luckily this vid didn't devolve into violence but believe me, these people can go from conversation to trying to smash your head in, in 2.5 miliseconds. The eyes, the jaw motion and what caught my attention and makes me wonder what he really was up to is that his right hand never left his pocket. I kinda think this was gonna turn into a robbery. These folks aren't harmless. They need to be detoxed but many just go right back to the life.

Nexter Caesar