Monday, May 15, 2023

Artillery losses in Ukraine...why is the HIMARS unscathed and the M-777 taking heavy hits?


This is an interesting article and the title to this post is just click bait. Read the article but from my seat it appears that the Ukrainians value certain pieces of kit over others. I can't forget the vid showing a HIMARS being backed into a hardened shelter and all kinds of other vids showing M-777 with piles of shells surrounding them likes its a counter insurgency fight rather than peer vs peer.

Open Comment Post. 15 May 23

The Mayaguez Incident-The last fight of the Vietnam War and the one Marine Historians rarely talk about...

Did you know that the B-2 Bomber has been grounded for 6 months now? No end to grounding is in sight either!


Alot of speculation is in the thread too, but they left one out. I think the USAF is doing a "divest to invest" ala the USMC. I believe that they're doing the calculated risk and are using this to push for even a more B-21s while not having to fund a fix/flight hours or infrastructure for the B-2.

Sunday, May 14, 2023

China is the world's premier maritime power.


Well this is gonna go mainstream media soon.  So how should the conversation go?  In my opinion we should first ask how we got here.

I personally blame the war on terror.  

That money pit cost us more than anyone can fully realize right now.

They're already laying the groundwork for Ukrainian integration into the EU

Words mean something and Zelensky's words are telling. "The connection with Europe is getting stronger". 

Suspected sabotage on HMS Glasgow

The UK was within hours of conducting an airborne op into Sudan with their entire Parachute Regiment (to include reservists)


Is it just me or does it seem to that UK is much more "aggressive" lately. The conditions on the ground were obviously much worse than we all though (and I thought it was pretty bad).

100 year old Nazi Guard stands trial. I'm conflicted.


Don't get it twisted.

I have absolutely no sympathy for this guy but let's get real.

He's 100 fucking years old.  

Does a conviction and prison time even matter at this point? 

To be blunt.

He's escaped man's justice and its up to God to deal with him.  

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Brit supplied Storm Shadow cruise missile already in use by Ukraine

Wow. This might be a problem. They definitely need some type of office that has only one function. To decide if a target should be gone after and if so then what weapon to use. As things now stand it appears they're just burning thru all types of weaponry without a care as to rationing at least a bit of it for a rainy day...or a truly high value, time sensitive target that is worthy of a 2.2 million dollar missile.

Robert F. Kennedy on the Russell Brand Show...

RFK Jr. would wipe the floor with Biden. No wonder the DNC is fighting so hard to make sure their isn't a primary challenge.

France's 13th Engineer Regiment conducting bridging ops with Griffon Mult-Role Vehicles...

The Griffon has really grown on me. Bigger than the JLTV (but the French use the Serval in that role) I don't know how it would be classified in US service. It's weight is probably a concern even though it carries 8 fully equipped soldiers (25 tons). This is an interesting vehicle. Not quite an infantry fighting vehicle, but better than a truck that's been armored up (can't forget about the fold down bench either) its quite the odd but beautiful duck. Maybe a lower cost surrogate VBCI for operations other than high intensity combat?

We spend our ammunition among other things to halt the fleeing? WTF is going on with WAGNER???

If you've been listening to Prigozhin then it sounds like the Ukrainian counter offensive has begun. Is this a distraction while they prepare to strike in other areas? Are they assuming the Russians will thin their lines to reinforce the fight around Bakhmut? This thing turned from sugar to shit for the Russians real quick. What changed? No. What's real!

Open Comment Post. 13 May 23

Could this be S. Korea's next gen optionally manned MBT?


Friday, May 12, 2023

This is getting interesting. Prigozhin is saying that Russian troops are fleeing in front of a Ukrainian offensive around Bakhmut...


This is beyond interesting.

This Prigozhin dude is either a master at disinformation or he's a useful tool for the allies against his own nation.

Can you imagine not telling your citizens that your forces have faced a setback on the field of battle but instead that they're fleeing in front of the enemy?  That sounds like a damn near rout!

But I have to wonder.

The Chechens are there.  Those dudes are some brutal bastards.  If I was fighting them and for some reason capture was imminent I'd consider using the last round on myself.

Fleeing in front of the enemy just don't sound like their style.

Real curious as to what's really going on.

Wagner chief Prigozhin says Moscow downplaying situation around Bakhmut

Open Comment Post. 12 May 23

Anytime, Anywhere | What do Marines do?

It's really a shame. Berger's total focus on only the Indo-Pac theater clouded his vision. It was obvious that he reduced the number of amphibs necessary to float Marines was just a bid to get his Landing Ship Mediums to transport his baby, the Marine Littoral Regiment. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Berger is going to leave the Marine Corps is worst shape than when he found it. He has taken the Marine Corps down an evolutionary dead end. As a change agent he failed. Instead of adding to our capabilities he's crippled the Corps. His legacy will be one of destruction. The destruction of the Marine Corps.

Ukraine's Planned Counteroffensive - force readiness, leaks, politics & expectations (another good one from Perun YouTube...Noble was right subscribe to this guy!)