Saturday, December 23, 2023

Why do we get surprised that Hamas has affection for Hitler? The Muslim world and Nazism has been kindred spirits since before WW2.

Houthis in Nazi regalia. Hamas with copies of Hitler's autobiography. Why are we surprised?

via Wikipedia
In public and private, Adolf Hitler and Heinrich Himmler made complimentary statements about Islam as both a religion and a political ideology, describing it as a more disciplined, militaristic, political, and practical form of religion than Christianity is, and commending what they perceived were Muhammad's skills in politics and military leadership.[7] Minor Nazi party branches were established in the Middle East before the war by local German diaspora.[8] In June 1941, Wehrmacht High Command Directive No. 32 and the "Instructions for Special Staff F" designated Special Staff F as the Wehrmacht's central agency for all issues that affected the Arab world.[9]

Privately he still considered them inferior but seemed to be willing to tolerate them, while those in the Muslim world seemed to damn near worship him.

Want a kick in the pants and a primer on why we're at the point we are in the modern era?  Read about this dude... Rashid Ali al-Gaylani ... go beyond the wiki and learn about this man.  He makes the Sha look like a ray of liberal sunshine.

One thing is certain.

The West is dealing with a religion that militaristic, nationalistic, feels morally superior and is living by rules of a bygone era.

Unless we bring back the Knights Templar (which we won't...they'd be labeled domestic terrorists) then we better use a whole of govt approach and kill them now.

If we don't then they'll feast on our children.

I so want our SecDef to win, but he ain't. What will he be remembered for?

I so wanted General Austin to win. I wanted him to have a great tenure as SecDef but I honestly had questions about him, his selection, etc...from the start. What will he be remembered for? The evacuation from Afghanistan? The allowing of weirdness in the military? Continued trouble integrating women into combat arms with further agitation aroudn "gender neutral" physical fitness tests (the very idea is idiocy on a plate)? I have trouble pointing to any win. Can ya'll help me out?

So the French Navy is back in the US led coalition (sorta....really not but sorta)

This is for visuals. The French are going their own way. But this little episode points to the bigger problem the US military has. All of this partnership bullshit, all the alliance and tech sharing....all the reassurance missions are all UTTER FUCKERY! It was a failed concept from the beginning and shows that our military has been in a world of make believe and not reality. That my friends is dangerous. If our military leadership is being swayed by pixie dust and good feelings then they're not fit to lead.

At first you stand alone.....until the masses wake up and join you...

Open Comment Post. 23 Dec 23

France, Italy and Spain withdraw from Operation Prosperity Guardian, refusing to put their warships under U.S. command.


I hope US policymakers and defense officials are paying attention. These countries all knew what this was about. Putting together a coalition to stop Houthi piracy. Did these small navies (looking at you France) believe that they would lead the armada? Apparently cause this makes no sense. But look at the bigger picture. If they won't put their ships under our command to fight some piss ant pirates what would they do against China? The partnership idea is dead. NATO is fucking useless. All NATO does is drain funds, add bureaucracy and helps convince Europe that they don't have to defend themselves. Stop the insanity. Stop the idiocy. They won't help against the Houthis and they damn sure won't help against China. Deal with it. Accept the reality and plan accordingly.

Friday, December 22, 2023

You think things suck for you? Check out what this kid is dealing with.

IF I make it to heaven I'm gonna ask God why he would allow a child to born with this condition. It just ain't fair. I'm not talking about being turned down for your dream job or not getting a date but REALLY unfair. God bless this kid. If this ain't a wake up call nothing is. As bad as things might be, at least you're not dealing with this shit. If you even have a portion of health you are beyond blessed.

Now let me hit you with a moral conundrum.

You say you're against abortion?

I do.

How about in this case?  For me?  It's a mindfuck.  Taking a moral stance is easy, but it can get real tricky real quick once real life hits.

This child will have NO CHANCE at a normal life.  He will not be able to go to school without causing massive disruption.  He will never date.  I don't know his life expectancy but it can't be long.

Would it have been moral for his mother to have an abortion or would it be a sin?
This boy was born with a rare condition called neurofibromatosis
byu/Stunning-Pension7171 ininterestingasfuck

Saints fans are a little pissed...


The SEC has the other conferences destroying themselves trying to compete

The SEC has destroyed the entire landscape of college football. Everyone is trying to compete with the SEC and everyone is getting wrecked trying to do it. I would normally be proud but its getting to the point where the SEC needs to make a clean break and simply play an in house tournament and invite select teams to play in it and decide a national champ.

If Florida State leaves, with Clemson sure to follow then the ACC joins the PAC-12.  It's dead as disco.

The Brits are signalling a crack down on mass migration. Our puppets in DC will surely follow suit....

No one is saying it but I am beyond annoyed by how we seem to copy the Brits in include their perversions. I don't know how this partnership came to be or why its so strong but it needs to be severed. If I wanted to be British I'd move there. Obviously I don't and won't.

In Ukraine the mud is a mobility kill. The 'real' kill comes later....

It's MERRY CHRISTMAS in my part of the world!

Read this and ask yourself why the US even CONSIDERS selling weapons to Pakistan...

Pakistan has always been a problem yet we continue to "play" with them. We need a hard edge to our relations with nations. Pakistan needs to be on the banned list and we need to treat them rough. Tired of the pussification of our foreign policy.

ASCOD 2 Sabrah light tank of the Philippine Army

The Hills Have Eyes was based on some weird Scottish family?

The US taxpayer is paying a terrible price for the Ukraine war. We add to the bill that our children's children will have to pay.

Add this to the list of why the American empire will die. It wasn't our fight. The Europeans sit back and let us bankrupt ourselves in this foolishness and our enemies laugh their asses off. Past time to man up, take some L's and solidify ourselves. We've helped enough. Time for others to step up.

This was funny but a terrible prank!

Make it make sense! Suddenly women are able to complete grueling tasks but can't compete physically in demanding sports?

The US and other militaries are lying their asses off. It just doesn't make sense yet they want us to believe its true. Women can't compete on the football field. They can't compete in MMA, boxing or anyother combat sport with men. They can't handle most street fights I've seen (and when they do its cause the guy is holding back INSTINCTIVELY). In a whole range of areas the biological and physiological differences stand out. Yet we're suppose to believe that when it comes to grueling qualification courses or schools that somehow they're winning the whole thing? The US military is twisting itself into knots trying to get a gender neutral PFT test and yet they still push this? MAKE IT MAKE SENSE!

Remember this incident? All charges dropped!


Margret Sanger won and black women are touting her message like a badge of honor...

Dude is right. "Killed more black children than a slave owner..." and this bitch has the audacity to wear it as a badge of honor. Want to know what's worse. I'd love to hear about, roll up on etc...a shooting and find out that some idiot white supremacist, skin head, KKK'er etc was involved in the killing of a black man. Nope. Young idiot kiling someone for idiocy. More than likely another black man. America is fucked up. Black America bought into the idea that the federal govt was coming to help and its been backwards steps ever sense. King is honored and maybe even rightfully so. But it seems like with his arrival things have turned to shit. I'm just spitballing here but maybe the great black savior was a demon in disguise. The black community is in shambles and every group that wants to get ahead is using that struggle as their playbook to zoom past us. Want to know something else? I'm in a mood today so bear with me. Every president that has been an "enemy" of black america has seen us move forward...forcefully. When ever we have a "friend in the White House", things turn to even bigger piles of shit. Remember ya boy Obama? I'll never forget that black lady that talked about things being better before and how she's now back to beans and rice. Today we have Biden and everyone is in a hurtlocker. Everyone hated Trump but guess what. We were all doing better...especially black america. Maybe we should elect full blown enemies instead of so called friends?