Friday, December 01, 2023

US govt caught again spying on citizens.

How much more do you need to see.

NATO Secretary General is this keeping up moral or just plain foolishness?

This NATO Sec General. I don't know what to make of him. I know he acheived rock star status with the war in Ukraine but this seems...misguided. Is it his attempt to keep up moral or is he locked in a worldview that is devoid of reality? I don't know. One thing is certain. NATO has been shown AGAIN to be a paper tiger. Don't get it twisted. If an attack on a NATO country occured then I believe you would see max effort from all countries. But out of area operations? Totally lacking. US policy makers should take note. In a war against China in defense of a third party nation I just don't believe the alliance will step forward like many hope.

Congress knew about the Chinese biolabs in California


You can't defeat an enemy if your leadership is in the pocket of your enemy. We've been betrayed from inside. A war would be a fool's endeavor. We need to fix home before we engage with ANYONE at this point.

Roadrunner & Roadrunner-M

 Thanks to Canuck Fighter for the link!


IDF shows foreign press Hamas bodycam videos, photos of murder, torture, decapitation

 via TOI

The Israeli government on Monday screened for 200 members of the foreign press some 43 minutes of harrowing scenes of murder, torture and decapitation from Hamas’s October 7 onslaught on southern Israel, in which over 1,400 people were killed, including raw videos from the terrorists’ bodycams.

The government said it had decided to show journalists part of its collected documentation in order to dispel what a spokesperson characterized as “a Holocaust-denial-like phenomenon happening in real-time,” as doubts have been raised around the world about some of the most horrific of Hamas’s atrocities.

Journalists were not permitted to record the screening, which took place on a closed military base.


The Israeli govt and the IDF are batshit stupid.  Why show these vids to the media and release it to the whole world to see?  They talk about how horrific these attacks were and they've watched how the useful IDIOTS in the free world are protesting against them so why hide the truth?

I suspect that they're fearful they'll inflame the public that supports them and maybe even possibly fuel copycats.

Fuck all that.

Show the truth.  The left wing loons and their helpers are cheering for butchers.  That has to be turned around.

Open Comment Post. 1 Dec 23

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

Things are not looking good for Ukraine in 2024 (read the entire post)

Medical officer reveals Covid Vaccine related HEART ISSUES skyrocketing in active duty Naval Aviators


Open Comment Post. 28 Nov 23


Sunday, November 26, 2023

Looks like SOCOM recaptured the ship seized by Houthi forces...

Saturday, November 25, 2023

"You sit in that hole and pray for the 35th time that day you don't die"

Modern warfare is gonna be hell for the infantry...hell, its gonna be hell for anyone near it. It seems like the only way to have a chance of survival is to be called up when its winding down. There are just too many ways to die with an equal tech force. Naval combat is gonna be even worse. The armoring on modern ships is pathetic. You get hit in this era and you're shark food, with little chance of rescue.

"The day before liberation May 7, 1945 - Shooting on Dam Square - A mother is shot dead behind the carriage of her child - Child is unharmed" Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

America 2023. Do we even deserve to continue?

This is about gentle as I could get to show how absolutely fucked up our cities are. I could show you madness that rivals the stupidity we see in the Middle East. I could show you the insanity of the plague that is rushing in from the south. I could show you the pathetic bastards that are "running" our country. But this will do instead. Harmless? Still batshit crazy to me. The only thing I can wonder is if we're not as bad as Sodom and Gomorrah, and God microfragmented those bitches, then how bad were those freaks?

Open Comment Post. 25 Nov 23

Oh you have to check out this post. Dude wants to put Turkey on the target list!

The linkage is using to wave the China flag. I'm really beginning to wonder if they're a threat or just doing what we've done? Additionally this does not pass the smell test. You have the Turk President saying what every other leader in the Middle East and in other parts of the world is saying. You can't put the whole world on the list can you? Ordinarily I'd just think that this is the ramblings of another dude like average joe with an opinion. His working at the Hudson Institute makes me believe that this might be a trial balloon. One thing he does have right. We need to get our troops and nukes out of Turkey. The need for that base has long passed and since everyone has expeditionary in their name then we need to get on our horse and ride out of there.

Portrait of American tanker Sgt. John Parks, 4th Armored Division

Tragic story shared by a defender of Avdiivka

This story is off to me.

SkyNews host is obviously in the pocket of the Hamas terror group

Yeah. The body language says it all. Might as well get fitted for her hajib now.