Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Open Comment Post. 10 Oct 23


The terrorist have to be killed but I'm tired of the cheerleaders that act as if this is nothing...

 As expected the Pentagon can focus on just China but the rest of the world gets a vote.

Do I believe we have a dog in this fight?  FUCK NO!  This thing has been raging since the time when Jesus walked the earth.  We ain't solving it and if you believe any parts of the Holy Bible then you gotta think that we're seeing ANOTHER fight over the ground where the real big one will take place.

But back on task.

Where are my door kickers at?

Where are the guys that jumped from planes, swam up to shore from the depths and did those rappels from 120ft up?

To the rest of you I have one simple question.  Have you stood on the outside of a door, knew you had to go thru it (or blast a spider hole) and KNEW there were bad guys on the otherside that wanted to smash you as soon as they saw a hand, boot or even rifle barrel peeking around?

I hear all these policy makers.  All these average citizens.  All these fucking "experts" talk about what is coming next.  Talking about how WE are gonna carry the fight to the enemy.


Its gonna be some bubba on the ground that is gonna do the hard thing.  

Just like in Ukraine with so many cheering from the sidelines and not making entries you have these people talking shit from the safety of their couch.

Fuck them all.

Am I saying that you can let this stand?  Hell no.  I saw the same vids that you did.  I saw the rapes, the parading of nude captives thru the streets, the children in cages....I saw it all.

These fuckers need to be eradicated.

But alot of people are gonna die that are innocent.

Lastly, I've been thinking and a few readers have posted about how inexplicable this intel failure was.

I agree.

Something is VERY OFF here.  We have full eyes on this shit.  The Israelis definitely do too.

I can't shake the feeling that we're all being played to the max on this thing but can't point to anything in particular.

Sunday, October 08, 2023

My take? This issue is still in doubt and might take weeks or months for Israel to solve...

 Israel is in a jam.

This isn't simple.  This will take weeks or months to solve.  Hamas got in deep, they struck hard, they have hostages, they've stacked bodies and the Israelis are still trying to regain the initiative.

If Hezbollah gets involved along with Iran then this turns into a regional war.

The economic circumstances are secondary but oil prices are about to spike to hell.  You better fill up your tanks this weekend and drive slow cause its about to pound your pocket book.

The US administration is lost in the sauce.  They don't have a plan were caught off guard and have few options.  The Pentagon appears to be in the same boat.

The crazy thing?

If the Israeli operation is a success then its still dangerous for all.  That will force the Arab nations to come to the rescue of HAMAS and the threat of regional war versus the blood lust of the Israelis that have seen their citizens ravaged will butt heads.

There will be no happy ending here.

Navy moves and the Marine Corps is left behind...how that Force Design 2030 working when real shit breaks out...


Yeah. Sense and make sense. Recon for the joint force. UTTER BULLSHIT! They need a fully equipped MEU capable of conducting ground operations...probably at least two, but no. The Marine Corps is a missile firing butched up naval infantry with no staying power now. The real world is a bitch and the planners that birthed FD2030 are a bunch of fucking fools.

Israeli cabinet ratifies state of war. Pulverizing Gaza has now been legalized


A reader stated that we should separate the Palestinian people from Hamas. I get that. But if we do that then why don't we separate the Israeli people from the Israeli govt? It should be obvious that we can't. For better or worse the people of a nation (or entity) are tied to their leadership whether they agree with their policies or not. Its the same in the US and its the same over there.

Back on task.

The cabinet ratified the state of war.

This thing has been "legalized".  They've dotted the i's and crossed the t's to this mess.

This thing is gonna be horrific on a number of levels.  Oh and I've read reports that the Quds Force is operating on the line and inside Israel.

Those evil bastards will slaughter with glee anyone they come across.  With those fuckers you either kill them or die fighting them but you damn sure don't let them capture you.

This drama is gonna shock the world.  The terrible thing is that the US or anyone else doesn't have anything to send.  They went full tilt on supplying Ukraine.  The shelves are bare and our only ally in the Middle East is in need.

Sidenote.  After this is all over Israel is gonna be absolutely FERAL in how they deal with their enemies.  We're gonna see a return to the attitudes at the start of their nation.

Hezbollah is beginning to lob rockets into Israel. A two front war?


If Hezbollah gets fully involved. IF the Arab nations stay on the sidelines but FUND Hamas and Hezbollah AND Iran so that they can get a steady supply of munitions into the fight, then this could turn into a war of survival for Israel. Cocaine is a helluva drug. The lust for peace is even stronger. 

I'm fully convinced that the Israelis believed that they were on the verge of solving all of their problems (at least in the short term) with the moderate messaging coming from the Arab states.

I don't know if we saw an intel failure or a decision made to NOT disturb the process by launching pre-emptive strikes on Gaza to disrupt this thing. 

I REFUSE TO BELIEVE that the world's intel services failed to note the massive buildup and even assembly of forces that launched these attacks yesterday. Ignored them? Yes. Paralyzed by analysis? Yes. Paralyzed by lack of decisiveness by policy makers? Yes. Missed something this fucking big? Not for one minute.

Sunday Question. Should we consider Hamas to have morphed into a nation state armed force (plus a sidenote)?

 We all saw the reports of the massive attacks carried out against Israel by Hamas yesterday.

Everyone lists them as simply another terrorist force.

Is that accurate or do we need to rethink our think about how we view them.

The attack was too broad, to well organized and planned.  It has the hallmarks of being a real deal conventional force built around light infantry but larger than I ever knew and having various units that have specialized tasks almost border on Special Ops with the added benefit (or idiocy) of conducting suicide runs.

Should Israel and the US consider them to be a nation state armed force now?

Sidenote.  If the EU hasn't placed the internal security forces of every member nation on alert, tried to get out from behind the curve on intel and started monitoring some its recent arrivals then we might see horrific events spread to Europe.  Most on this blog go crazy over Russia/Ukraine but THIS CONFLICT could cost lives if the planning included HAMAS and its sympathizers going after targets in the EU.

CO of Israel's Multidimensional Unit killed in combat

How ironic in a sad way. This guy led a unit built for future combat and was killed by a hyper terrorist/quasi conventional force conducting deliberate assaults across a broad front. God bless him and his family.

Open Comment Post. 8 Oct 23

StrykerQB technology demonstrator

I so despise the "quarterback" of the skies/sea/air meme that is currently all the rage in the Pentagon. Seems like we're gonna have a whole team of quarterbacks but no linemen, running backs etc...We need a TEAM, not individual glory machines (no, I'm not saying this is one of those but the marketing dept at GD needs to rethink the QB meme). "Sense and make sense" is all well and find, but someone is gonna have to put steel on target.

Saturday, October 07, 2023

I predicted multiple regional wars. Africa is burning. We all know about Ukraine/Russia. Now the Middle East? Shit is getting spicey...

This thing could get outta hand real quick. Didn't the Israelis just give up some of their war stock to Ukraine? I know we're depleted. If this turns into a shit storm the Israelis could be screwed. This is where we could actually seen tactical nukes used. If Hezbollah gets into the fight, if Egypt and the other Arab states consider the Israeli response over the top and if Iran decides to get into the game then this could become a MAJOR flashpoint.

This captured Israeli Female Soldier is in for some terrible times...

I fear she will be praying for death soon. Its one thing to talk about women in combat. The reality is fucking horrific.

They're exploiting the hell outta that captured Israeli Grandma. I hope those bastards don't kill her....

I hope to God those bastards are merciful with this captured Grandma. They don't need to kill her. I don't like the way they're exploiting her but please let her live.

Not a good look for the US Army

Palestinian fighters returning to Gaza with a stolen IDF vehicle.

Israeli elderly woman held hostage and being paraded in Gaza by Palestinian terrorists

“By the end of today, there will be no more living terrorists left in Israel”

— Israeli army spokesman Richard Hecht

10,000 Reservists called up by the Israeli Defense Force for Operation Iron Swords

The high-ranking Israeli officer, Nimrod Aloni, former Commanding Officer of the Gaza Division, has been captured by Hamas...THIS IS FUCKING HUMILIATING FOR THE ISRAELIS!

Attempted infiltration attempt into Israel....by paraglider