Tuesday, December 26, 2023

You might be interested in how Turkey is dealing with its illegal immigration problem

Social confusion is leading to stupid conflicts

Ya'll do realize that this could have turned into a real bad/deadly shit show. Luckily there was another person there recording. Luckily there was an adult female there. But what if there wasn't? ENGINEERED SOCIAL CONFUSION will lead to stupid conflicts. Stupid conflicts leads to serious injury or death. America needs to stop being stupid.

If this don't get you a little misty then you have no soul


Fuck bro. You definitely jumped the wrong fence...

Just observation but seeing alot more dogs around houses ... alot more camera systems too. Curious thing is that we haven't seen a dramatic spike but apparently people are seeing the news and preparing in a different way. Can't lie, I've been looking at getting a dog myself. I'm partial to Tibetan Mastiff. Only worry is the heat but he'd be house kept so it shouldn't be an issue.

Open Comment Post. 26 Dec 23


America is fucked. How did we end up with so many spoiled, self indulgent, idiotic, so called adults roaming our streets...


My heart breaks after watching this shit.

I'm gonna make some assumptions.  First is this dude is obviously in a relationship with this woman.  She obviously is aware of his child from a previous relationship being seriously ill.  She is aware that this is a major issue for him.

She doesn't give a fuck.

The only thing she cared about is going to a Beyonce concert.

Sorry fellas.

Real talk here.  She could have the best pussy God ever put on this planet.  She could suck dick so good that it damn near puts you in a coma.

Don't care.

She's still a piece of shit.

Wanna know what's worse?  Look around if you're in the US.  We've allowed an entire generation.  A huge group of people to fester in this type of mentality.  Even worse?  From my chair we're being invaded by a whole group of people with the same mentality.

Gun up boys.  Spoiled entitled people first want and then when they can't get it, they devolve to taking.

Israel's defense force is being pushed to the max...they ask for Apache Attack Helicopters from the US

They're screaming for helicopters? Against Hamas? You all know I'm a supporter but this is beginning like its going just beyond the Gaza Strip. All eyes are on Ukraine's mobilization but are we missing a full scale mobilization in Israel? Additionally it appears that many of their industries are already on a full blown war production mode. We're also dipping even more into our strategic reserve.

I had hoped that this would be a short sharp conflict.

Apparently I was wrong.

This is beginning to look like at least a half year war...if not longer...and if its just against Hamas.

Monday, December 25, 2023

3 Iranian brigadier generals killed in Syria this month...so the small scale fight between Israel and Iran is picking up steam.


Don't get me wrong. Brigadier Generals are numerous. With grade inflation I would bet that a BG today equals a salty ass Major of WW2. Having said that they do have a star so it does have meaning. I would imagine that even after the mess with Hamas is over that we'll continue to see behind the scenes warfare between Israeli/Iranian intel/security services.

Large HAMAS protest in NY has the cops declaring a level 3 mobilization

Don't know if its standard there but level 3 means all vacations canceled, off duty comes back to work, shifts are extended and no days off till the emergency is over. 

But what chafes my ass is that they're calling these pro-palestinian protesters.

They're not.


Can't lie.  I despise terrorists.  I despise the news media that will make jokes about Jesus Christ but won't say shit about Mohammed.  I hate that the universities bend over backwards for everything fucked up in the country...even fucking terrorists.

Most of all I hate myself.  I'm seeing all this craziness but I still haven't reached the point of wanting to crack heads and taste blood and I know that I should have long ago.

Ukraine is bringing back the old skool dudes for the fight....


This is the equivalent of the USA mobilizing guys that fought in Desert Storm back for another go. Just craziness. These dudes should be enjoying their grandkids but instead they're back hookin' & jabbin'. A few might be ready for that but not many. I hope they ate hearty cause it might be their last meal.

IDF killed an Iranian Republican Guard Corps Brigadier General earlier today....they're on alert for retaliatory strikes...

Just wow.

I support Israel in their fight and I definitely don't have all the info they have, but this is provocative as fuck.

IRGC Brigadier General?  They kill him in Syria?  OK, so I'll assume that he was organizing the militia that was planning to attack.

Still though.

A fight inside Israel proper in the Gaza Strip.  A fight against Hezbollah on the Lebanon border.  And now a possible fight with Iranian militia on the Syrian border?

I guess the idea of one fight at a time unless forced isn't part of planning anymore.

Iranian militia forces poised to attack Israel from the Golan Heights?


Provocation or a real deal attack? Don't know. The threat of it needs to be planned for though. So you're fighting Hamas inside your borders, you have Hezbollah creeping up to your lines and now this? 2024 could be worse than 2023. I did not believe that was possible. A major regional war involving all nations with global trade in energy cut? Big time possibility of a global recession. Best hope (if this was to kick off) is to try and delay it till spring. If it hits during winter people will die. Hot is uncomfortable. Cold kills.

Hamas turned down a ceasefire deal from Egypt

All Hamas had to do was turn power over to the civilians in Gaza. They refused. Power is intoxicating and those fucks love being high.

Besides they even have idiots in our own Congress, most liberals and even a few Jews supporting them.

The IDF has only one option.

Finish the job!

The "elite" are headed to ski vacations (in Ukraine) while the average person is being rounded up to fight their war....


Why do we call the people that are monied, yet involved in scum and villany "the elite". I think that's a definition they came up with to describe themselves. We need to change that up to something more appropriate and demeaning. I haven't a clue of what it should be, I just know it shouldn't be "elite" because they're anything but.

We have gone overboard when it comes to what constitutes reasonable use of force by police.

Our justice system is broken.

Wait.  Let me back up.  I like this guys videos.  He definitely has a hardon for law enforcement but he actually goes over case law and justifies/explains the positions.

In this particular vid it led me to a strange place.

The uniform instead of being a deterrent has instead made people brave, see dollar signs and I personally believe has led to behavior that they would never attempt against a civilian.

What do I mean?

In this case, while the lady is obviously either high or batshit crazy (don't think she's drunk cause they would have stated that they smelled alcohol) I feel really confident that she would never spit on some random person on the street.

The officer had a NORMAL reaction and is fired.

I know many are cheering but think about it.  What would you do if someone spit in your face?

Use of force needs to change.  Instead of trying to "define" it we should instead use the pornography test.  What is that?  No definition is available but you know it when you see it.

What would happen then?  Then it would fall to the supervisors, Chiefs/Sheriffs to make the final say.  They would be held accountable by their voters.

That's what I think.  What do you?

Merry Christmas

Apparently Gaza was extremely well funded....36 hospitals for 2 million people???

Sunday, December 24, 2023

This is funny but just plain mean!


The IDF soldiers killed in action were riding in a Namer when it was hit with an anti-tank missile....the Namer is the most heavily armored IFV in the world and has Trophy anti-missile system

I know. They were riding in the Combat Engineer Version of this vehicle but what I stated in the title remains. We don't know the details of the fight so maybe the Hamas terrorist dogs simply overwhelmed the system AND the vehicles armor by ripple firing a high number of missiles at an individual vehicle (or one that was operating solo assuming that the system from other vehicles give "group" protection) and that's how they got thru...but from my chair this is still disturbing.

I know ANY vehicle can be defeated and even if we pumped up an IFV to 100 tons it could still be knocked out.

Perhaps I'm looking at this wrong.

How do we classify Hamas?  They're more than a terrorist group. The even more than a hybrid group that has funding of a power (although we know Iran is sending them weapons via the funds that Obama and Biden returned to them).

They're not quite a national army but much more than the now legacy thinking of a hybrid force.

As you can tell I'm thinking about this thing while I type.

Every loss of an Israeli soldier is mourned.  Every loss of an Israeli soldier is a propaganda victory for the Hamas dogs.


Because I for a second bit into the propaganda that they're putting out.

For a micro second I bit, and for much much much longer than that the supporters of Hamas are biting on the idea of them being a simple group of "freedom" fighter.  Basic guerillas.

That's not even in the same galaxy of being true.

The Palestinian people might be poor, but Hamas is a well funded army of evil zealots that must be destroyed to the last man.

If we're looking at this thing properly then it must be acknowledged that Hamas at the start of this thing was probably capable of toppling several Arab govts in the region.

Considering capabilities I'm almost surprised that casualties haven't been heavier.  Additionally I have to wonder where they're getting their intel from.  

Lastly do you remember them capturing a few Merkavas and Namers on Oct 7.  I wonder if they were able to suss out weak spots that quickly.

Maybe the US Army dodged a bullet by not having to use the Bradley IFV against a near peer. Bradley graveyard in Ukraine...

If a Bradley is getting shredded, I shudder to think what would have happened to an AAV.