Friday, November 24, 2023

Hostage exchange has begun. I hope the IDF has them chipped to track their movements and re-capture/kill later!


Wow. Trading straight up criminal scum for an innocent child. The Middle East is fucked. Anyway I hope they have this chic chipped/bio-tagged whatever you call it so they can track her movements and re-capture/kill later.

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Where do ya'll think we are with the two wars?

 Hope ya had a good thanksgiving.  Back to talking about our fucked up world.  Where do ya'll think we are with the two wars?


On this one I think we're gonna have a bad winter, restocking mostly on the Russian side (the allies appear tapped out) and some serious soul searching on the Ukrainian side.

Zelensky has gone thru the male generation and they're using women on the frontlines now.  There will probably be some savagery going on but it'll never hit our airwaves because it would conflict with the narrative going on in the West.

Ukraine is supposedly having elections in 2024 so we'll probably see a last gasp effort to bolster Zelensky's chances and to try and eek out a bit more funding but it's all but over for that ... at least from the US.

I'm guessing we'll see peace talks by summer of 2024 at the latest. Biden wants this war off the table as soon as possible.  One last thing.  The Republicans and Democrats supposedly disagree on everything yet on this issue the Republican Party is going against the will of its voters and pushing for more spending.


This one can go any number of ways and I really don't have any idea.  I'm hoping that the hostage exchange will morph into a general ceasefire with the fight going behind the scenes but I doubt it.  The IDF have their fangs dug into the floorboards and they're gonna get who they're chasing.

Hamas had ramped up its propaganda and has the usual idiots doing its bidding in the west.  They fucked up though.  The terror attacks in Dublin will shock the peaceniks (cause they ain't shit in a fight and need the people they consider goons and barbarians to do it for them) and will harden the general publics views on not only immigration but also Islam especially in Europe.

Have you seen the rioting?  Europe is a powder keg and one more assault will see the Europeans getting down right brutal. Alot of innocent Muslims will get caught up in it.  I don't think the govt security forces will be able to contain that anger.

Back on task.  If we're lucky this will wind down soon.  If not we could see a regional war.  I just don't know.

Nov 23. Just Pics 4

Nov 23. Just Pics 3

Nov 23. Just Pics 2

Nov 23. Just Pics 1

Do we have a cat?

Happy Thanksgiving folks....


Wednesday, November 22, 2023

The IDF finally got smart and followed a reader's recommendation. They're filling the tunnels with sea water!

About time they did this. Sadly though it confirms what I thought all along. The hostages are either dead or will be soon. Netanyahu will give lip service to getting them back but everyone knows but refuses to say the obvious. For the hostages death will probably be a mercy. Regardless its just been a talking point to placate the masses. Any hostage rescue would have resulted in 100% casualties with probably at LEAST 50% dead of the attacking force. Like I said. The hostages, if they were alive would have been insta killed once they knew the attack was coming.

But lets' be honest.

All this shit is a sideshow.  

The real action will come a bit after this public fight is over.

It will go to the shadows and the IDF's Special Ops/Mossad will cross borders to kill Hamas leaders.  They'll run to Iran which will set the stage for the big dust up in the Middle East.  Harboring terrorist and nukes?

That shit is tailor made to basically PUSH the public into supporting "getting them before they get us".

It's a Late Open Comments Post. 22 Nov 23

That ain't no Vehicle Borne IED. That's just a bad car crash...

Don't know what's going on with this but this is just a bad car crash. Wonder why they even thought about a freaking VBIED?

Tuesday, November 21, 2023

I wonder what terrible news is about to come out on Qatar for this type of pre-emptive news story to be leaked to the press....


Sorry not sorry. When ever you see a pre-emptive positive news story like this one its designed to protect the "hero". I wonder what terrible news we're about to hear about Qatar that isn't widely known yet. Could it be that several Hamas leaders are living in the lap of luxury spending most of the aid money sent to support the Palestinian people? Could it be that Qatar is the "new" Saudi Arabia and in some way supported the terror attack? I have no idea. All of the above is just speculation but you can bet body parts you highly value that they did something.

Gun control is hopeless. Too many weapons in civilian hands in the US & if the Burmese rebels are to be the guide then 3d printing has made it impossible...

Its impossible to control guns now. I wondered why some Congress Critters had switched to going after ammo and this is why. I only have about 2k rounds of 9mm and 1k of 5.56 on hand. Need to get back in the practice of using the little ad money from this blog, a couple hundred from every paycheck and every extra duty work coming my way to get those numbers up big. I'm just glad I standardized all my weapons to either 9 or 5.56.

What's the right number?  Don't know but refer to this story & add multiple attackers to it and you do the math for your "stockpile".

The booby traps in Vietnam were next level brutal.

Those are brutal plus they dipped them in shit to make sure you got a wicked infection IF you survived? Brutal just don't properly describe it. Ya know what annoys me. No one has properly captured in a movie just how fucked up those things were.

The suspect chose poorly

If this is true then the US Army is fucked up beyond recognition....

Apache Hero-120

Rheinmetall‘s Lynx demonstrates killer-killer capability

Tests of the Kazakh BKM “BARYS 8x8 via @AndreiBtvt

I will burn their city to the ground....It's hunting season in Gaza....

Ya got to luv a moto speech before you do the hard thing. It's shit talking but you luv it anyway....

Open Comment Post. 21 Nov 23