Sunday, December 17, 2023

Well you can put a pin in ground maneuver in Ukraine...

The Ukrainians have been begging for everything except the ST Engineering Bronco or the BAE Beowulf. These guys just ain't serious about what they need. If nothing else I'd be begging for some of those cargo UAVs the USMC is supposed to be developing as a real world test of the system. They don't have a plan for winning the war. I doubt they ever did. The critics are right. This is all about money, money laundering and the military industrial complex getting fat. The deaths of the male population of Ukraine be damned.

Military Public Affairs Officers are so unaware. Is this announcement suppose to bring joy or dread?

Something big is brewing? WTF! So am I suppose to start doomsday prepping or what? These bubbas or so fucking unaware its scary. Don't they pay attention to the news? Are they unaware of people in the US and UK actually talking about sending our troops to the mess in Ukraine? Whoever approved this needs to be sent to a line company and demoted.

Saturday, December 16, 2023

This is interesting. Russia is claiming that the target of a recent strike by Kinzhal hypersonic missiles on a military airfield in Starokonstantinov, Khmelnitsky region, was the command bunker where the headquarters of foreign advisers was located.


I know we have military personnel over there. What I can't figure out is why or how no one is talking about this. Someone ALWAYS talks. Injuries would show up in Germany so what gives? You're telling me that Air Force personnel are that disciplined? That their version of a LCpl working in that hospital isn't whispering on some forum somewhere?

Damn. I wasn't there so I DO NOT KNOW but this hostage incident is getting a bit sketchy with the explanation given...

Note to all Military Public Affairs Officers. Sometimes less is more. The more you talk about this, the sketchier it sounds especially since the whole deal was supposed to be about getting your people back. Oh and that's coming from a SUPPORTER. More advice. Stop talking about this thing till you have your shit together in one neat basket. You can't afford to lose this public affairs war and you're behind the eight ball with many (some I would never suspect) already. Let me repeat. I wasn't there so I don't know. Neither do you (readers of this blog).

This continuously fascinates me...

It shouldn't though. I know for a fact we have skinheads, kkk'ers, nazis our own ranks serving along side other races...some you would never suspect. To be honest I didn't think ANY black people even existed in Russia. I wonder how he gets along with the Wagner boys. Could be that an enemy of my enemy is a friend situation. Additionally they do run alot of ops in Africa so obviously I just don't understand the dynamics over there.

We're at Christmas, the US Navy is virtually at war...


What is going on with this P-8 Posiden that's been flying missions over the Med

Anyone know what that pod is underneath? I didn't know (and I'm assuming here) that any of these were modded for intel. What does the pod "sense"?  Additionally I'm assuming the bubble on top is for satcoms, right?

Only NOW will Ukrainian Battle Staff work to save the lives of their own men instead of trying to capture territory

Wanna talk about Generation Kill? The Ukrainians did it in spades. Even if they win this war their will be so few of their people left that it will cease to be a country. The economic warfare was stupid. The battle plan was stupid. The lack of planning for the aftermath of this conflict is obvious. The only thing they got right is fooling most of the idiots to cheer for a war instead of going for a peaceful solution. Russia can gobble up 2/3rds of this country now. THAT'S HOW BAD THE MANPOWER SITUATION IS! They're using Western gear as the reason for issues but it boils down to manpower. Ukraine can't finish their counteroffensive even if they wanted to. Soon they'll have to retreat and consolidate their positions to keep their lines from collapsing.

I am always surprised by how long this guy stays on his feet. If nothing else he was determined

Open Comment Post. 16 Dec 23

Liberal mothers fucked over their daughters in the name of insanity

I'm beyond giving a fuck. Women opened up this can of worms with that bathroom issue. They blew the can up when they defended all this. I totally agree with TRIPPLE BRAVO. They have no one to blame but themselves.

Friday, December 15, 2023

Houthis are back at it. They're launching anti-ship ballistic missiles at civilian shipping...USS Mason responding to the distress calls....

The US Navy is busy as hell. They're gonna have to start a destroyer rotation in this part of the world soon. We want the fight in the Pacific but the world will not let us have what we want. We're gonna need to shed some alliances/commitments and decide what we can/can't do and perhaps more importantly what we can afford to do!

Geez. Terrible news. IDF accidently killed 3 hostages


This is indeed terrible news. I thought they were all dead. To think that they could have actually rescued 3 of them but instead accidently killed them is a serious kick in the pants. It brings up another point. I thought Israeli intel agencies were top notch. Either they have a communication issue with units conducting this assault or despite them gleaming more and more info they're still blind to what's going on inside the Hamas terrorist organization. I wonder though. They killed comms for Hamas so they can't even do signal interception to get a view of what they're doing, how they're doing it and what they plan on doing next. Should they have left it on? Hamas would be better organized but if they thought that they could rescue hostages it would have given them better visibility. At the end of the day I just don't know. This is so far outside my lane that I'll just have to sit back and watch the experts do what they do.

Goodbye, Scout Snipers ... For Now

 Note.  The last Scout Sniper course for the USMC has been run.  A common theme seems to be that they'll be back (I'm positive...the idea of disbanding them was stupid in the extreme) but another common theme seems to be that they got too big for their britches.

I find that weird.  Scout Snipers have ALWAYS had to walk a jagged line between being Special Ops and Conventional.  From the outside looking in they do all kinds of stuff with SOCOM only for Regiment or Division trying to yank them back for...nonsense (remember I'm on the outside looking in, I could easily be wrong).

The real problem for this community is that jagged line.  When they come back and they will, I hope that the USMC situates them to win rather than to lose.  They need to be told where they fit in within the bigger scheme of things and that needs to be hammered into every commander that wants to use them as an additional rifle platoon.  Don't waste this resource.  Don't abandon the resource.  PROPERLY UTILIZE THEIR SKILLSET!

Rant over.  Great article.  Read it all.

Scout Snipers have a mantra.

I learned that mantra years ago when I was assigned to lead a platoon of these Marines. My chief scout in the platoon, a title held by the most experienced Scout Sniper, was Damon.

When we met in 2012 on Camp Lejeune, Damon was in his late twenties. His guys were at-home in the woods and with a load on their backs; they rarely complained about being dirty, tired or uncomfortable. I learned quickly that Scout Snipers were the best in the battalion, regular infantrymen who had started out carrying an assault rifle or lobbing mortars but aspired to something sleeker, freer and more elite. Before graduating the arduous Scout Sniper Basic Course to earn his new, coveted title, Damon himself had carried a machine gun on a deployment to Anbar province. I remember the front of his uniform was covered in ribbons and medals earned on combat tours. On his back were the words “Scout Sniper.” They were branded into his skin.

Similar to most competitive people, Damon didn’t like following rules, including the rule that required him to buckle the chinstrap on his Kevlar helmet. Like a kid who refuses to put on a helmet before riding his bicycle, I couldn’t get him to listen. Whenever we went to the field for training, I’d see that nylon strap dangling off his sideburns. “I know, sir,” Damon would say. Until the next time it happened, and the time after that. If only he hadn’t been so good-natured (and good at his job), I might have been more insistent that he fall in line.

But I wasn’t.

Recently, the Marine Corps decided its infantry battalions no longer need Scout Snipers. The final class graduates today from the Scout Sniper Basic Course. Soon, Scout Sniper platoons will disband and transform into so-called “scout platoons.” They will observe the enemy, but not shoot him. Some argue the loss of formally-trained precision marksmen will make infantry battalions less lethal. Others, including military brass, say the cuts will help build a lighter, more “commando-style” infantry.

Either way, they had this coming.


A little more from me.

This opinion piece and others seems like a quiet admission that this was a batshit stupid idea.

It's also an acknowledgement that Scout Snipers will be back.

Long story short?  Berger overshot with his "back to the sea" idiocy and while trying to justify this move its being admitted that it was a terrible idea.  Even his supporters are walking a jagged line.

Open Comment Post. 15 Dec 23

Beautiful action sequence

Commando Brigade’s Maglan unit are fighting Hamas deep within Khan Younis

Thursday, December 14, 2023

John Kirby outlines the 3 conditions for Hamas to fulfill to end the war today

Reasonable. Sensible. Easily doable. No way in hell will Hamas do it. Too much money to be made by being evil, subhuman killers/rapist/torturers rather than save THEIR citizens from the brutality of war. All that and still some people on this blog still support these animals. I don't get it.

Russian soldier conducts successful sentry elimination in fighting....

What a horrific way to go. Outside taking a piss and suddenly you're grabbed around the neck and see a knife flash before its buried in your chest and throat. I don't get it. We've seen enough of this by both sides that posting security should be automatic now. I also note that the tweet says the second attacker throws a grenade so they weren't going for silence. I wonder if this was a planned attack or if a couple of grunts just got a wild hair and said watch this.

Ukrainian commander says that the French Caesar is too vulnerable

Read the entire thread but it makes sense. Truck mounted artillery is huge. Hard to hide. Displaces well but is easily located on the modern battlefield. In the past they'd be hunted with close air support attack planes and attack helicopters. Now? Now they're hunted by drones and persistent survelliance is the norm. Truck mounted artillery is an evolutionary dead end. Too heavy for light forces, too light for heavy. Medium weight units are fulfilling a narrow gap in the spectrum and are probably only tailorable to out of area operations against advanced and lower insurgency type forces (of course they should perform well against peer units of the same classification).