Wednesday, November 01, 2023

The UK actually have THOUGHT POLICE!


I don't get this. They have massive pro Palestine protests without a word but a guy puts up a Facebook post and they arrest him? Craziness! I wonder if this is the push behind gun control? Its obviously not about crime so it must be something else.

Tuesday, October 31, 2023

The Commandant has had a heart attack, what happens now?

 The Commandant of the Marine Corps has suffered a heart attack. 

I know we all wish him well and a speedy recovery.

BUT THAT DOES BRING UP AN INTERESTING POINT.  I've only seen one other case of this and it was a gunny.  He was medically retired even though afterwards he claimed to be fine.

What happens with General Officers when this happens?

In days past if you weren't deployable or needed a medical profile or wasn't capable of performing combat you were retired, medically discharged, etc...What happens with him?

The IDF is facing new world problems. In order to assault you must have mass. If you have mass you're vulnerable to enemy fires...

I've noticed that alot of people have been critical of the IDF for massing their forces for the assault on Gaza. I find that interesting. You need mass in order to assault any location (or overwhelming artillery fires but preferably both!). But in massing for the attack they become vulnerable to the new world danger of suicide drones. I'm convinced that the only reason why Hezbollah hasn't targeted these sites is that the Biden admin (much to my surprise) has probably made it clear that they would bombard those launch points. One thing is certain. You can't buy enough air defense to cover your forces. It is apparent from my chair that you need a built in anti-air component to any new armored vehicles being purchased by first world nations. It's been a thing of sci-fi but maybe we'll start seeing 50 cal gatling guns being attached to armored vehicles in the future. Not an elegant solution but it has a high rate of fire and if certain vehicles have AESA mounts perhaps they can be linked to fire on command? Don't know but someone better work this problem.

Monday, October 30, 2023

If the far left ACTUALLY understood the thinking of the people they support they'd re-think it real quick


Another vid from Oct 7. These bastards RPG'ed a car...

You see the guy running away. You see the subhuman scum walking around like they own the place. For some reason they flee RIGHT BACK TO THESE BASTARDS! They RPG them to their maker. 
 I am armed EVERYWHERE I GO! I might not win the firefight but I carry 3 Glock 45 mags + one in the gun (for the uninitiated the G45 holds 17 rounds +1 in the Israeli carry for me!) AND a 33 round magazine. How? I have an EDC bag, a Tactical Tailor Sling Bag. It easily holds my rounds(Speer Gold Dot 147 grain...dept requirement but I like it AND Critical Defense for the G19 or 26 during summer depending on what I'm wearing), Nightcore MH12 (upgrading to the pro when it goes on sale), Gerber Applegate Knife Combat Folding Knife and I started carrying a TQ (dept requirement...I make holds don't plug them).

I more than likely wouldn't get them all if faced with the situation they're in and I'd probably die too but at least I could fight back. 


Note.  There is another heartbreaking vid of a daughter calling her dad, she's shot and begging him to come get her, he zooming down the road to reach (car cam) and he's hit on the way.  They both die.

My heartbreaks for that dude.  I watched as he tried to calm his daughter and at the same time going 110 to reach her.  He obviously was unarmed but gave his all to try and reach his little girl.  If that shit don't enrage and touch your heartstrings then you're already dead inside.

Open Comment Post. 30 Oct 23

Sunday, October 29, 2023

A dude at work (former Marine) was talking about this and then I saw this online...

This is a no shitter. A dude at work, a former Marine, was bullshitting with me (well I thought it was bullshit) and said he was gonna retire, say fuck it all and move to the Phillippines. I got intrigued and thought dude is joking. So I went online and found this. Well fuck me. That's cheap as hell. I know alot of Californians and Texans do the Mexico thing but the Phillippines? Never even crossed my mind. Ex pat life though? Seems kinda risky....unless you live in a big city.

M109-52, integrating BAE Systems’ M109 Self Propelled Howitzer with Rheinmetall’s L52 155mm, 52-caliber cannon. The M109-52 system provides the additional range required for large-scale combat operations.

Girl, just your luck...


2,400 people were killed by an earthquake on Oct 8 in Afghanistan and Not One Fuck Was Given...

Just a little musing on my part. People die everyday. Many die because of their own stupidity. Many die from vicious animals disguised as humans. We saw that on Oct 7 in Israel. But it isn't about death. It about more than that. Its where someone dies, how they're killed and by what. 1,400 people were murdered in Israel on Oct 7. I raged. The next day I saw the above Tweet and chocked it up to an act of God.

If I was fair and balanced I'd want aid rushed to Afghanistan to help those people.

I don't.

Human failing?  Don't know. 

It still gives me pause though.

We're all (especially me), biased individuals that (in my case) readily accept death, just quibble and rage about how that death comes about.

Note.  A comment NOBLE made finally made me snap to this blog post.  It had been lying dead as disco in my bookmarks folder.

Israeli Panther hit by ATGM

Makes sense. Going after soft skinned vehicles (no matter how much add on armor) is a sure way to get kills. Against a Merkava or Namer it might be wasted shot. Against an Israeli 2.5 or 5 ton truck? If it hits it wins.

The armada near Israel/Gaza grows...

Interesting. I don't like where the Bataan ARG is located on the map. Extremely vulnerable to land based fires. Almost seems like they're begging someone to hit it. The other ships have maneuver space. The ARG? None. I guess if this thing goes sideways we'll see if those ships can take hits and stay in the fight.

What is this cat telling us about our food?

Open Comment Post. 29 Oct 23

Anyone know what happened to the NAMER IFV that HAMAS captured?


When this all kicked off I remember seeing a vid showing Hamas capturing a Namer IFV. Anyone know what happened to it? Did the IDF locate and recover/destroy it?

Friday, October 27, 2023

Don't know if this is a planted story but its seems Hamas planned the attack, not the aftermath...

Nothing kills morale faster than heavy artillery. You can fight other men charging your position but you can't fight an artillery strike. All you can do is endure. Even worse? You can have radar or spotters/spies at the airfields to tell you when an airstrike might be coming and steel yourself to it. An artillery strike? It comes outta nowhere and many times you can only hug the ground.

I said all of that to explain why the morale might be low among Hamas fighters.

For all the rocket attacks its weak sauce (well in general, its big bad if its coming thru YOUR roof) compared to the type and number of munitions Israel is expending.

I think Hamas MUST have not expected to be as successful as they were during their attack.  Additionally I think that they believed that they would be protected from retaliation by (1) the short history of the Biden admin and (2) the fellow Arab nations.

If the attack wasn't as successful as it was they'd probably be right but I'm sure any and all concerned have seen pics that they won't release to the public (especially the US...the anti-Muslim sentiment that many have would boil over big time).

One thing Hamas has in their favor and no, its not Iran.  Its the focus of the Biden admin.  They don't want two wars going at the same time and they desperately want to salvage the peace deal.

The Ukraine war is baked in and they don't want to get re-involved in the Middle East.

They make money with Zelensky.  Only suffering comes with a war in the Middle East.

I don't expect this to go long (couple of weeks max) before the international community and the US say enough punishment and everyone uses the Gaza civilians as their fig leaf to hide behind to end hostilities.

Hamas has unleashed hell though.  I expect Mossad to find their balls and start going after their leadership no matter where they hide.

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Everytime I think I'm done buying gun stuff they draw me back in....

The Russians must have discovered a vulnerability on the Leopard 2A4. They're being destroyed too easily by lightweight drones...


Destruction of a Ukrainian Leopard 2A4 by an FPV drone from the Russian BOBR unit near Robotyne, Zaporozhiye Oblast. October 24th 2023
byu/sasha_man123 inDestroyedTanks
The Russians must have discovered a weakspot on the Leopard 2A4. They're being destroyed too easily by lightweight drones. Being actual and factual the insurgents found a weakspot on the Abrams in Iraq so its not outside the realm of possibilities. My only wonder is if this is a result of the specs being released on various gaming websites. What some consider as little info can comeback and bite. I'd bet that WW2 censor officials would be pulling their hair out in the modern age. So much info swirling around I'd bet we've all seen tidbits that we dismiss that proved to be pivotal in small fights worldwide.

Funding of Ukraine in their war vs. Israel is totally DIFFERENT!

 via Real Clear Defense

So what does comparing these numbers tell us? In Israel, we are supporting a military operation. 74% of the proposed support to Israel flows through the Defense Department, and 100% of the International Assistance Program funding is for foreign military financing. In Ukraine, however, we are supporting a nation. 66% of the proposed support to Ukraine flows through the Defense Department, and only 8% of the International Assistance Program funding is for foreign military financing. The majority of the International Assistance Program funding to Ukraine is for an Economic Support Fund.

The debates over supporting Ukraine and Israel are necessary and important. But, as the President’s budget request confirms, the difference between funding Israel and Ukraine is not a difference in degree but a difference in kind. In order to properly debate each conflict, we cannot debate them together.


I've been shouting this from the rooftops.

With Israel we ARE supporting a war effort.

With Ukraine we ARE and HAVE BEEN supporting an entire nation!

Zelensky doesn't govern a nation.  He governs a welfare state. For all intents and purposes Ukraine as a nation no longer exists. They are a failed nation in the heart of Europe.

The current war is bad.

The aftermath will be worse.

The stunning thing?  Winning this war could bankrupt either the EU/US or Russia.

On this one we might want to take the "L" and let Russia have the basket case.  Either that or have the EU step up hard and deal with this nonsense on their doorsteps.

Open Comment Post. 26 Oct 23