Thursday, November 16, 2023

Women in combat. Sucks to me but I'm old fashioned. Obviously the Ukrainians aren't...the vids are coming out of them dying in their fighting positions...

Yeah I know. I'm old fashioned but I absolutely hate this shit.

Yeah I know that women protested for this shit and this is what they wanted.

Still fucking hate it.

To me this is some of the most uncivilized shit any nation can do.  I'm for women defending themselves but to ask them to go out and defend the nation is a task that I BELIEVE (and yes I know I'm in a minority on this) is reserved for the men folk.

Throw your rocks.  I'll happily accept them on this subject, but I'm not changing.  Now get off my fucking lawn.

Ukraine to be first user of Rheinmetall's Caracal airmobile platform.

The real question is why? Ukraine hasn't conducted any air operations since the start of this war and I hardly see them doing it now. My guess is that they'll probably try it as a raid vehicle but in that role, in this conflict, they'd probably be better off using an MRAP or one of the 8 wheeled APC/IFVs they've received.

France's 17th Parachute Regiment running their new internally carried utility vehicle...


Has modern warfare thrown out the iron triangle and we're now in a place where firepower (payload) and mobility are now the main focus?

Are we at a point where payloads totally trump platform? By that I mean that a good, serviceable 4x4 that is easily transported, amphibious and can mount any weapon system is now the sweet spot of armored vehicles?  

Look at the Flyer! It was only an internally carried vehicle and now its morphing into a long range patrol, anti-drone, anti-tank, a basically do it all for SOCOM! 

Has modern warfare thrown out the iron triangle and we're now in a place where firepower (payload) and mobility are now the main focus?


The Israeli Prime Minister and IDF Chief of Staff are gonna have to answer for the lack of readiness on Oct 7.


Have any of you seen the entire sequence of events with this?

I have and it was ugly (unless you're a Hamas supporter and you fucks probably cheered this and the other bullshit that know who you are on this blog).

What hasn't been talked about enough is the culpability that the Israeli Prime Minister and IDF Chief of Staff have in this atrocity.

They need to pay and pay big.

I hope the Israeli people get around to this after the drama is over but both need to go to prison.

Propaganda or savage truth?

*The Palestinian people would do themselves a HUGE favor if they put up clear dividers between Hamas & themselves.  As things stand today, Hamas equals Palestinians.  Even their supporters fail to state that their is a difference.  On this blog I've tried to make the distinction but its very hard when supporters don't.

Why is this important?  Because when you have Congress Critters that are so rabid it just hardens my own resolve to see Hamas destroyed.  NOT the Palestinian people but HAMAS!  That pathetic Congress Critter makes no distinction.  Doom on that ugly bitch.

Open Comment Post. 16 Nov 23

Mobilized straight from a hospital checkup

Weird. During good times you have to be in damn near perfect health to serve your country. In bad? You can be knocking on deaths door and subpar mentally/physically and they still want you.

Aurora Flight Sciences SPRINT X-plane

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

I really wish someone would tell me the real story on why this guy bailed on this command assignment...


I've been looking for answers on this one for a long time. Many know but no one is talking. Its weird. This was a golden ticket to ride and he bailed. Even in this article he doesn't give an explanation. I know I have a few people on the air side of the house. LET ME KNOW WHAT THE DEAL ACTUALLY WAS! Sidenote. I went to an airshow (Dallas) and the Blue Angels didn't show up. I asked what the deal was and all I got was blank stares. Weird as fuck.

Tuesday, November 14, 2023

The hostages are most likely least the majority. Don't expect mercy from these animals...

Drink the vid in.

Now ask yourself.  Did these men survive?

I seriously doubt it.  If they were tortured and killed then they surely bled out.

If you consider the bodies of the dead as "hostages" then its a fools errand to protest for their return.

They're gone.  The world needs to accept it and it needs to be removed as a bargaining chip.

Warning: Graphic content from Hamas sexual violence on October 7


Monday, November 13, 2023

Before you condemn Israel understand that we DID worse with the full backing of the EU & UN...

Buzz word that has gone out of fashion but is the hallmark of ALL our offensive operations. 


via Wikipedia...
Although Ullman and Wade claim that the need to "[m]inimize civilian casualties, loss of life, and collateral damage" is a "political sensitivity [which needs] to be understood up front", their doctrine of rapid dominance requires the capability to disrupt "means of communication, transportation, food production, water supply, and other aspects of infrastructure",[8] and, in practice, "the appropriate balance of Shock and Awe must cause ... the threat and fear of action that may shut down all or part of the adversary's society or render his ability to fight useless short of complete physical destruction."[9]

Using as an example a theoretical invasion of Iraq 20 years after Operation Desert Storm, the authors claimed, "Shutting the country down would entail both the physical destruction of appropriate infrastructure and the shutdown and control of the flow of all vital information and associated commerce so rapidly as to achieve a level of national shock akin to the effect that dropping nuclear weapons on Hiroshima and Nagasaki had on the Japanese."[10]

Israel is conducting "rapid dominance" operations which explains why they are so against pauses in the fight.

Every delay they allow gives the enemy a chance to regain their footing and start to effectively strike back.

Hamas leadership is on the run, unable to organize their defenses or rally assistance in a coordinated manner.

My only bone to pick with the IDF is whether or not their planning has included the massive pushback they're getting worldwide.

They can win the battle of Gaza and lose by putting their economy in a hole that they can't dig out of.

Unfortunately we've shown the way with beyond the pale sanctions.  Sooner or later that will be used against us or an ally. I believe that we'll soon see them used against Israel (they tried before but we were such an economic powerhouse that they stood no chance...we're no longer that economic powerhouse).

Trans people should really rethink their support of Hamas. This happened in Turkey, a modern-moderate Muslim country....


That's the biggest problem with current day America (I guess back to the Bush Jr admin). No one wants to import our culture, even though its being pushed worldwide. Hell many of us don't like our culture! The biggest problem is that their is a cult of "change" that wants it NOW instead of evolving things. That leads to one thing. Chaos. No one will import chaos into their country if they can help it.

Late Open Comment Post. 13 Nov 23

I've been trying to pound this into the heads of people in my church...especially the Deacons and Pastor. Christianity is NOT meant to be a suicide pact. You fight evil you don't surrender to it!

Not even teenagers yet and these kids are fucked for life...


Sorry guys. I believe in redemption stories, but let's be honest here. These kids are fucked for life. Sooner or later they're gonna run across me or someone like me and the spiral begins...assuming they don't do something stupid and get killed. Might seem strange but prayers up for them. That's the only hope they have. The system took part in building them, won't save them and will eventually have to deal with them.

Sunday, November 12, 2023

US base in Syria hit. 5 troops killed?


Thanks to Maria Zakharovka for the link! Austin has been disappointing. His response to the provocations up to this point have been weak...dare I say pussified. If they've spilled American blood then its time to go hard.  

Its time to microfragment a few terror bases along with....lets see...5 US troops killed?  A good start would be to cause at least 5000 deaths and injuries.

This is the fucking Middle East.

Weakness is an aphrodisiac in this region.  You show weakness  and YOU'RE GONNA GET FUCKED!

Hit them hard or get the fuck out but stop with these super power games if you aren't playing to win and make mothers of the enemy cry!

SOCOM Operators died in the helo crash in the Med


Thanks to Maria Zakharovka for the link! Someone always talks and with X being worldwide we will learn about shit (if we know where to look or have "connections" worldwide) before our perspective govts want us to. God Bless to the troops and their families. Rest In Peace guys.

A night of long knives in Ukraine

 Thanks to Cogitans Iuvenis for the link!

via simplicius76

The stakes rise as Ukraine’s internal situation undergoes major turmoil, with opposing factions now openly clashing for power in an increasingly deadly way.

Zaluzhny’s personal right hand man was blown up by a grenade delivered to him via birthday present. Official explanations seek to downplay it as an innocent ‘accident.’ It was the same excuse of ‘accidental horseplay’ implied by Putin to have been responsible for Prigozhin’s death. Naturally, both explanations are 100% phony.


This makes too much sense and is well worth the read.

Looking at this thing its been obvious that things have been going sideways for awhile now.  Many readers have been talking about the manpower shortage which has been confirmed with the talk of Ukraine about to draft its WOMEN to fight in this war (sorry, too old skool to think that's anything but desperation...i guess I need to modernize).

It also explains the DESPERATION and almost foaming at the mouth that we're seeing from the like of people like Sen Graham.

The neo-cons and globalists are gonna take an L in Ukraine but perhaps the peace will allow a prosperous Ukraine that has a foot in both camps and is a friend to all.

Which leaves the bastard Zelensky.

His wife knows the deal.  That dude is gonna end up dead or in exile.  I'm having a hard time figuring out where he will end up. In the US?  Hated and hounded.  In a European country?  Same. If he's smart he'll head to an Asian nation and melt into the background as just another rich European taking advantage of the perks that come from living in the region.  If he can survive for maybe 5 years and is able to dodge the next regime's security apparatus and possibly even the Russian's then he will be just a sad footnote in history.

Open Comment Post. 12 Nov 23