Saturday, September 30, 2023

The US still held elections during its most traumatic times, yet we're good with Ukraine NOT doing the same?

Zelensky knows that if elections were held he would lose BADLY! His only chance for survival and that massive golden parachute he's amassing is to continue in his current role till the war is over. If he is removed by elections, by coup or by loss of faith by his benefactors then he's a dead man. He knows it which is why he's clinging to power. Greed is a powerful drug. Spike greed with self preservation and you're dealing with a dangerous individual.

Open Comment Post. 30 Sep 23

Using gas in a peer conflict can lead to "mistakes"

Wow. This kinda thing can lead to "mistakes". Yeah. We use gas. But its been against insurgents. Start playing this game with peer states and things can get dicey real quick. This is my worry. Ukraine is fighting this thing and they want NATO (read that to mean the US...NATO is useless) involved in a big way. I fully expect sometype of provocation to stun the public and rally support for their cause. Just like NordStream it'll be a lie but the attention span is short and all they need is an emotional response and troops on the ground before the truth comes out. Thanks to a castrated (read that to mean "pussified") media establishment in the US/West, the lie will be allowed even though their masters will have told them better.

YouTube "prankster" shot

Thoughts on this shooting of YouTube "prankster?"
byu/TheBigCalc inFirearms
To be honest I thought this would have happened long ago. These people doing this "prank" shit have been playing with fire for a long time. Let's call it what it is. "Pranksters" fuck with people and expect to get laughs for doing it and a bit of YouTube fame to boot. I don't believe YouTube has a dawg in this fight but since they dig their nose into every other issue maybe they should be getting the shit sued out of them for putting this on their platform.

Undetected in enemy territory for a year and a half

Serbia looks at Ukraine and says hold my beer...."unprecedented" buildup of troops and armor along Kosovo border.

Another unintended consequence. The longer this goes on, the more dangerous Europe becomes. Stop the war in Ukraine and YOU MIGHT prevent clusters of wars breaking out. As things stand now we can expect to see major dustups in the Middle East and Africa too. I've been impressed that they've kept a lid on things for as long as they have. Let this go another year and we'll see regional wars in all but name in several different continents. Oh and keep an eye on S. America. A couple of govts seem to be on the edge of MAJOR civil issues soon.

Friday, September 29, 2023

Elbit Systems / Crossbow

MQ9B STOL Variant

Didn't know LHDs had arrestor gear. Is that for the F-35s or something that will have to be installed if the Navy decides to go this way.

No more Uranium from Russia

No clear path in Congress to passing more Ukraine aid...


Told ya. Despite all the people from other countries that are trying to tell Americans what we can and can't give, the feelings of MANY of my fellow Americans is simple. Take care of home first, then we MIGHT be able to fund the Ukrainian military, govt, pay for their federal workers while we furlough our own and help them secure their border while ours is wide open and big cities in the West, Mid-West and East are begging for assistance to stop the flow. The gravy train might not be over but it will be reduced to a veritable trickle. As the election gets closer even the Biden Admin will begin trying to limit it and get accounting for what's been given.

Open Comment Post. 29 Sep 23


Thursday, September 28, 2023

I just discovered Scotch Eggs...

A buddy of mine brought food to work today and told me to try something out. I thought ok, here we go. Deer season is about to open up and the woods are gonna be crawling with hunters in just a few weeks so he's cleaning out his freezer to make room for his haul this year (you'd be surprised at how many of these good ole' boys down here actually live off the land...quite surprising and definitely doable if what they say is true). All I could think is damn, I hope its backstrap. It wasn't. It was scotch eggs. Never even heard of them before but they were absolutely fantastic. Tons of vids online on how to make it and it appears quite easy to make. Give it a try if you're feeling adventurous.

Wednesday, September 27, 2023

War Thunder is turning into an awesome source of classified/near classified info on major weapon systems...


Tuesday, September 26, 2023

Nicholas Drummond brings up a scary proposition...


Can you imagine if this were to happen? Nicholas is talking about a safer place. Talks about UN action. But you do know what this ACTUALLY means right? You would see a mad max race between MOSTLY the USA and China to get those weapons. Fighting thru remnant forces. Possibly fighting each other. Dealing with a humanitarian crisis at the same time? It would be madness on steroids. NATO couldn't handle it and most European countries couldn't contribute forces because they'd be dealing with refugees. THE ENTIRE US military would have to be deployed to the effort and if China mad the decision to sit it out then they would have the rest of the globe as their playground while the USA once again saves Europe from itself.

The worst part of all this?  Globalist like the idiot Graham are probably cheering for this very scenario.  No worries though.  It'll be your kids not his.

Propaganda? Disinformation? Uncomfortable truth?


Is the above propaganda, disinformation, or info that reinforces a belief that I already had? I knew the history of Ukraine and Nazi. Just like I knew that it was the most corrupt nation in Europe and even with that we are flowing billions of unaccountable dollars into that country. But ignore the last part about our aid. Is this propaganda or disinformation simply because it points out an uncomfortable truth for our policy makers?

Oh and before you discount that idea remember that a Canadian member of their parliament had to resign over the affair of welcoming a former SS member.

So long story short.



Uncomfortable truth?

How many decades to clear Ukraine after this war? I'm guessing at least 2...


How many decades will it take to clear Ukraine after this war? I'm guessing at least 2 just for the mines. Oh and make no mistake after this war is over the casualties will continue cause from my chair it doesn't look like they're clearly marking where mines have been laid. To rebuild the cities? Well ya got to see how many people come back. I'm guessing a huge portion will remain where they settled. So we're gonna have a depopulated country, trying to rebuild, with no industries, crippled agriculture and is riddled with corruption?

Are we even sure Ukraine CAN comeback after this thing is over?

EU says Russian disinformation most active on X...


Interesting. Ya know why they call it "disinformation" instead of propaganda? Simple. Russia is expressing conservative views to a western audience and many in that audience agree. They can't call that propaganda so they once again play with the English language, cook up a new word..."disinformation"...and make it a boogeyman so that they can trash viewpoints that many agree that are coming from a source they dislike.

Don't care what side you're on in the current fight.

This kinda shit coming from your govt should piss you the fuck off.

Open Comment Post - Where are we at with the war in Ukraine?

 We haven't done this in awhile.  Where are we at with the war in Ukraine?  A few bullet points...

1.  Our aid to Ukraine is unsustainable.  I notice many European readers are attempting to examine the US budget and decide for Americans how much to give, meanwhile they're giving less.

2.  Zelensky's act has played out.  No one likes the pampered princess and his continually asking for more and more seemingly without limit is grating.

3.  Apparently its the "hotness" in the West to ignore every domestic problem and focus on Ukraine only.  They're pushing hard the idea that this is a fight for democracy.  Anyone with a single brain cell knows better.

4.  Mixed reports from the front.  It appears that Ukraine has made it past the first line of defense.  I've seen more than a few reports to indicate as such from various pro-Ukraine X sites.  Haven't seen the usual assessments from British Intel (they've been outfront on alot of this in the past).  Not sure what's actually going on.

5.  The fight is going deep.  Setting up staging points in population centers no longer prevents strikes.  We know Russia is massing loitering drones and cruise missiles.  Ukraine seems to be doing the same.

6.  I miss anything?  Disagree?  Let me know how you see things.

Open Comment Post. 26 Sep 23

Driven individuals always feel like they're behind