Sunday, December 10, 2023

Russian Infantry Gear is interesting. Body armor & plate carrier with armor?

Either this dude is an assaulter or even their regular guys are walking around heavy as hell. Their mobility must suck donkey dick.

Australia has some neat looking grenades

Chinese Navy is now ramming PI supply ships. Things are ramping up and the US Navy is stretched thin

We're not even involved in a shooting war and our Navy is stretched to its limit. All those partnerships are meaningless when it comes to actually doing shit. That whole policy needs to be revamped with a quickness. Dependence on other nations for warfare is pure folly. They can depend on us but WE CANNOT depend on them...even when it comes to deterrence.

Open Comment Post. 10 Dec 23

And here comes the wider war in the Middle East. Israel is in danger of over extending

Zelensky is getting nervous

Extraction is not possible

Saturday, December 09, 2023

Terrible season. Nice "feel good despite" prize.

Demanding a ceasefire for the animals that did this? ARE YOU INSANE!


Microfragmentation from distance is the only answer.

Our defense stockpile is depleted but Biden doesn't care. Ukraine must be fed even if it makes the USA vulnerable

Despicable. Emergency authority and Presidential Executive Orders & Decrees need to be either outlawed or dramatically scaled back. THIS IS WHAT DICTATORS DO! If you can't get popular opinion behind your agenda then doing a run around shouldn't be allowed.

How quickly YOU forget Oct 7

An example of the barbaric treatment dished out by Hamas sub humans against a hostage

Yet some fuckers here support these bastards. Rot in hell with them.

Defense bill calls for outside scrutiny of Marines’ modernization plan...too fucking little, too damn late....

This WILL go down in history as Berger's Folly but that train has left the building. The only hope I have is that all the ass kissers on his staff that backed this shit will see roadblocks to their advancement when it becomes obvious to all how wrong they were.

Open Comment Post. 9 Dec 23

Another Hamas scum/piece of shit/terrorist bastard showing his vid cam of a little girl shortly before he kills her

Recruitment Raid In Ukraine. When this is all over the settling up with some of the recruiters is gonna be vicious...

I'm convinced that every swinging dick involved in this type of shit in Ukraine better run and run far away. The settling up after this war is gonna be vicious. Even if the guy sent to the lines (oh forgot they're sending women too) dies, then surely family members will get their ounce of blood. This probably extends to Zelensky and the rest of the leadership. I thought it was pure hyperbole when Graham talked about fighting to the last Ukranian. I should have taken him seriously cause that appears to be what we're faced with. Usually I'd say turn off this war but its unnecessary. This thing is gonna end because there will be no one left to least common folks and we know the elite will hide.

Friday, December 08, 2023

Hang with dogs you're gonna get fleas. FUCK'EM!

Fuck Around And Find Out

For all those that will claim that he should have known it was toy, then you're one of those people that have never seen air-soft. Those same "toys" are used to terrorise civilians and they commonly use those "toys" to commit crimes. No sympathy here. FAFO. Sidenote. This dude needs more range time. Properly placed shots should cause the threat to be incapable of speaking.

Al Gore says social media is the enemy of democracy, AND HE RECEIVED APPLAUSE!

British Foreign Sec speaks about US(!) & British troops dying? TOTALLY OUT OF HIS LANE!

I have had a bad feeling about how tightly the Brits are clinging to us. Now we have their foreign sec saying this? Like a clingy relationship, we need to put some distance between us and the Brits. An alliance is one thing but they're acting as if we're married.