Friday, December 22, 2023

ASCOD 2 Sabrah light tank of the Philippine Army

The Hills Have Eyes was based on some weird Scottish family?

The US taxpayer is paying a terrible price for the Ukraine war. We add to the bill that our children's children will have to pay.

Add this to the list of why the American empire will die. It wasn't our fight. The Europeans sit back and let us bankrupt ourselves in this foolishness and our enemies laugh their asses off. Past time to man up, take some L's and solidify ourselves. We've helped enough. Time for others to step up.

This was funny but a terrible prank!

Make it make sense! Suddenly women are able to complete grueling tasks but can't compete physically in demanding sports?

The US and other militaries are lying their asses off. It just doesn't make sense yet they want us to believe its true. Women can't compete on the football field. They can't compete in MMA, boxing or anyother combat sport with men. They can't handle most street fights I've seen (and when they do its cause the guy is holding back INSTINCTIVELY). In a whole range of areas the biological and physiological differences stand out. Yet we're suppose to believe that when it comes to grueling qualification courses or schools that somehow they're winning the whole thing? The US military is twisting itself into knots trying to get a gender neutral PFT test and yet they still push this? MAKE IT MAKE SENSE!

Remember this incident? All charges dropped!


Margret Sanger won and black women are touting her message like a badge of honor...

Dude is right. "Killed more black children than a slave owner..." and this bitch has the audacity to wear it as a badge of honor. Want to know what's worse. I'd love to hear about, roll up on etc...a shooting and find out that some idiot white supremacist, skin head, KKK'er etc was involved in the killing of a black man. Nope. Young idiot kiling someone for idiocy. More than likely another black man. America is fucked up. Black America bought into the idea that the federal govt was coming to help and its been backwards steps ever sense. King is honored and maybe even rightfully so. But it seems like with his arrival things have turned to shit. I'm just spitballing here but maybe the great black savior was a demon in disguise. The black community is in shambles and every group that wants to get ahead is using that struggle as their playbook to zoom past us. Want to know something else? I'm in a mood today so bear with me. Every president that has been an "enemy" of black america has seen us move forward...forcefully. When ever we have a "friend in the White House", things turn to even bigger piles of shit. Remember ya boy Obama? I'll never forget that black lady that talked about things being better before and how she's now back to beans and rice. Today we have Biden and everyone is in a hurtlocker. Everyone hated Trump but guess what. We were all doing better...especially black america. Maybe we should elect full blown enemies instead of so called friends?

Open Comment Post. 22 Dec 23

Karen ran the gate at a base and Air Force Security let her experience the full FAFO


He should have pepper sprayed the bitch after the first time she said "don't touch me".

Thursday, December 21, 2023

Hey America! You stupid fucks! You're about to be policed by people that aren't even AMERICAN CITIZENS!

 via Police 1

LOS ANGELES — The LAPD is looking to adjust its policies to allow immigrant officers with deferred citizenship to keep their service firearms while off-duty, NBC Los Angeles reported.

Federal law normally prohibits residents of the U.S. under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals policy (DACA) from owning firearms, according to the report.

The LAPD is seeking to include officers’ off-duty hours as a continuation of their official duties, making it legal for DACA recipients to take their service firearms home with them.

“When these current individuals, who are DACA recipients, graduate from the academy, it would be appropriate for us to have a written policy that clearly defines what their authorities and responsibilities are, given their position as a police officer,” Chief Michel Moore told NBC Los Angeles.

The legal requirement for California officers to be U.S. citizens was removed in Sept. 2022, according to the report. Current law requires officers to be legally authorized to work in the U.S.

This is gonna be crazy.

A non-citizen is gonna arrest an American citizen?

California has lost its fucking mind.  This is like some crazy UN shit all the conspiracy people were talking about.

How can you not buck on this?  Some fucker came here illegally and now he gets a gun and badge?

Just plain wow. 

Ukraine going after its military aged males that fled to Germany


Europe Must Urgently Prepare to Deter Russia Without Large-Scale US Support

Europe could but Europe won't. Ever have a friend that criticizes everything you do while they're telling you HOW to do it, but at the same time won't lift a finger to help? That's European foreign policy in a nutshell.

Finally. Sober assessments of the war in Ukraine....

Open Comment Post. 21 Dec 23

Monday, December 18, 2023

Ukraine milked the cow dry. White House says no more US funding available after the one being debated in Congress....

Wow. Zelensky better have an escape plan. The West will blame him and his generals, while pushing him overboard & Russia will hunt him down. If I was him I'd call China real quick. That's probably his only hope of staying alive. After hearing this news his best bet is to probably seek some kind of agreement but the warhawks/globalist will cry foul...too many dead Ukrainians for anything but a terrible ending for him if he stays too long.

Sunday, December 17, 2023

Tactical Twitter is going nuts over the dude that runs Ballistic High Speed YouTube suffering a catastrophic failure on his RPG-7(?)


Geez. Hamas had tunnels big enough to drive vehicles thru...

The intel failure is beyond complete. Hamas played the IDF and Mossad so hard! They never knew this was there and apparently they have no weapons capable of getting deep enough to destroy them. The lessons learned for fighting an insurgency bordering on nation state army is gonna be extreme after this. Insurgencies in places with smaller militaries are gonna be hard pressed in the future to contain them if Hamas is any example.

A wiretap was found in Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valerii Zaluzhnyi....was it placed there by Zelensky's boys or the GRU?

I'm sure the GRU would luv to take credit for this but I'm betting that it was some of Zelensky's boys. That dude is paranoid as fuck and the Ukrainian govt is looking like the Game Of Thrones in real life. I wonder if anyone has done a risk assessment on the chances of someone taking a run at him (meaning an assasination attempt). I'd bet its high as hell. From others wanting to take his place to more than a few that want to kill him for sending their loved ones to the meat grinder. Of course there is another possibility. Either the CIA or MI6. We play dirty too and maybe he's reached the end of his usefulness.

Open Comment Post. 17 Dec 23

Hamas had no mercy on Africans they found on Oct 7. Witness another senseless killing...

Fuckers did it with a smile. Never expect mercy from animals. Simply fight with all your might cause the outcome is gonna be horrific regardless.