Friday, November 10, 2023

This is a bad man!

X is so much fun. I wanna meet this dude. Never been close to a killer of this magnitude. He should have some interesting stories.

Open Comment Post. 10 Nov 23



This is what a barbaric culture looks like. This is what a primitive culture looks like. No morality. No commonsense. Justified evil in the name of a religion.

Happy Birthday Marines!


Best wishes to all Marines on our birthday!

What's with the protests?

 Have you been watching the various protests that we've seen over the years?

It's a little crazy.  It seems like there are ready made groups of people ready to take to the streets over various issues.  How can so many be so willing to do this type activity is beyond me, but the bigger question is how do they fit it into their lives?

If you're working, attending school, or taking care of children in a stay home capacity its just doesn't seem possible.  If you're unemployed and looking for work the same applies.  If you're retired then several factors - age, maturity, fitness - would seem to keep you from participating (but lets be real...these are young and middle aged people).

So I'm left to believe that either these people are PROFESSIONAL protesters or they're unemployed, have time on their hands and get off on this stuff.

Either way it needs to be investigated, permitting needs to be enforced and the drain on resources to provide security for these events needs to be recouped.

I don't know about you but these protests don't even get attention unless something obscene happens.  Just too many of them and they hardly move the needle when it comes to my views of the various subjects they're protesting about.

Protests have been overused.  They're at BEST noise and at worst an ANNOYANCE.  You better believe they're just annoying to me.  These people need to get a life.

B-21 first flight

Thursday, November 09, 2023

Hmmm. So they got a sex trafficking ring?


This is good. Still want to know who went to Epstein's island!

Hamas has blacks in its ranks?


Didn't know that. 

Don't matter. 


Wednesday, November 08, 2023

Ram is right on Ukraine!


Mainstream Journalists were embedded with Hamas during the Oct 7 attack?

These fuckers knew it was coming! If AP, CNN, the New York Times and Reuters knew then the fucking US & Israeli Govts knew!!  A reader pointed out that the response time for IDF/Security Forces was extremely slow.  Could this be the reason why?  How much of this will be deemed classified once they do a review?  Is this why Netanyahu is pushing to "provide security in Gaza", a move that he knows will result in a counter insurgency from hell?

Tuesday, November 07, 2023

Tues funny


Israel to be responsible for security in Gaza for an indefinite period? TERRIBLE MISTAKE!

What is with conservatives world wide that win battles but then do stupid shit to ensure later defeat?

The IDF is doing God's work by killing Hamas Terrorist.  They are winning and will ultimate win a battle with pure evil.

But Netanyahu wants to go one step further.

He wants to "be responsible for security in Gaza"?

Terrible mistake.  Borderline batshit crazy.

It will end in tears.

How do you win in this modern age?  You go in, fuck shit up, throat stomp whatever animal is in front of you AND THEN YOU LEAVE!

If the threat reappears then you've established enough ISR assets, human intel catch that shit in its crib and you send in an elite force to fuck shit up, throat stomp the animal and once again you leave.

If the IDF is responsible for Gaza security then Israel will be faced with an ongoing insurgency that will rage and sap the strength of the force.

Diplomatic relations with its neighbors will be shattered for generations, and others from around the world will travel great distance just to spill Israeli blood.

If they follow my advice and then hand over security to the EU/UN then they can stay clean, humanitarian help can be given to the Palestinians and things can resume.

The last thing Israel needs is a 30 year raging insurgency eating up its young men.


Hezbollah and Iran are looming.  They're gonna have to be dealt with and the IDF is gonna need to restock for the big fight thats coming.

Monday, November 06, 2023

This kinda shit will totally tip the economy into a full blown recession that no stat manipulation can disguise

Open Comment Post. 6 Nov 23

Playing a game to determine how much food you get or simple items?

Winning an interesting game. Watch for the second person
byu/Charming_History7423 inMadeMeSmile
Everyone talks about 1st world problems. I get it. But 3rd world problems are a fucking bitch. Can't quite make out the flow of things here but they're playing a game to get extra bread, a tote, a cheap ass stool and an equally cheap ass bucket? The expression of joy on the young child's face when her mom wins? We ain't shit and we don't have poor. This video shows you what tough times are. Everyone in the US should just flat out be thankful.

Sunday, November 05, 2023



If you support the animals that did this then get off my blog....

Drink it in. A father taking his daughter out for a pleasant day. Suddenly animals in the form of humans arrive and began to destroy anyone they see. The father in an attempt to protect his DISABLED daughter picks her up in his arms and runs for their lives. He wasn't fast enough and they were massacred along with many others.

If you support these subhumans that did this then get off my blog.

The focus of human trafficking is always children but what about dangerous/terrorist individuals?

The Tweet below kinda says it all. Many of the low end hotels/motels are involved in human trafficking. The problem is that those networks can be used for more dangerous individuals. I'm talking about spies, rapist, murderers, and yeah...terrorists. Of couse we should seek to protect children but the focus on kids ignores the fact that these networks can be used for all kinds of other purposes. From terrorist to weapons to drugs, these networks need to be disbanded. This is work that a real investigative unit, obviously NOT the FBI, would be working on. We're kinda left with nothing since the FBI has been politicized so we can pretty much figure that all kinds of shit has flowed into the country that we don't want here.

Pakistan expelling 1.7 million Afghans...

Good. Very good. Citizens are stepping up and doing what their politicians REFUSE to do...STOP CRIME!

Even more! I absolutely luv this shit! This little bitch's screams give me a hardon. MORE I NEED MORE OF THIS!