Wednesday, October 25, 2023

Don't turn away. Watch this family that was held by a Hamas execution squad before they're killed...

Simply amazing.

I don't understand how people cheer for these subhuman dogs but they do.

Look at the face of the man.  I see complete and utter defeat.  Look at his wife.  Fearful.  She knows what's coming.  Better to die fighting then be held like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Make no mistake.  I'm not victim shaming.  I'm just making a declaration that it is better to fight evil and die if necessary then place yourself into their hands waiting on mercy that does not exist.

On top of all this these pathetic fucks streamed it.  A JDAM is too good for them.  Stringing them out in the middle of the swamp and pouring honey all over their bodies, castrating them and leaving them in the sun would be a good start.

I kid.  Sorta.  These fucks need to die.  I hope they're already dead.

I got nothing else on this one.

Future Warfare. Are drone pilots the new snipers of the battlefield?

Note. I've been seeing too much of this. Drone operators targeting individuals. Whether its just Joe Soldier, an officer they can identify in a unit, radio operator, etc...drone operators are going after individuals now. Its sniping but a different kind of sniping. We might already be there and I'm just not aware but are drone operators counting kills like snipers? More to the point should we classify them WITH snipers (quite honestly they do the same job as Marine Corps Scout Snipers but don't get in the mud to do it).

Open Comment Post. 25 Oct 23

I understand the sentiment but don't confuse words with action...


Watching first the Ukraine/Russia war and now the mess in the Middle East, I get the feeling that people confuse words with action. Zelensky made his "name" by making bold statements, chest thumping etc...meanwhile while parties were going on in Kyiv, the guys on the front were living in the mud doing the heavy lifting. Now Israel seems to be following the same playbook. I know and understand the need to keep the homefront motivated and encouraged but I wonder why we see this type of thing instead of the old ads that asked citizens for no meat Tues and to not waste stuff at home so that more could be sent to the troops. IF (and its a big if in my opinion) this thing kicks off with a ground invasion then it will be a bloody affair. Sacrifices will have to be made and I wonder why the Israeli govt isn't steeling its population to the reality of what might be coming. The Israel that existed after the 1973 war was well aware, ready and didn't need education or motivation. That is not the Israel of today that saw the events of Oct 7. The sword isn't as sharp and an education program to teach the realities of what might come IS necessary. Not words but action.

I was focused on our ground and air forces in the Middle East. Bad move. Our naval armada is beyond serious....


Do you see the number of warships we have in the region?

While I'm proud of the MEU (despite what I consider a diminished ground capability), what catches the eye of the public has been the two carriers.

That's missing the news flash.

What should give Iran, Hezbollah and Hamas more than a little pause is the number of BURKE CLASS DESTROYERS THERE!

We don't build "battleships" anymore but the Burke is for all intents and purposes a modern day "missile" battleship (well it can't take hits like the WWII class but you get the point).

13 Burke's.

Over 90 missiles each.

Let's do simple math and say that each is carrying 45 land attack missiles (yeah that's basic stuff but I have absolutely NO idea what a standard loadout would be for Central Command).

That's 585 missiles to knock the living shit outta whatever the target is.

Don't know how sea combat goes but if you use the missiles from one ship, send it to Rota for replenishment and have it head back afterwards you could get a conga line of ships firing, heading back while the one that just got filled, heads back to fire more and so on and so forth (again I have no idea how they would actually do ANY of this shit...ask Commander Salamander he would know).

That is serious firepower.  That's before you even add the airwing to the equation and they have two carriers worth.

The 5 Burke's that were in the area of responsibility but unassigned is deterrence.

Either they're aiming for max deterrence (and it sure looks like it when I look at this armada) or they're really worried about a worse case scenario. 

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Ukrainian female soldier that belongs to a brigade that was redeployed to Avdeyevka


Thanks to S300V4 for the link!

HMMM. If this is real I wonder what her assignment is in that battalion. She seems awfully clean to have been near the frontline. Awfully clean if she served in a medical role. She's wearing a plate carrier with what appears to be M4 mags so I haven't a clue. No tears but appears to be emotionally distraught. Teared out and on the verge of an emotional breakdown? Again I don't know. I do know that while all eyes have been on the Middle East the Russians have launched a counteroffensive.

That kinda brings up an unfortunate possibility.  

Could all of this have been coordinated?  Now THAT would be troubling on a number of levels.

Why?  Because we've demonstrated that we have intel that indicates future Russian actions.  Either they've plugged the holes in their electronic communications, have killed our moles/agents or both.

If they HAVEN'T done any of the above and it IS coordinated then we knew of the attack in Israel BEFORE it happened.

I don't know either way.  Just spitballing here.

I won't be alive to read it but the after action/history of both these conflicts will make for some fascinating reading for some young Marine in the future.

Finally a sign of some balls from DC. FROM THE MARINE CORPS COMMANDANT!

If you target the MEU someone else will raise your children? Wow. Just got in office and has a quote that will go down in history. Hopefully the disease of having a FUCKING PAIR OF BALLS will spread in our nation's capital. Confidence is not high however. The pussification of our National Command Authority is complete.

The US told the IDF to delay its assault into Gaza for first, humanitarian reasons, second to get hostages out and now? Now its because they won't achieve their goals!

Its quite obvious that the Hamas wing of the US State Dept has carried the day with the White House. Those arrogant and pussified bastards will go down in history as causing the biggest, most destructive regional war in modern history because of their actions today. Biden will challenge a few others as the worst president we've ever had. Congrats big guy. SIdenote. We've been led by a procession of dreamers with only the Trump admin being led by realists. I don't know what historians will cause this era of American history but this series of President's (with the exception of Trump who they hounded relentlessly) can take credit for the decline of US power worldwide. From Carter to Bush Jr (where it accelerated) and onto Biden, we've been led by procession of fools...but we get what we deserve...correction, the big city idiots doom us all because they're batshit crazy enough to vote for this stupidity.

Rumors of the USS Carney being attacked with a drone swarm off the coast of Yemen


Weakness breeds contempt. Contempt breeds attack. Failure to respond to attacks breeds escalating attacks. Biden and the fucking Pentagon better wake the fuck up. We're dealing with a part of the world that DOES NOT play by Western rules. A part of the world that does NOT respect moderation. A part of the world that is barbaric in the extreme. You either get hard or you bring our guys home.

IDF Commander. "We want to bring Hamas to a state to full dismantling"

You might kill them Sir, but you will go down in history for failing the Israeli people and nation because when the nation was least ready, your forces were too.

A nation's military MUST be ready to respond to sudden attack.  Must be ready to repel that sudden attack.  There is no option.  If a nation's military can't meet that standard then no need for active duty troops, its just another welfare program.

Another thing.

Militias while having TERRIBLE reputations would have served the Israeli people MIGHTILY in that attack.  Armed citizens that could band together with the speed of a text message could have culled the herd of subhumans quicker than the IDF did.

That commander might kill Hamas but they killed his career and the trust that the Israeli people have in the IDF.  It won't happen now, but after this is temporarily over, the IDF will be purged.

The Israeli Air Force is getting good at dropping buildings...


Makes sense. Just drop the damn thing instead of having to fight your way up from the ground floor all the way to the top. God knows you won't have air to drop you on the roof so you can fight down (the proper way to do it).

Israel is willing to delay a ground operation in Gaza for a few days to allow talks on releasing a large number of the hostages Hamas is holding...Bullshit! They waited too long!


A perfect decision made too late is still a bad decision.

The IDF failed again.  Well the IDF and their political masters.

IF the IDF had rolled in once its forces were assembled then HAMAS would still be reeling.  They were being eliminated from the battlefield via air strikes at an awesome rate.

The world media was still in a bit of shock over the attack and had yet to start drumming up support for Hamas.  The talking points hadn't gone out and sympathy was with the Israelis.


Now you have the equivalency game going on.  We see it on this blog.

Subhuman animals raping, torturing, murdering & rampaging throughout the Israel countryside are being applauded by the idiots in the West.


Once this is over the IDF will be purged and leadership will be held accountable.  The bloodletting on the political side will shake Israeli politics for at least a decade.

A re-militarized Israel is certain, but at the same time terrorists have been emboldened (looking at you Biden admin, your weak - pussy ass response to strikes on our forces almost guarantees more of the same in theater and maybe inside our homeland).

Those so desperate for peace now have just set the stage for a MUCH MUCH MUCH bigger fight in the near future.

Shits about to get real for all of us.  I give it two years max.

Open Comment Post. 24 Oct 23


Monday, October 23, 2023

The US is delaying the assault on Gaza. WHY! They're just making it worse for the guys that have to dig out the subhumans....

Maybe ya'll can help me with this.

The US is delaying the assault on Gaza.


They're making this thing harder for the guys that actually have to go in and dig out these animals!

You want to talk about 360 degree fire?  It'll be that on steroids.  They'll have people sleeping in rubble, waiting for IDF units to pass them and then they'll hit them from behind.

Some jackasses will be popping up from  underground while you have heavy guns fighting from upper floors of buildings.

The longer they delay the assault the tougher it will be.  The forces have been amassed for almost a month.  

The delay has been from the start.

A tough fight will not turn into breaching the gates of hell.

Sorry but I'm calling it.  The IDF can't go under these conditions. The US policy makers have made it damn near impossible and set the stage for a round 2 that they won't have control over.

Either Hamas turns into an international villain with no support from major countries or it will be a fight in maybe a couple of years that no one can control, that will definitely spiral into a HUGE regional war.  

The only bright spot is for Neo-Cons & Globalist.  Round 2 of this war will give them a chance to go after Iran.  Not to stop its nuclear program but to topple the govt and open up markets to Western corporations.

A reminder of the terror that the subhuman Hamas animals inflicted on even the young...

Note. Don't you think that this little girl will be having nightmares of men arriving to kill her for the rest of her life? Of course I'm assuming she did live. Also assuming that she wasn't ravaged by those beasts and/or taken back to Gaza to face even worse trauma to the point of begging for death.

A reminder of the subhuman behavior of the Hmas animals earlier this month during their attack on Israel (via the IDF)

Open Comment Post. 23 Oct 23

Friday, October 20, 2023

The "Family Of Vehicles" Concept should not apply to Wheeled Infantry Fighting Vehicles converted into Artillery Carriers...


I have yet to see any justification for the "Family Of Vehicles" Concept.

But putting artillery on Wheeled IFVs is just plain insanity to me. The first consideration is the expense itself.  With vehicles like the Boxer, Namer and others the base vehicle is so expensive that it simply makes no sense.

Next I have yet to see the savings by following the FOV concept. Save on parts?  Maybe if you actually get savings by buying in bulk but that has yet to be experienced over a number of programs.  Because your mechanics are all trained on the same platform?  If you're using WIFVs as your base platform you're talking about vehicles that are essentially based on heavy trucks or something similar.  The differences are all unique to the requirements of the vehicles.  Electronics and armor.  So really no savings at all.

But the biggest issue is that a truck based artillery platform can keep up with medium weight combat teams that are based on Wheeled IFVs.

There is no need to push this issue.  If you're talking about heavy forces then the tracked platforms are not much more expensive.

The same applies to recovery, logistics, casevac and other battlefield roles.

For better or worse, cash strapped forces need to be smarter than this!