Thursday, October 05, 2023

This is a fascinating conversation on the current Ukrainian political situation...Who is this ARESTOVICH dude?

Good shoot but still bad...


The guy that posted this covered most of it. Presence is your first defensive tactic. In the academy its stressed that a proper appearance is essential. You don't have to be the incredible hulk but you've at least got to look professional. Read that to mean capable of handling business. So onto the topic. Where did this deputy go wrong (and I'm just going from the vid and don't know the background so this is real clownshow analysis...none of us were there so none of will know...even if we get ahold of the reports)? In my list this deputy was just plain fat. I don't think he even considered using any empty hand techniques or baton strikes to neutralize this guy. We don't know if he had a taser/pepper spray but those are known to fail so we'll just roll on. He appeared to be retreating without having any view of the ground behind me. Hopefully he had good situational awareness and knew that they were no trip or fall hazards but this guy is obviously mentally trashed. If he tripped, fell and lost control of the weapon this could have turned out badly for him. Unlike the guy that posted this I have no problem with the one handed shooting. My assumption is that he was using his non-gun hand to block the blows from the stick. Its 2023. You know the job is at least hazardous if not outright dangerous. You gotta take time to stay in shape. Its a must.

We're seeing incidental indications that American casualties in Ukraine are increasing....

I saw a vid today from TASS that states that they recently struck a large concentration of Ukrainian troops being trained (out in the open). It went on to say that they used a "special" recon system to detect them and that they suspect foreign advisors were part of the group and also hit. This news is a week or two old (been busy) but adding it together I'd love for some hotshot REAL DEAL journalist to investigate and get a track of our war wounded and unfortunately killed. While this sounds like a classic Special Forces mission, due to the nature of the war I'd expect to see MANY more conventional bubbas doing the training. This means they can't keep a wrap on things unless the media is assisting in suppressing the news.

Relations between Ukraine and Poland are even worse than imagined.

I've got to be missing a part of this story. I've heard the public statements about why things have gone south but there MUST be much more to it than we're being told.

Seems like NONE of the allies have much more to give to Ukraine...

I warned about this but people with NO KNOWLEDGE of our weapons stockpile claimed all is well. Now the truth is beginning to come out and the reality is stark. Do we take care of Ukraine or do we make sure that we're ready if bad stuff happens. I know most of the clowns that speak out on this blog will yell "defend democracy" and "support Ukraine". Idiot thinking. You can't help others if you're in shit state yourself.

Our Borders Are Being Rushed MadMax Style. We no longer have control of entry into our country....

You won't feel the real pain now. Give it about 2-5 years. That's when crime is gonna explode and those that commit serious crimes will rush back to their native countries to escape what little justice still exists. Shit like this is how dictators come to power. When govt no longer does its basic job, tries to expand into other roles yet 101 govt work is left undone is when people yearn for a strongman to appear to take control of things. Not conservatives either. When shit goes bad liberals demand a strongman impose order for the "public good".

Wednesday, October 04, 2023

We could have killed them in their crib. We didn't. Now? We either fight them NOW or fix ourselves and accept some L's till we're ready for the big one...

We missed our chance. We could have killed them in their crib but we didn't. We were greedy or rather our corporations were greedy and our idiot President's thought that we could exploit them like we've exploited others. Those days are over. Now? We either fight them NOW! TONIGHT! Next week, but soon or we decide to fix ourselves, get our home industry up to speed, stop playing whack-a-mole all over the world, take care of our borders, infrastructure, crumbling morality and accept the fact that we're gonna take more global L's while we're getting ready for the big one. Ya know the fight to decide which nation will dominate going into the future. Our globalist fucked up and totally have misplayed our hands for the past 50 years. We squandered ourselves on idiocy and acted like we were promoting democracy. Even I once believed that shit.

Tuesday, October 03, 2023

In any physical confrontation you must assume the worst...

Heart goes out to the victim here. So many mistakes made but the biggest is that he had or should have assumed (especially in New York) that (1) He was dealing with a mentally ill person (2) that this mentally ill person was likely armed with some type of weapon and (3) that this mentally ill person would make any excuse to escalate this incident and make it a fight for his very life instead of some type of misunderstanding. You can't reason with crazy. You can't take crazy lightly. You have to assume that most of the public is on some type of illegal (highly likely) or legal (possibly) drugs that will be used to excuse idiot type behavior. Normal is walking your girl back to her place after a wedding and expecting everything to go fine. It's 2023. Nothing is normal. Get a gun. Get good with it. Carry it always.

An uncomfortable poll


Ukraine just claimed their first political victim

 McCarthy is out.

I consider him the first victim of the Ukrainian War and in particular all the damn begging that Zelensky has been doing.

Don't get me wrong.  There is a bunch of bad blood flowing in the background...a whole lot of hate and grudges that we'll never hear about but the upshot is that funding Ukraine while we have open borders is the excuse being given.

Oh and don't for ONE MINUTE doubt the claim that Biden struck a backroom deal on aid to Ukraine.  I'm sure McCarthy has done that.

All that's in jeopardy now.

My hope?

I hope govt is stalled out.  In our system of govt if we don't agree then little outside of funding current priorities is how things are suppose to  go.  Executive orders?  Invented out of whole cloth. Combining budget bills?  Invented to help Congress Critters avoid doing their damn jobs.

McCarthy was a creature of the swamp.  He was working hand in glove with the traitorous Republican Senators (mostly) and had the stink of Liz Cheney bubbling up all around him.

Good riddance.

Open Comment Post. 3 Oct 23

Sunday, October 01, 2023

Repeat after me Senator. Taiwan has NOTHING to do with Ukraine! There is no linkage!


This sorry fuck is simply reading the polls. He knows that the American people are more concerned about China than the mess in Ukraine. Therefore he's trying to create a false linkage. It's a lie. They know its a lie. They're counting on fear to push a failed and flawed policy.

Change is inevitable. NONE of our forces are what they once were....

 I did a post where I slammed a British Admiral that was saying (paraphrasing) that a British carrier swayed US public opinion.

The push back from Brit readers was intense.

I get it.

No one wants to hear that they're not what they once were.  Sucks on an individual level and sucks on the international stage.

But facts are facts.

The fight in the Pacific is a naval battle.  Once the Brits owned the oceans. They don't anymore.

The problem for the Brits is that they're not making choices.  They're not optimizing their forces.  Where can they help the most (assuming that one of their primary considerations is to partner with the US)?

Focus on Europe.

If they can be the force that can stand in the gap, be the high readiness force for Europe then they take that pressure off the US.

If they optimize their Special Ops forces to conduct missions in Africa and the Middle East (in partnership with the SOCOM) then they are being useful.

Sending a carrier to the Pacific ain't getting that done.

We've done it before but let's do it again just for shits and giggles...

Let's do a breakdown (from your viewpoint of things) of how each nation ranks in the air, ground and sea realms.

Land Warfare.

1.  Poland

2.  France

3.  Netherlands

Aerial Warfare.

1.  UK/France

2.  Italy

3.  Netherlands

Naval Warfare.

1.  France

2.  Italy

3.  UK

So looking at this list the UK is sub optimized to perform the vital support role that I envision it to serve if supporting US (and their own foreign policy) is the goal.

The British Army is INCAPABLE of operating in peer vs peer combat at this time (it will take a decade to fix what's been broken).  At best British Infantry will perform raids or fight in urban areas but as far as maneuver warfare is concerned they're behind the power curve.

The British Navy is working hard to improve but when compared to other nation states in Europe they're middling at best.  In the Pacific they're totally outclassed by S. Korea, Japan and maybe even India.  Using their carriers to serve as lilly pads for USMC F-35s is cute and God knows the Pentagon loves the "interoperability" idiocy but if you have a carrier and we have to provide the planes then really what good are ya?

British Airpower is kinda confusing to me.  They have (or will have) a nice fighter force but that's assuming the F-35 is the world beater everyone claims (which is in doubt considering the GAO report).  Their Typhoons seem capable but their cargo capability has been slammed to hell with the early retirement of the C-130s.

Let me close with this.

NONE OF OUR FORCES ARE WHAT THEY ONCE WERE!  If you look at Europe the only nation that is actually moving with speed to upgrade their forces is Poland.  France is slow and steady with their plan (probably the best upgrade of ground forces I've seen...they lack counter drone planning but maneuver warfare they're all in on it).  The Netherlands is moving with speed too.  The Germans are the Germans.  Head in the sand and begging for forgiveness and still whipping themselves over WW2.  Italy is doing some things and so is Spain (yeah Spain is getting stuff done).

The UK?

Disaster after disaster. 

The UK needs to decide what it can and is willing to pay to do. Now they're just trying to do everything and that ain't working.

Saturday, September 30, 2023

The global elites are losing on Ukraine...Slovakia chooses a different path

...the impact of seeing a British aircraft carrier in Pacific waters matters to American public opinion. No it doesn't. The Brits are deluded. They don't matter, they just tag along....

UK to send troops into Ukraine to train Ukrainian forces. The slow walk to NATO involvement turns into a jog....

This is why I despise alliances. Any single member can do batshit stupid shit and get everyone involved in their bullshit. Fuck the UK for this. TOTAL DUMBASS MOVE. What happens when those trainers get hit? The Brits gonna send a brigade to fight? So much insanity. Let Europe burn. Take care of home first.

Milley is the latest in a growing list of pathetic military leadership. At his retirement he rails against Trump but doesn't explain his call to the Chinese or the BOTCHED withdrawal from Afghanistan. GOOD FUCKING RIDDANCE!