Sunday, November 19, 2023

Argentina's new president doesn't stand a chance. The powers that be will kill him

I luv it. I wonder how much money he will save with those moves. The powers that be won't allow it though. No one remembers that we've seen an invasion of Brits with liberal ideas into our news media, entertainment etc....the same with their politicians. This dude is awesome but he's a walking dead man. It's gonna be great while it lasts though. If he's too popular and powerful then he'll get the Trump treatment. They'll beat him with a few handpicked judges.

Marines 1, Thugs 0 --- Texas State Troopers for the win!

The Marines tried to defuse the situation. One Marine can definitely take a punch! Where those Texas State Trooper came from I don't know but they came in force. Oh and for those that don't know. Marines in dress blues are ALWAYS gonna get the benefit of the doubt. Cops and Marines go together like Coke and Jack Daniels.

This pic has been bugging me. Do AH-64's do rolling take offs?

This pic has been bugging me. Do Apaches do rolling takeoffs? If they do then why? Does it help with carrying heavier loads? If so then why isn't the tail wheel/strut taller? To get a better angle for the blades to bite into the air?

Late Open Comment Post. 19 Nov 23

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Israel and Hamas considering 5-day ceasefire

Hmm. The IDF must be thinking of calling it a day. A ceasefire of this duration would allow Hamas to reorganize and re-equip its fighters. If they continued ops it would make it much tougher and take a toll on the troops in the form of blood. Don't ignore many in the opposition party calling for Netanyahu to step down but for his party to continue to lead as part of this equation. This has been horrific for both sides, but the fight after the fight to place the blame will be stunning for a all. The afteraction and full airing of mistakes made will shock us all I'm sure.

Friday, November 17, 2023

America Is a Heartbeat Away From a War It Could Lose

 via Foreign Policy

The worst-case scenario is an escalating war in at least three far-flung theaters, fought by a thinly stretched U.S. military alongside ill-equipped allies that are mostly unable to defend themselves against large industrial powers with the resolve, resources, and ruthlessness to sustain a long conflict. Waging this fight would require a scale of national unity, resource mobilization, and willingness to sacrifice that Americans and their allies have not seen in generations.


 Assuming a rate of expansion similar to that of World War II, it’s not unreasonable to expect that the debt could swell to 200 percent of GDP or higher. As the Congressional Budget Office and other sources have noted, debt loads on that scale would risk catastrophic consequences for the U.S. economy and financial system.

A global conflict would bring on other perils. Two U.S. rivals—Russia and Iran—are major oil producers. One recent report found that a prolonged closure of the Hormuz Strait amid a broader Middle Eastern conflict could push oil prices beyond $100 per barrel, substantially increasing inflationary pressures. China is a major holder of U.S. debt, and a sustained sell-off by Beijing could drive up yields in U.S. bonds and place further strains on the economy. It’s reasonable to assume that Americans would face shortages in everything from electronics to home-building materials.

All of that pales alongside the human costs that the United States could suffer in a global conflict. Large numbers of U.S. service members would likely die. Some of the United States’ adversaries have conventional and nuclear capabilities that can reach the U.S. homeland; others have the ability to inspire or direct Hamas-style terrorist attacks on U.S. soil, which may be easier to carry out given the porous state of the U.S. southern border.


Boys and girls the bad news is easy to see.  To state it plainly?  We're totally defensive, in a hurt locker and need to save the empire.

How do we do that? We get brutally honest.

Deterrence as a concept has been a sad joke.  It's so damn feminine and weak that I'm personally surprised that it was even proposed.  Who cares if someone pumps out their chest.  If the fight is on the fight is on!  You're gonna get punched in the face no matter how much you huff and puff.  That's just life.

We're too spread out with too many commitments.  Time to bring the troops home from every frontier and concentrate on what's actually in our national interest.  

Our allies have to do their part.  If they don't take their own defense seriously then neither should we.  The free ride is over.  Time for our so called allies to step the fuck up.

Take an L in places that aren't worth the struggle.  This is probably the hardest for the globalist, neo-cons and new world order freaks.  If you defend everywhere you defend nowhere. Time to cut bait while we can, otherwise the boat gets pulled under.

The empire can endure but we've got to get smart, honest and accept our limitations.  If not our limitations will be put on full display for everyone to see.

Open Comment Post. 17 Nov 23


The letter is disgusting but the idea of deleting it and banning people that posted it is truly scary


Things are past bad in the US. We actually have open censoring of opinion. I think the letter to America is disgusting. I think Bin Laden was a homicidal maniac and I think the SEALs that iced his ass are to be applauded (Admiral McRaven with his bullshit afterwards was a disgrace though).

But the idea that a few Congress Critters have the power to make a major tech corporation, foreign owned or not, take down a post made by a US citizen is crazy.

This shit is Orwellian.

I don't even like the post but I can clearly see the ramifications of what this means.

The disinformation campaigns by the US govt and media are all programing for shit like this.

I'm a fucking adult.  I decide what information is "real" to me and what I deem bullshit.  Children get censored, not adults, not in a free country.

All of which leads to the real question.  Are we really free anymore or is it just an illusion?

The United States and its allies need to say goodbye to the “magical belief” in Russian defeat in Ukraine

How about we just fully integrate Russia with the West so we don't have to play these games. We could replace Russian labor and resources with those of China and gain a nation ready to be a part of the global economy.

This is my view of things.

Russia has always just wanted a seat at the table.  China wants to sit at the head of the table.

China has people.  Russia has natural resources.

Russia is a natural enemy of China and a natural ally of Europe.

Culturally Russia will not fit with the West (meaning the social shit...can't blame them) but they WILL fit economically.

It would be slow.  It will be a grind.  There will be mis-steps and trust will take a while to be established but I believe it can be done.

Things were alot different 3 years could stuff go south so fast?


Rapid change requires chaos so change-agents invent chaos to allow the change they want. This shit has all been manufactured.

Thursday, November 16, 2023

Women in combat. Sucks to me but I'm old fashioned. Obviously the Ukrainians aren't...the vids are coming out of them dying in their fighting positions...

Yeah I know. I'm old fashioned but I absolutely hate this shit.

Yeah I know that women protested for this shit and this is what they wanted.

Still fucking hate it.

To me this is some of the most uncivilized shit any nation can do.  I'm for women defending themselves but to ask them to go out and defend the nation is a task that I BELIEVE (and yes I know I'm in a minority on this) is reserved for the men folk.

Throw your rocks.  I'll happily accept them on this subject, but I'm not changing.  Now get off my fucking lawn.

Ukraine to be first user of Rheinmetall's Caracal airmobile platform.

The real question is why? Ukraine hasn't conducted any air operations since the start of this war and I hardly see them doing it now. My guess is that they'll probably try it as a raid vehicle but in that role, in this conflict, they'd probably be better off using an MRAP or one of the 8 wheeled APC/IFVs they've received.

France's 17th Parachute Regiment running their new internally carried utility vehicle...


Has modern warfare thrown out the iron triangle and we're now in a place where firepower (payload) and mobility are now the main focus?

Are we at a point where payloads totally trump platform? By that I mean that a good, serviceable 4x4 that is easily transported, amphibious and can mount any weapon system is now the sweet spot of armored vehicles?  

Look at the Flyer! It was only an internally carried vehicle and now its morphing into a long range patrol, anti-drone, anti-tank, a basically do it all for SOCOM! 

Has modern warfare thrown out the iron triangle and we're now in a place where firepower (payload) and mobility are now the main focus?


The Israeli Prime Minister and IDF Chief of Staff are gonna have to answer for the lack of readiness on Oct 7.


Have any of you seen the entire sequence of events with this?

I have and it was ugly (unless you're a Hamas supporter and you fucks probably cheered this and the other bullshit that know who you are on this blog).

What hasn't been talked about enough is the culpability that the Israeli Prime Minister and IDF Chief of Staff have in this atrocity.

They need to pay and pay big.

I hope the Israeli people get around to this after the drama is over but both need to go to prison.

Propaganda or savage truth?

*The Palestinian people would do themselves a HUGE favor if they put up clear dividers between Hamas & themselves.  As things stand today, Hamas equals Palestinians.  Even their supporters fail to state that their is a difference.  On this blog I've tried to make the distinction but its very hard when supporters don't.

Why is this important?  Because when you have Congress Critters that are so rabid it just hardens my own resolve to see Hamas destroyed.  NOT the Palestinian people but HAMAS!  That pathetic Congress Critter makes no distinction.  Doom on that ugly bitch.

Open Comment Post. 16 Nov 23

Mobilized straight from a hospital checkup

Weird. During good times you have to be in damn near perfect health to serve your country. In bad? You can be knocking on deaths door and subpar mentally/physically and they still want you.

Aurora Flight Sciences SPRINT X-plane

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

I really wish someone would tell me the real story on why this guy bailed on this command assignment...


I've been looking for answers on this one for a long time. Many know but no one is talking. Its weird. This was a golden ticket to ride and he bailed. Even in this article he doesn't give an explanation. I know I have a few people on the air side of the house. LET ME KNOW WHAT THE DEAL ACTUALLY WAS! Sidenote. I went to an airshow (Dallas) and the Blue Angels didn't show up. I asked what the deal was and all I got was blank stares. Weird as fuck.