Thursday, December 28, 2023

Zuck's new bunker is raising the alarm bells on gun/tactics/doomsday prepping twitter

Seeing more and more of this. Supposedly even Biden is building one at his home. Weird, I would think that a former president wouldn't need such a thing (assuming its true). Anyway I thought I'd pass along what I've been seeing.

Graham is either a Satanist, anarchist, nihilist or simply a sociopath that wants to see the world burn...there isn't a war that he doesn't want

The explanation for the covid policies but the damage is done and the medical profession will never recover


He gave us the excuse but the damage is done. Society is crippled. The economy crushed. People hurt. Children's development destroyed. An excuse is insufficient. They need jail time for a crime this large. Its beyond obvious they reveled in their power and pushed it to the max.

Well this says it all. Our entire govt is compromised...


The American govt is completely compromised. Not by outside forces. Not by violent insurrection. But by sex and greed. The dream is dead. We had a great run but its over. Why all the wars? Why all the rumors of wars? We're witnessing the death throes of a dying empire. The decline is here. How deep it goes is still up to debate but every institution has failed.

Where Did the Military Go Wrong With Gen Z?

 via WSJ (paywall)

As a grandfather and veteran, I thank Rep. Mike Gallagher and Prof. Kevin Wallsten for their op-ed “Why Doesn’t Gen Z Want to Be All It Can Be?” (Dec. 14). If the next generation is largely unwilling to serve in the armed forces, then the nation’s future is at best uncertain.


Pay them their blood money and read the article.  Well worth it I think.

My opinion.

I look at the talking points of Marine Corps leadership.


Because this new breed of Marine Corps leaders are quick to jump on whatever bandwagon is rolled out.  They don't think.  They simply leap.  The only thing going that makes MANY think that they're adhering to past standards is that they're also quick to jump off that bandwagon once they realize how poorly received it is (in other words the Marine Corps tribes starts bucking and it dawns on them that this new thing might be fucked up).

All this brings me to the issue with Gen Z and the military in particular and society in general.

A group of spoiled and entitled youth, pushed along by the idiocy of our covid policy and the tactics used in that drama (I include the aftermath of police being told down in the aftermath with this...rioting and looting without consequence and no bail for major crimes in my thinking with this) have all combined to rip at the social fabric of our nation.

We are a house divided.

Not talking racially or religiously but on the basis of national pride/social responsibility.

On one side you have individuals that want to tear the whole thing down and don't even recognize the USA as a nation and on the other side you have traditionalist.  Not in the "my country right or wrong" but in the idea that this republic is worth saving (if possible).

Back to the Marine Corps.  

Leadership thought that they could appeal to the first group and practically dismissed the second.  Even worse they told retirees, vets, the tribe in general that the Marine Corps could not look to the children of those that served anymore.  It couldn't be a 'family business'.

Add the social and political drama to the mix, the drastic moves made by Berger that have assaulted the very idea of what a Marine and the Marine Corps does to the whole thing and finally the thinking that the military is bending the knee to an ideology that many don't recognize, don't accept and want NO part of and you have a recruiting crisis.

10% at best, of the nation is wildly crazy about the woke stuff.  A big middle is watching this madness deciding what to think and a sizable minority is hating it with a passion.

That leaves a president, secdef and military pursuing an agenda that only 10% of population supports (a 10% that would never join the military in the first place and that's assuming they're qualified) and the people who's children have been the backbone of the military absolutely despise and you have a crisis of their own making.

But wait you say.  The Marine Corps is meeting recruiting goals.


Not really.

They're keeping people they have and the force is getting older. That will come with its own set of problems but that's another discussion.


Recruiting is fucked.  If Biden and his crew is re-elected then the misery will continue.  Trump will bring his own set of issues but recruiting will bounce back.  From a reset of the military perspective a new president will be needed and a serious effort made to reconnect the military to the public will be needed.

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Is the IDF running this op or is it Netanyahu?

Who is running this thing? The IDF or Netanyahu? The IDF seems to be pushing beyond its limits and I can't lie. I worry about their reserve stregnth. They have to have enough forces left to deal with the unexpected. A full blown fight with Hamas. Or Iranian militias. Or even attacks from Iran proper. Once forces are engaged its hard to pull them out of a fight and get them into a different one. My support remains. I'm just wondering what intel has them opening multiple fronts on this thing. The Biden admin is fully vested in the Ukrainian fight, now we have this one, China's President told Biden he will retake Taiwan and I'm looking at an American empire with FAR TOO MANY COMMITMENTS and despite being the best funded force on the planet not being equipped to handle multiple flashpoints at the same time.

Why say all that?

Nightmare scenario.

Next spring we see a renewed Russian offensive in Ukraine, a massing of forces on the border with Israel while at the same time we're looking at Chinese forces gathering to attack Taiwan.

Do you think we're postured to handle all that?

Let me add to that mix.  Do you think our defense industry is ready to handle the supply of munitions or to get gear ready to get into the fight if the fight lasts more than a month?

The solution is simple.  Europe has to take on the Ukraine mess solo.  Full stop.  There shit they fix it.  Then it becomes a choice between Taiwan and Israel.  Which one dies and which one do we choose to support?

Why so dramatic?

In that scenario I just don't think we could plausibly aid both.

So the US Navy's laser works when it comes to knocking down Iranian drones....

That was a kind of slow boil. Guess I was expecting a Star Trek like hit with the laser and the target goes boom. This was hit with a laser and watch the water boil. Still high tech and I guess sci-fi sorta but a bit of a disappointment. I really wanted the explosion.

Don't know what's going on in this vid but Turkish twitter is going nuts about it and asking that it not be shown/shared...anyone have info???


Open Comment Post. 27 Dec 23


Have we been involved in a religious war rather than a war on terrorism?

198 people killed in Nigeria. Christians. Nothing from the mass media about this atrocity. Supposedly we've been at war with terror but have we really been involved in a war with the Muslim religion? I don't say that in jest. The very foundation of that religion is conquest and I don't see any moderating factors from any of their leadership. I don't know but I'm gonna think hard about this.

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

You might be interested in how Turkey is dealing with its illegal immigration problem

Social confusion is leading to stupid conflicts

Ya'll do realize that this could have turned into a real bad/deadly shit show. Luckily there was another person there recording. Luckily there was an adult female there. But what if there wasn't? ENGINEERED SOCIAL CONFUSION will lead to stupid conflicts. Stupid conflicts leads to serious injury or death. America needs to stop being stupid.

If this don't get you a little misty then you have no soul


Fuck bro. You definitely jumped the wrong fence...

Just observation but seeing alot more dogs around houses ... alot more camera systems too. Curious thing is that we haven't seen a dramatic spike but apparently people are seeing the news and preparing in a different way. Can't lie, I've been looking at getting a dog myself. I'm partial to Tibetan Mastiff. Only worry is the heat but he'd be house kept so it shouldn't be an issue.

Open Comment Post. 26 Dec 23


America is fucked. How did we end up with so many spoiled, self indulgent, idiotic, so called adults roaming our streets...


My heart breaks after watching this shit.

I'm gonna make some assumptions.  First is this dude is obviously in a relationship with this woman.  She obviously is aware of his child from a previous relationship being seriously ill.  She is aware that this is a major issue for him.

She doesn't give a fuck.

The only thing she cared about is going to a Beyonce concert.

Sorry fellas.

Real talk here.  She could have the best pussy God ever put on this planet.  She could suck dick so good that it damn near puts you in a coma.

Don't care.

She's still a piece of shit.

Wanna know what's worse?  Look around if you're in the US.  We've allowed an entire generation.  A huge group of people to fester in this type of mentality.  Even worse?  From my chair we're being invaded by a whole group of people with the same mentality.

Gun up boys.  Spoiled entitled people first want and then when they can't get it, they devolve to taking.

Israel's defense force is being pushed to the max...they ask for Apache Attack Helicopters from the US

They're screaming for helicopters? Against Hamas? You all know I'm a supporter but this is beginning like its going just beyond the Gaza Strip. All eyes are on Ukraine's mobilization but are we missing a full scale mobilization in Israel? Additionally it appears that many of their industries are already on a full blown war production mode. We're also dipping even more into our strategic reserve.

I had hoped that this would be a short sharp conflict.

Apparently I was wrong.

This is beginning to look like at least a half year war...if not longer...and if its just against Hamas.

Monday, December 25, 2023

3 Iranian brigadier generals killed in Syria this the small scale fight between Israel and Iran is picking up steam.


Don't get me wrong. Brigadier Generals are numerous. With grade inflation I would bet that a BG today equals a salty ass Major of WW2. Having said that they do have a star so it does have meaning. I would imagine that even after the mess with Hamas is over that we'll continue to see behind the scenes warfare between Israeli/Iranian intel/security services.

Large HAMAS protest in NY has the cops declaring a level 3 mobilization

Don't know if its standard there but level 3 means all vacations canceled, off duty comes back to work, shifts are extended and no days off till the emergency is over. 

But what chafes my ass is that they're calling these pro-palestinian protesters.

They're not.


Can't lie.  I despise terrorists.  I despise the news media that will make jokes about Jesus Christ but won't say shit about Mohammed.  I hate that the universities bend over backwards for everything fucked up in the country...even fucking terrorists.

Most of all I hate myself.  I'm seeing all this craziness but I still haven't reached the point of wanting to crack heads and taste blood and I know that I should have long ago.

Ukraine is bringing back the old skool dudes for the fight....


This is the equivalent of the USA mobilizing guys that fought in Desert Storm back for another go. Just craziness. These dudes should be enjoying their grandkids but instead they're back hookin' & jabbin'. A few might be ready for that but not many. I hope they ate hearty cause it might be their last meal.