Thursday, October 12, 2023

“Ukraine funding, we're coming near to the end of the rope!”

Note. I need context on this one....Such a statement would send alarm bells ringing at max in Europe and Kyiv.

"The entire planet will be under our law; there will be no more Jews or Christian traitors.".

Wednesday, October 11, 2023

HAMAS is calling for Friday to be a "National Day Of Jihad" worldwide

Wow. Seriously? Should be interesting. Not in my neck of the woods...too many with guns. Too many that would almost welcome that kind of madness, but in the North, East and West coasts it could be a problem (assuming they have cells operating here & assuming they're gonna activate with this call for action).

Boeing 818 TFX; The Actual Aardvark?

Rheinmetall‘s Lynx demonstrates killer-killer capability

Elbit Systems / Crossbow

Rheinmetall Mission Master CXT – a compact and highly mobile UGV

TRX SHORAD: A New Dimension of Robotic Short-Range Air Defense

Welcome to the ARCHER family

Open Comment Post. 11 Oct 23

Nice overview of D+4 Gaza


Question of the day. In order to defeat monsters must you become a monster?

Sometimes ya got to cut thru the bullshit to get to the truth. This is one of those times. Quite honestly its been one of those times for the past 20 years. 

The question is simple and stark. 

In order to defeat monsters must you become a monster?

The answer is YES you must become a monster!  A controlled monster.  A monster with an off switch but you must get medieval.

For as long as I've been alive we've attempted to deal with monsters domestically and internationally with gentleness.  We've pushed 'rules' of war.  What idiocy.

The enemy never fights by the rules and for the longest time we have had no real END to wars just momentary pauses because we refuse to do the hard thing and actually win the damn thing.

Its always civilian considerations.  Its always about humanitarian shit.  Its never about winning so we don't have to repeat the same shit in the same location about once every couple of years.

In short our humanity.  Our civilization.  Our lust for peace at any cost is hurting us.

Sometimes you just do the hard thing, ignore the lawyers that tend to muck up everything from actual combat to taking a shit and just get it done.

Apply all of the above to current situations both here and across the globe.  From rampant crime to a wide open border to the war in Israel.

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

M10 Booker in action...

Note. The retired General's over at Compass Points are smiling hard and almost pushing for the CV90-120 instead. I don't know if that because they want a "unique" med tank (to be different from the Army) or if they're just convinced that 120mm cannon is absolutely necessary. Regardless the Army moved with speed and are getting their tank into service quickly.

Is this the beginning of the end for the US dollar's dominance?

If the dollar dies (de-dollarization) then the current world financial system dies. Instability is gonna be a given as will the fight for resources. Wars will happen because of this move. The empire must not be imperilled, and the empire WILL strike back if this goes widespread.

Jesus. The big urban fight isn't enough for some. Now they're talking about tunnel fights?

Punish the terrorists. Bounce rubble. Gas tunnels. BUT DO NOT SEND YOUR INFANTRY INTO THAT BULLSHIT! Why do planners, think tank types and other experts always lust for this type of fight (urban & tunnels)? I don't understand it but if Israel falls for this trap then they will suffer at least a couple "lost battalions". If they're smart this will be a punishing and humiliating win for the IDF that generations yet to come in Hamas will not forget and will give them pause. If they get locked into urban/tunnel warfare this will be a terrible loss instead.

Look at this vid of the aftermath of the bombing so far in Gaza. They're gonna have to bounce can't send battalions into that!


The terrorist must be killed but YOU DO NOT SEND YOUR BATTALIONS INTO THIS SHIT!!!!~

A quick glance shows me nothing but pain and misery for any force that is trying to enter this urban area.  Tanks will be getting from the top, the sides and the rear.  Same with your infantry.  Artillery will be almost useless.

Oh and did I mention its all gonna be close quarter shit?

The US Army and Marine Corps were both smoking crack when they talk about urban combat as a hallmark of future operations.

We don't have the forces to do it and neither do the Israelis.

It will be nasty to alot of the public but YOU MUST BOMB, build more bombs and THEN BOMB SOME MORE.

You send a battalion into that and you won't find them till some souls digs up their dog tags in about 2040.

HAMAS is attempting to push the humanitarian angle to delay/halt an Israeli incursion into the Gaza strip. I don't think even that card will work this time....

I've been noticing many pushing two cards lately. The first is the humanitarian angle. Nothing but reports of Palestinian suffering in Gaza due to the bombing and shelling. Additionally I've seen ONE report of HAMAS stating that they're willing to negotiate a truce.

I don't think that card will work this time.

They were too blatant in their attack and too horrific in their actions.

The Israelis want blood for blood and an eye for an eye.

The second card MIGHT work.

Everyone is scared shitless of Iran.  Why everyone is scared of Iran instead of Iran being scared shitless of us is beyond me and shows how fucking pathetic our foreign policy has become but I digress.

Because of the fear of a wider war instead of rendering HAMAS, HEZBOLLAH, and IRAN incapable of idiot activity for the next 10 years or longer is beyond me.

If we do our thing and ignore the nation building, humanitarian aid and tell the bleeding hearts to fuck off then the two carriers along with Israeli ground forces (against Hamas and Hezbollah) can take care of those two groups first while the USAF sends long range strikes to smash Iran's capability of lobbing medium range missiles until the Navy can go over and start eviscerating the Republican Guard.

As much as I hate these piss ant conflicts between piss ant nations its become clear that the US needs a vicious and overwhelming display of force that involves actual bloodshed to keep the tribals at bay.

I say this in jest and more than a bit of irony.

"The Empire Must Be Preserved".

Seriously?  Force is needed to keep things from spiraling out of control.  Pain and suffering must be distributed liberally now to prevent even more pain and suffering later.  Terrorism and those that sponsor it must be killed till the next generation comes along and then we'll just have to do it again.

HAMAS in action. How any of you can support these animals is beyond me....

Are we in the "crisis" era?


I tend to agree with this guy. The terrible thing? The reaction to the Ukrainian war uncorked everything. Even worse? It's the sanctions that were applied to Russia and the infrastructure setup to render them useless that sped up this whole thing. The terrible 2020's are gonna give way to the war after war 2030's. Even there we're ahead of schedule.

If the Palestinians were peaceful I could easily support them. Instead they do this...


Fuck HAMAS. They kill a bunch of modern day hippies at a concert.


All you people on this blog that are trying to justify or excuse this barbarity need to do a self check.

If faced with evil you either submit or kill it.  Israel should bring hellfire onto the top of these bastards.