Thursday, November 02, 2023

Grieving Palestinian in Gaza shouts "All this is because of the dogs of Hamas"

Does she speak for the majority or the minority? Notice that they immediately silence her. Question. Could a two state solution work if Hamas doesn't want a two state solution? Remember Arafat walked away from a deal. I rarely hear other Arab leaders talk about a two state solution. Is it even plausible given current attitudes?

On Oct 7, another terrorist filmed his last minutes. You can hear him struggling to breath at the end...


Can't make it out if I hear a kill shot at the end of this but if it was then it might have been a mercy. What I don't understand is why you would see your buddies hit like that and not seek cover.

Remember the flyers being put up to help find the missing people from the Oct 7 attack? Well its getting ugly


Pro-Hamas activists have been ripping down the flyers that have been put up to help find the missing people from Oct 7. One thing on that. Its just a way to quietly protest and to propagandize the fight between the IDF and Hamas. Having said that putting up flyers is peaceful, ain't in your face and in the best history of protesting in the USA. Well I guess the pro IDF activists have had enough. Someone on that side is putting razor blades on them to keep them from getting ripped down. Amazing!

Sidenote.  Between real life, the various social issues, the issues with our own govt, covid hangover, the world at war (or most of it), illegal immigration, crime, the economy and an exploding federal budget (I know I missed many other things) how much longer before society just breaks?  I don't know if its my imagination but it sure seems like this is just too much to be coincidence.  Yeah I already know.  "Conspiracy theory Solomon" strikes again but damn!  We're getting fire hosed every fucking day.

Modernity is losing big time in the Middle East if you look at women's rights...

This Tweet says so much. But the weirdest part of it is that the people cheering the hardest for the terrorist on college campuses are mostly (from my chair) women! I don't get it. They want the most liberal of societies here in the US but are supporting the very people that would have them in full veil here. I guess history is not taught at the university level anymore. Critical thinking either.

Dude is leaking out...WARNING! GRAPHIC!


Does anyone know what happened with this IDF commander?


Any status on this guy?  Is he dead or alive?  I almost hope he isn't alive.  If he is then I know he's probably praying for death at this point.

Looks like the IDF is using unmanned vehicles in the combat engineer role

*NOTE* Follow @jpartej on Dude has some absolutely FANTASTIC photos of IDF armor on his page. Put out the word, he needs to have his work more widely viewed! The entire thread on this topic is awesome.
Bonus tweet from the same page. Check out this anti-mine system.

This pic of IDF armor inside Gaza almost looks surreal....


Open Comment Post. 2 Nov 23


Wednesday, November 01, 2023

Amazing. People are snorting caffeine.


I've chewed on coffee.  I've dipped coffee.  But I never in my life thought of crushing caffeine tablets and snorting them.

Well looks like I was behind the times.  The company "want a bump" is selling the stuff.  Check it out here.

I guess this is the logical progression of things.  A little while ago I told you about have tried packets filled with pre workout that you use like dip so how is this outrageous huh?

Always hated official pics or unit pics. I knew from the start they'd be used to show your face for two reasons. You either fucked up or you were killed...

Rest in peace guys.

Just sad. This dude looks like he's going into shock...


He's bandaged up, but he still looks like he's going into shock. Wonder how this firefight went down. Really hate the lack of context to these videos.

Ok Israel. Chill out a bit bro. This is starting to look like clear and hold operation!


I've seen a few maps of the offensive and this thing is looking alot like a clear and hold.  They've allowed an avenue of escape and they're pushing them in that direction.

They might want to chill a bit on this.  Don't get it twisted.  I want Hamas utterly destroyed, but public opinion counts and this is taking a turn that looks kinda bad to me.

Dial it back a sec IDF.  Don't get caught up in the push and dig your fangs into the floorboard so hard that you can't pull them out.

Should have known that Hamas has those cheap Chinese drones. Didn't know that the IDF wouldn't have a counter...


The good news? Most of those cheap drones only carry hand grenade sized munitions. The bad? Hand grenades can kill. There are readily available counters to this on the open market. The USMC even mounts them on militarized ATVs. Why doesn't the IDF have them????

When a fly falls into a cup of coffee


 *The Italian –* throws the cup, breaks it, and walks away in a fit of rage.

 *The German –* carefully washes the cup, sterilizes it and makes a new cup of coffee.

 *The Frenchman –* takes out the fly, and drinks the coffee.

 *The Chinese –* eats the fly and throws away the coffee.

 *The Russian –* Drinks the coffee with the fly, since it was extra with no charge.

 *The Israeli –* sells the coffee to the Frenchman, sells the fly to the Chinese, sells the cup to the Italian, drinks a cup of tea, and uses the extra money to invent a device that prevents flies from falling into coffee.

 *The Palestinian –* blames the Israeli for the fly falling into his coffee, protests the act of aggression to the UN, takes a loan from the European Union to buy a new cup of coffee, uses the money to purchase explosives and then blows up the coffee house where the Italian, the Frenchman, the Chinese, the German and the Russian are all trying to explain to the Israeli that he should give away his cup of coffee to the Palestinian so there will be peace.

Ukraine official says it can't properly use its Western kit because it has so few soldiers left, report says

 via Yahoo News

*Ukraine's army is in dire need of manpower, an aide to its president told Time magazine.

*The lack of soldiers means Ukraine isn't able to make proper use of Western-provided gear, he said.

*As well as suffering casualties, many Ukrainian men are trying to escape enlistment.

A Ukrainian official said Ukraine's army is suffering a manpower shortage that is hampering its ability to use Western-donated weapons, Time magazine reported.

Since the start of the war, several Ukrainian officials have blamed their difficulty repelling Russia's invasion on the slow pace of deliveries by its allies.

However, in the Time report, an unnamed source identified as a close aide to President Volodymyr Zelenskyy highlighted a different problem.

"We don't have the men to use them," the aide said in reference to the Western weapons.

Although Ukraine doesn't give public figures, Western estimates suggest it has suffered in excess of 100,000 casualties.


Sometimes you have to be self aware enough to know when events, despite your best efforts, are at an end.

If Ukraine was smart they would negotiate NOW.  The longer they wait the worse it will get.  The US, EU, NATO, China, Turkey and UN should push for a ceasefire and then peace talks.

Lives are being lost when the outcome is quite clear. 

Time's report also noted that Ukraine is struggling to stop combat-age men fleeing the country.

Under the current legal regime of martial law, Ukrainian men aged 18 to 60 are not supposed to leave.

His belief in Ukraine’s ultimate victory over Russia has hardened into a form that worries some of his advisers....“He deludes himself”

Read the entire article but this part stunned me...
Despite the recent setbacks on the battlefield, he does not intend to give up fighting or to sue for any kind of peace. On the contrary, his belief in Ukraine’s ultimate victory over Russia has hardened into a form that worries some of his advisers. It is immovable, verging on the messianic. “He deludes himself,” one of his closest aides tells me in frustration. “We’re out of options. We’re not winning. But try telling him that.”


When aides are talking about their leader thinking in "messianic" ways I sit up straight and take notice.

But the stunning part is at the end.

They know they're not winning.

They know their options are narrowing (or gone).

They SHOULD KNOW that the longer this thing drags the worse it will get for them.

Don't care where you stand on the Ukraine/Russia fight.  All that is dust in the wind now.  We need to start thinking hard about what comes next.  What will Europe do with Ukraine after this is over.  Correction.  What will Europe do with what's left of Ukraine after this is over.

If I was in charge I'd be starting back channel talks with the Russia, Chinese, EU and figure this thing out.  A failed state in the heart of Europe is good for no one.  Additionally that place has been flooded with weapons.  Past time to start hunting them down.

Last thing.

This explains all the reports of massive corruption (beyond even the pre-war levels) coming out of Ukraine.  People are filling their bags and getting ready to run.

Open Comment Post. 1 Nov 23

Dude brought scissors to a gun fight. Always assume that EVERYONE is armed!

Is Avdiivka in Ukraine a strategically important town? According to this guy it is, which would make this battle worth watching...