This is brutal 馃
byu/Dogecoinleap inSmilepleasse
I have yet to see any justification for the "Family Of Vehicles" Concept.S&T reports that the RCH155 has as good as won the German tender for a wheeled SPG to be used in the Medium Division.
— Jeff2146馃嚙馃嚜 (@Jeff21461) October 20, 2023
Contract signing is expected in H1 2024 with delivery between 2026 and 2031,
In another post I said that we need to be "picky" in which conflicts we get involved in. That we should seek to protect ourselves and only get involved in things that are TRULY in our national interests. With regard to what's going on right now? Back Israel, and let Europe take care of the Ukraine/Russia fiasco. Like Pat said (hopefully you read the entire tweet), every Empire has died due to becoming engaged in wars and exhausting itself. Between the current fights, turmoil at home, an open border and a weakened economy the United States is weakening itself for the benefit of others.HOW EMPIRES PERISH
— David Sacks (@DavidSacks) October 20, 2023
“At the opening of the twentieth century there were five great Western empires—the British, French, Russian, German, and Austro-Hungarian—and two emerging great powers: Japan and the United States. By century’s end, all the empires had disappeared. How did…
Warning. Rant ahead.
How many rocket attacks do our forces have to absorb before our Commander In Chief decides that its time to strike back HARD!
Apparently the lives and futures (meaning injuries) are cheap to our current leadership.
No statement from the SecDef to knock that shit off before they get skull fucked.
Didn't expect anything from that piece of shit SecState but COME ON!
I know we live in a touchy feely kinda world in the West but we're operating world wide.
Sometimes you got to not only roar but also BITE!
The weakness I'm getting from the administration is nauseating. The softness is infuriating. The pussification is complete.
Oh and understand this. These bastards doing these rocket attacks are soft as cotton compared to what the Chinese will do.
Has anyone noticed that the more generals we have the less effective our military has become? I see a direct correlation here..
— Mike Fredenburg - I follow back Patriots (@msfredenburg) October 10, 2023
900 Generals Are Drowning U.S. Military In Bureaucracy and Turf Battles
Today's U.S. military is 1/10th the Size it Was in World War II and Has Twice as Many 4 Star Generals.
Read why bloated command structure hurts U.S. military effectiveness:…
Watched the protests at our capitol yesterday and something occurred to me.
Who are these people?
How are they able to protest at the drop of a hat?
How are they living that they can afford to take time off work and go protest?
Something is waaay off with this. Some have said that they're simply actors and this is part of their jobs. Some have said that they're students and they're encouraged to do this as part of their grades in school for social activism.
Either way it makes no sense to me.
Too many are involved in it, too many seem sold on it and I can't imagine any lifestyle that would support it.
So I go back to the beginning with a twist.
Who are these people, who's paying them to cause this mayhem and why aren't they being sued for any property damage/injuries etc...
Note. I guess the closest thing the US has to this is the ParaRescue guys. From Unit 669's Wiki page I gather that the main difference they have from American Special Ops units is that they carry along dedicated doctors and nurses specializing in trauma treatment. Special Ops Teams in general run with highly trained medics/Corpsmen that have superior medical training to their fellows (the only exception I know of is Special Forces Medics that do a tour in big city ERs treating gunshot/knife wounds and serious traffic accidents...they are/were assigned to designated trauma hospital in the area assigned...I would deem them a step ahead of say a Ranger/MARSOC/SEAL medic/Corpsmen). Would it make sense for the USAF/Navy to establish a dedicated deep penetration rescue force along the lines of the Jolly Green Giants of Vietnam fame? They used HH-3's for rescue and A-1's as escorts. The modern equivalent would be the CV-22 and A-10s??? But does a dedicated unit make sense for the US?
注诐 拽讘诇转 讛讚讬讜讜讞 注诇 驻爪讜注讬诐 讘注拽讘讜转 讞讚讬专转 诪讞讘诇讬诐 讘讝讬拽讬诐 讛讜拽驻爪讜 诇讜讞诪讬 讬讞讬讚讛 669 诇砖讟讞. 讛讻讜讞讜转 驻注诇讜 诇讞讬诇讜抓 讛驻爪讜注讬诐 转讞转 讗砖 讜讬专讬 驻爪诪״专讬诐.
— Israeli Air Force (@IAFsite) October 14, 2023
诪转讞讬诇转 讛诇讞讬诪讛, 讞讬诇爪讛 讬讞讬讚讛 669 讻-200 驻爪讜注讬诐 讘讻-45 讞讬诇讜爪讬诐
Can't believe it but this dude got it right.REP. RASKIN (D-MD): "There is a civil war taking place within the Republican party and that civil war might just turn into a purge of any moderates. […] I think the GOP right now might be the POT, the party of Trump."
— Breaking911 (@Breaking911) October 17, 2023
“Now, for the first time in over four decades, since the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982, the entire armoured corps has been called up. This is a massive force … it is understood to include over 1,000 main battle tanks.”
— Shashank Joshi (@shashj) October 17, 2023
Feel free to scream.
— cdrsalamander (@cdrsalamander) October 17, 2023
Just two 30mm and six .50.
Intentionally ignoring every wartime lesson in a contested air environment of the last 85 years.
Huh...I have a draft post on this topic...maybe time to finish it.
The masks are coming off and its apparent that so many are so willing to believe that the IDF hit a freaking hospital with the US President due to arrive on Weds? GET REAL! I initially suspected a vehicle bomb (cause a missile exploding midair just doesn't ring to me). Regardless store your prejudice and understand that Hamas is a terrorist organization that committed a horrendous attack that DEMANDS reprisals!Conclusion:
— GeoConfirmed (@GeoConfirmed) October 17, 2023
A missile launched by a Palestinian group exploded mid-air (Reason unknown) and one piece fell on the hospital causing an explosion.
The geolocation and timing of the footage is conclusive.
More information will be added to this thread.
Iran and Hezbollah has been chest thumping for days. Both have said that if an assault is conducted into Gaza they will attack.
My thoughts?
Bring it on. Oh and I'm not cheering for war. I would prefer that a cease fire were declared and Israel would continue to target leadership, smash infrastructure and tear up anything they can from the air or through assassination.
But instead the Biden administration seems to be saying nothing except a rather feminine "don't" and seems to be paused up by the threat from those two.
Why does Iran get so much fear and respect? Why aren't we hearing from our State Dept and Defense Dept that if Iran takes one step into the muddy waters of the Hamas/Israeli conflict then they get micro-atomized?
I sense US weakness. I sense EU weakness.
If I sense it from my chair then so does everyone else worldwide.
OK. Some of you don't get it. The reality isn't that the hostages are still alive and can be rescued. The reality is that alot of the "hostages" are already dead and were killed on the day of the attack and their BODIES were taken back to GAZA.
That's why I'm so against using US or Israeli Special Ops to make sorties into Gaza in an attempt to recover/retrieve (those that ARE still alive).
It's a mission from hell.
Those that are still alive will be booby trapped six different ways from sunday and those that are dead don't even know it so why waste another life in the effort.
This might sound cold but families are already mourning. We should avoid adding to that list in foolish, headline grabbing attempts that we know aren't worth the risk.