Sunday, November 12, 2023

Saturday, November 11, 2023

Israel’s 551st brigade from battles inside Gaza

Open Comment Post. 11 Nov 23

Happy Veterans Day

My respect to all that have served. You did the work that most citizens won't do. But I do have a question. For the sake of national unity and to slow the rise of tribalism would you vets be willing to basket several holidays onto the calendar and simply designate days as national holidays instead of recognizing specific groups during individual months? From my chair its becoming a bit chaotic. If you belong to an individual tribe then they could simply do like the Marine Corps does and celebrate that holdiay among their members. What say you?

Are we in the fourth turning?


Note. I've never been big on the "cycle" theory. History might rhyme but it never repeats. It rhymes because human faults are universal and everlasting (while as long as humans exist) which is why things rhyme. One other thing that I find unique in the time period in which we exist (maybe not...humans are inherently evil in their base form), those in power push change thru crisis. Things that would never be allowed during "good" times are fully embraced in times of crisis. We've had back to back crisis over the last few years it seems.

Friday, November 10, 2023

Personal Opinion. If we don't want a wider war then we better put a leash on Netanyahu...

Let me get this outta the way.

I cheered the initial assault into Gaza.  I STILL want Hamas to die. But war is politics and the politics of this thing are turning ugly.

I've been tuned into the Arab news on X and the outcry is like a savage storm.  See much of the same in European news.

Ordinarily I don't give a fuck what anyone has to say when it comes to public opinion and doing what's right.

I think the IDF has drawn enough blood and its time to put a leash on Netanyahu.

I've seen some of the pics of the destruction and estimates of the force of the bombs dropped so far.  Some are claiming that the amount of munitions dropped equals 2 nuclear bombs.

From the amount of destruction I've seen I think they're right.

So what do we have.

1.  The decimation of North Gaza.

2.  A humanitarian catastrophe.

3.  A divided US population on this issue.

4.  A weakened economy.

5.  A major war in Europe.

6.  Support among allies in general and in the Middle East (if you can call any of those bastards allies) evaporating before our eyes.

I know I'm going back on my original thinking but I got new info and that requires a rethink of things.  If we don't get Netanyahu to call off the dogs then Israel will be more isolated than ever, we could be on the verge of a major Middle East war and we could see a dangerous world situation turn sideway.

In short?

I think that in order to save Israel we have to stop Israel.

Are economic warning signs flashing?

Wow. Always thought the bounce back after SHUTTING DOWN THE ENTIRE FREAKING ECONOMY was too good to be true. You just can't turn off the economy and expect there NOT to be any blowback to the action. Let's see. How do we historically get out of a financial downturn? Oh, that's right we get into a good ole' economy churning war. Is that the Middle East I hear calling?

Town in Iceland evacuated over volcano threat

Hmmm. Are the "evil" countries as evil as we've been told or is it all a huge game?

That Time Cuba Offered Doctors to the U.S. After Katrina. And the U.S. Refused
byu/Prudent_Bug_1350 inAntimoneymemes
I never heard this before. IF it is true then they would have helped. Even better? Imagine we had a whole regiment of medical personnel, SKILLED people, that decided they wanted to stay in the US after the crisis had passed. I think that's the kind of immigration anyone would support and Bush Jr was wanting to get an immigration bill passed at the time. IF this is true then it makes ya wonder. Was this another missed opportunity to get Cuba into our camp and the people away from communism?

This is a bad man!

X is so much fun. I wanna meet this dude. Never been close to a killer of this magnitude. He should have some interesting stories.

Open Comment Post. 10 Nov 23



This is what a barbaric culture looks like. This is what a primitive culture looks like. No morality. No commonsense. Justified evil in the name of a religion.

Happy Birthday Marines!


Best wishes to all Marines on our birthday!

What's with the protests?

 Have you been watching the various protests that we've seen over the years?

It's a little crazy.  It seems like there are ready made groups of people ready to take to the streets over various issues.  How can so many be so willing to do this type activity is beyond me, but the bigger question is how do they fit it into their lives?

If you're working, attending school, or taking care of children in a stay home capacity its just doesn't seem possible.  If you're unemployed and looking for work the same applies.  If you're retired then several factors - age, maturity, fitness - would seem to keep you from participating (but lets be real...these are young and middle aged people).

So I'm left to believe that either these people are PROFESSIONAL protesters or they're unemployed, have time on their hands and get off on this stuff.

Either way it needs to be investigated, permitting needs to be enforced and the drain on resources to provide security for these events needs to be recouped.

I don't know about you but these protests don't even get attention unless something obscene happens.  Just too many of them and they hardly move the needle when it comes to my views of the various subjects they're protesting about.

Protests have been overused.  They're at BEST noise and at worst an ANNOYANCE.  You better believe they're just annoying to me.  These people need to get a life.

B-21 first flight

Thursday, November 09, 2023

Hmmm. So they got a sex trafficking ring?


This is good. Still want to know who went to Epstein's island!

Hamas has blacks in its ranks?


Didn't know that. 

Don't matter. 


Wednesday, November 08, 2023

Ram is right on Ukraine!


Mainstream Journalists were embedded with Hamas during the Oct 7 attack?

These fuckers knew it was coming! If AP, CNN, the New York Times and Reuters knew then the fucking US & Israeli Govts knew!!  A reader pointed out that the response time for IDF/Security Forces was extremely slow.  Could this be the reason why?  How much of this will be deemed classified once they do a review?  Is this why Netanyahu is pushing to "provide security in Gaza", a move that he knows will result in a counter insurgency from hell?