Saturday, October 14, 2023

Ukrainians are worried that they've become old news....


This was to be expected. The public was souring on this war and the endless amount of money and equipment being sent to them with no end in sight. Apparently the Ukrainians are aware of at least becoming old news and are trying to get back to the top of the page (as they say in print media). Won't work. The Israel/Hamas fight could SERIOUSLY become a regional war (not a phantom threat like they tried in Ukraine) and will affect us all because of oil. They're second fiddle out of necessity for the majority of the people of the world.

About the hostages that Hamas took...a little honest talk...

I was gonna post about this before the bodies of "some" of the hostages were found.

Time for a reality check folks.

Time to be brutally honest.

They're either already dead (a mercy, as perverted as that sounds) or being ravaged before they die.

Long story short?

Israel ain't getting those people back.  Any planning to attempt a rescue into a terrorist stronghold will result in wasted lives of the Special Ops folks that are attempting it.

Don't get me wrong.  SOCOM and the IDF Special Ops folks are probably crushing intel to find their locations and will probably even beg to make that suicide run.

Practicality demands that they be protected from themselves in this case.

They're gone. Victims of this horrific attack.

Friday, October 13, 2023

First confirmed IDF aircraft loss

Wow. Operating helicopters in or near urban centers is so fraught with danger I'm surprised its still being done. In this case a malfunction (which we can expect to see more of as the IDF ups ops tempo and maintainers struggle to keep up) caused the issue. But I'd bet body parts I prize that they're setting up helicopter ambushes after this small victory.

Bunker busters being used against Hamas tunnel complex. Interesting. I thought they'd save those in case Iran went batshit...

War zones respect no one. Not even journalists (graphic)

Ironic. This person would be the first put to death under a Hamas regime...

He cheers for them yet defends them. Ironic. He would be the first put to death under a Hamas regime. How have we developed so many brain dead citizens.

Hamas publishes footage of its fighters keeping Israeli children as human shields in Gaza.

HAMAS blames Palestinian Civilians for the rapes & kidnapping...

Thursday, October 12, 2023

That is a metric shit ton of fire from the sky

Stepping back a bit. How can the modern world keep getting hit by crisis after crisis after crisis????

Not even the ancient world suffered crisis after crisis after crisis. They had a pandemic and it was a two year thing and done. World War 2 was 4 years and done (not counting rebuilding...yeah if you count the holdouts in Germany then into 1946-47 but...). Is it just me or does it seem like after Vietnam we just have endless dramas?

IDF setting the narrative for future action in Gaza

Rather than sending troops in now and fighting an extremely bloody war with an enemy who knows the territory better, the IDF plans to starve Hamas out first in Gaza

Through out history the good, the innocent, the non-fighters pay the price. If Hamas had honor they would go out and meet the IDF.

Shayetet 13 commando unit retaking the Sufa military post on the Gaza border from Palestinian terrorists on Saturday.

Note. This war just saved US Army Special Ops from cutbacks. Maybe the entire SOCOM. Everyone wanted that big fight in China in the Pacific. I've been telling any that would listen it would be Africa and the Middle East. That's not even big brain thinking, just plain common sense. Very rarely do you get what you want in nation state affairs. Back on task. Yeah. Special Ops will continue to play a role in future warfare.

Open Comment Post. 12 Oct 23

CDR Salamander on potential courses of action for the Gaza operation...

Full disclosure. I'm for Plan A. As long as the Gaza strip exists there will be no peace. We perhaps need to couple this with some type action, peace proposal with Syria. A slice of land for their being "unfucked with"?

You give the info to some people and they still don't want to believe it. HAMAS BEHEADED BABIES!

To a certain group of people on this blog. Yes. HAMAS BEHEADED BABIES. You fuckers are supporting animals.

Biden confirms the fact that HAMAS was indeed beheading children.


All the HAMAS supporters keep making excuses. You're cheering for disgusting, subhumans. The only cure for these animals is death. Its just that simple. I do not understand why modern man insists on making the simple complex. If you see evil, it must be confronted and eradicated. You cannot negotiate with savagery. What I find so stunning is how similar this shit is to what you see in criminals. By that I mean the showing of two faces. On the streets/jail you see the true face. That's what the civilians in Israel saw. They saw the true face. In court when it comes time for them to deal with the consequences of their actions then you see choir boys that wouldn't hurt a soul or had "reasons" for what they did. That's what you're seeing in the apologists worldwide for HAMAS now. They kill and rape and behead women and children but when it comes time for them to get their full portion of consequences they show a different face and hide BEHIND THEIR WOMEN AND CHILDREN and then demand sympathy. Just like the criminals, you say "sorry mom, but your son fucked up and he's gonna be gone till after you're dead". To these bastards the refrain should be you can't hide. You can't run. Ya just got to take your issue.