Friday, December 08, 2023

Fuck Around And Find Out

For all those that will claim that he should have known it was toy, then you're one of those people that have never seen air-soft. Those same "toys" are used to terrorise civilians and they commonly use those "toys" to commit crimes. No sympathy here. FAFO. Sidenote. This dude needs more range time. Properly placed shots should cause the threat to be incapable of speaking.

Al Gore says social media is the enemy of democracy, AND HE RECEIVED APPLAUSE!

British Foreign Sec speaks about US(!) & British troops dying? TOTALLY OUT OF HIS LANE!

I have had a bad feeling about how tightly the Brits are clinging to us. Now we have their foreign sec saying this? Like a clingy relationship, we need to put some distance between us and the Brits. An alliance is one thing but they're acting as if we're married.

IDF releases pics of captured terrorists...flooding tunnels works!

Neo-Nazi Alex Milchakov tells about their "adventures" in Ukraine.


Open Comment Post. 8 Dec 23


Thursday, December 07, 2023

S. American thieves are using jammers, ladders, hammers break into isolated high end homes near Detroit

 via Click on crime

 Organized crews of thieves have been targeting high-end homes across Metro Detroit in recent weeks, breaking in and stealing items of value while avoiding security systems and, mostly, evading capture.

The string of burglaries are being carried out by trained thieves originating from Chile, according to Oakland County Sheriff Michael Bouchard. These Chilean crews are allegedly responsible for a significant number of thefts at homes, jewelry stores, and of cars in Michigan and beyond.

In Metro Detroit, the crews have been targeting isolated, high-end homes, but the homes aren’t only in exclusive and expensive neighborhoods. Sheriff Bouchard said Wednesday that any home that fits the thieves’ criteria can be targeted, even if the homes around it might not fit the bill.

Dozens of these high-end break-ins have been reported in Oakland County since September, officials said.

Thieves are targeting expensive homes, particularly million-dollar homes, and are going after houses that have thick landscaping and/or back up to wooded areas, trees, shrubs, a golf course, trails, and the like. The thieves are using these areas to stake out the house, and wait for a time to strike, officials say.

So far, Sheriff Bouchard says the thieves hitting Metro Detroit homes appear to be nonconfrontational. If they hear someone, or something happens during a break-in, the thieves flee.


Non-confrontational?  Yeah right.  Maybe for now but that will change.

This is bad.  America ain't ready for this.  But this is the calm before the storm.

Wait till you start (no offense) seeing Brazilian, Venezuelan, Cuban and Jamaican crews start doing work.

That's really not the nightmare either.

Once the Ukrainian gangs get going along with some of the groups from Africa you're gonna see carnage.

Some of those dudes are beyond brutal.

Note that I haven't even touched on the cartels yet.

We're about to head into the days of the Wild West.  Those in power know it too.  That's why they're trying so hard to pass an assault weapons ban.

Their big problem is that they allowed rampant lawlessness for so long that even formerly anti-gun folks are gunning up.  Wait till this goes mainstream.

Shit is about to get real.

Wednesday, December 06, 2023

Chirstie is taking body blow after body blow

And this is why people are fleeing cities on both coasts. Not only crazy crime but insane taxes and fees

This is some London/UK shit right here. Fuck New York!

Tuesday, December 05, 2023

US Treasury Sec makes an OUTRAGEOUS claim!

What a stupid bitch! First this is totally outside her lane. Second, the Ukrainians are responsible for their victory or defeat. They showed extreme hubris in launching a counteroffensive before they were ready. Oh and I could see they were not ready from my chair! Seriously when did it become fashionable for public officials to talk outta their asses?

Zelensky cancels a meeting to beg for more aid from Congress...things are bad


Many are speculating, and I agree, that the Republicans do not give a shit about the rampant illegal immigration into our nation. The Senate Minority Leader (the old fool) and Sen Romney along with the warhawk Graham are all calling for further aid to Ukraine only if the US border is secured. The speculation is that its feared that Trump will win in a landslide unless the border, crime and inflation is not brought under control. Quite honestly that has to be the case. These are the same clowns that failed to impeach the DHS Sec for failing to do his job while at the same time wanting to go after the president? Its all a show. I truly believe they do not give a fuck with regard to illegal entry but for some reason are scared shitless of Trump and will only do their jobs if it keeps him from a second term.

The Marine Littoral Regiment. Totally Defensive By Design.

Jesus. All the bullshit claims about NOT building a modern coastal defense unit and that is exactly what these motherfuckers did.  One piece of advice I got and forgot.  Never trust anything coming out of HQMC.

Flashback to Oct 7. Hamas capturing an Israeli female...

Open Comment Post. 5 Dec 23

Possible grid meltdown in the UK????

This is ominous. What gives?

Monday, December 04, 2023

Finally a core base of support is turning on the Dems...

This is good news. Black men have been turning on the Dems in increasing numbers. What I do not understand is why they have a strangle hold on black women. Regardless, I consider this good news. FINALLY!

It appears that we are failing to deter or compete with China near the Philippines

Explain to me again how the US military in general and the USMC in particular with FD2030 is gonna deter and compete with China? Useless bluster and chest thumping will not win the war or the peace. Do the Chinese consider us competent and determined? Are we? If we are not then we have lost before the fight has begun. If they do not think we are then there will be a fight.

I wonder what liberal women and gay men think about this when they rush out to support Hamas

When I saw this I thought of the group trans for Hamas. Why would you support people that would kill you in the most barbaric way possible?

Can anyone give an explanation of the word COMPETE in Pentagon terms?


Compete is the current buzz word were hearing from the Pentagon. Its replaced PARTNERSHIP and we are watching ASSURING ALLIED fade. But what the hell does it mean? How do you COMPETE in military terms? You compete in sports. You fight in combat. Deterrance is a joke I will not even touch but how do you COMPETE?

Why Ukrainian counteroffensive didn’t go according to plan, by Washington Post.

The blame game for the loss of this war begins...