Friday, December 29, 2023

Ukraine conscripted a dude with downs syndrome....defenseless against the enemy and his own folks...


This shit is too real. Want to meet some of the nicest yet most sadistic people in your life? Join the military. I've never seen such a mixture of kindness and evil wrapped up in people before in my life. Yeah. His crew is fucking with him hard. That shit about gaining a gun in battle? Yeah I can see that too. This shit is pure evil and the guys that sent him to war deserve a special place in hell. He won't survive and if he does he's gonna be beyond fucked for the rest of his life. Don't know if this is God allowing this shit, the devil playing games or man being a bitch but someone needs to pay big time for this. I mean south side of hell, special kind of suffering kinda shit.

The Methodist Church of Great Britain is for all purposes dead....


This has been the most shocking thing I've seen about the covid bullshit. Churches voluntarily closed their doors instead of seeking to work with their flocks during that emotional and isolating time. Since then they haven't taken one stance against all the craziness we've seen. To the contrary they've endorsed it. The church is dead. Individuals are having to hold their own moral standards against insanity instead of looking to organized religion to be a guide. I've always said that religion at least in the black community (which has been politically compromised for awhile and now socially) is just organized/legalized theft. You'll see preachers driving brand new Mercedes/Rolls Royce/BMWs while the people donating are eating rice and beans everyday and glad when friday comes so they can put a hot dog in it.

Govt and social media killed it and the church leadership participated for popularity, money or because they want the thing to die.

Either way its evil all the way around and I hope there is special place in hell for all the fucks.

If you carry a weapon its your RESPONSIBILITY to safeguard it!

Fucking pathetic! Why some depts even allow lvl 2 holsters is beyond me but still you have to safeguard your weapon from snatches. Totally unaware. Totally dead on a plate if the idiot wanted it. Totally at the mercy of some pathetic moron. Wanna know something worse? I've seen videos of all kinds of people practicing disarming police. AND POLICE ARE SUPPOSEDLY TRAINED! Against a civilian open carrying it would be child's play for even untrained individuals wanting to get a free firearm.


Wow. Now Saudi Militia Groups are claiming the IDF killed another 11 leaders of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps

Seems like the leadership of the IRGC is taking a pounding in Syria. I know intel agencies know but I would luv to get a glimpse at how many forces they have massing there. Or are these simply advisors to the fight? Either way it seems like all the major players are lining up for the big brawl. The only country that has me wondering is Qatar. They're easy pickings for whoever wants to make a run at them. There has to be a president or general somewhere in the region that is wanting to take a major league swipe at them.

The President of Argentina did alot of work in a short amount of time....

Open Comment Post. 29 Dec 23

Missile crossed into Poland from Ukrainian airspace...

I really have to wonder if this is Ukraine attempting to conduct a false flag and draw Poland into direct conflict with Russia. The drums are beating for war and most European leaders seem to be all for it. Of course this would activate article 5 so the US would be drawn into another made up fantasy war. If we ever were to get serious about our foreign policy the first thing would we do is to withdraw ourselves from these worthless (to us) defense treaties that do nothing and benefit no one (except the rich/elite) within our country. The days of the USA subsidizing the world has been over for a long time now. Only the clueless leadership we have doesn't realize it.

The US Navy's war continues....USS Mason knocks down a drone and an anti-ship ballistic missile

So how could the recon/counter recon, FD2030 bullshit work in this scenario again? Against the Houthis with a limited magazine they could maybe knock a few of these down but the flip side is that all of these tiny, stand in force units would be subjected to all kinds of ground attacks that they're incapable of withstanding. This concept is dead against even minor powers much less China. The sea battle belongs to the Navy. Every other service (including the USAF that will be the biggest contributor to the Navy's success) is just baby support at best.

Thursday, December 28, 2023

One solution to road rage.

Why are people in powerful position around the world beating the war drums? Now we have the Dutch Army Chief saying society must prepare for war with Russia.

Zuck's new bunker is raising the alarm bells on gun/tactics/doomsday prepping twitter

Seeing more and more of this. Supposedly even Biden is building one at his home. Weird, I would think that a former president wouldn't need such a thing (assuming its true). Anyway I thought I'd pass along what I've been seeing.

Graham is either a Satanist, anarchist, nihilist or simply a sociopath that wants to see the world burn...there isn't a war that he doesn't want

The explanation for the covid policies but the damage is done and the medical profession will never recover


He gave us the excuse but the damage is done. Society is crippled. The economy crushed. People hurt. Children's development destroyed. An excuse is insufficient. They need jail time for a crime this large. Its beyond obvious they reveled in their power and pushed it to the max.

Well this says it all. Our entire govt is compromised...


The American govt is completely compromised. Not by outside forces. Not by violent insurrection. But by sex and greed. The dream is dead. We had a great run but its over. Why all the wars? Why all the rumors of wars? We're witnessing the death throes of a dying empire. The decline is here. How deep it goes is still up to debate but every institution has failed.

Where Did the Military Go Wrong With Gen Z?

 via WSJ (paywall)

As a grandfather and veteran, I thank Rep. Mike Gallagher and Prof. Kevin Wallsten for their op-ed “Why Doesn’t Gen Z Want to Be All It Can Be?” (Dec. 14). If the next generation is largely unwilling to serve in the armed forces, then the nation’s future is at best uncertain.


Pay them their blood money and read the article.  Well worth it I think.

My opinion.

I look at the talking points of Marine Corps leadership.


Because this new breed of Marine Corps leaders are quick to jump on whatever bandwagon is rolled out.  They don't think.  They simply leap.  The only thing going that makes MANY think that they're adhering to past standards is that they're also quick to jump off that bandwagon once they realize how poorly received it is (in other words the Marine Corps tribes starts bucking and it dawns on them that this new thing might be fucked up).

All this brings me to the issue with Gen Z and the military in particular and society in general.

A group of spoiled and entitled youth, pushed along by the idiocy of our covid policy and the tactics used in that drama (I include the aftermath of police being told down in the aftermath with this...rioting and looting without consequence and no bail for major crimes in my thinking with this) have all combined to rip at the social fabric of our nation.

We are a house divided.

Not talking racially or religiously but on the basis of national pride/social responsibility.

On one side you have individuals that want to tear the whole thing down and don't even recognize the USA as a nation and on the other side you have traditionalist.  Not in the "my country right or wrong" but in the idea that this republic is worth saving (if possible).

Back to the Marine Corps.  

Leadership thought that they could appeal to the first group and practically dismissed the second.  Even worse they told retirees, vets, the tribe in general that the Marine Corps could not look to the children of those that served anymore.  It couldn't be a 'family business'.

Add the social and political drama to the mix, the drastic moves made by Berger that have assaulted the very idea of what a Marine and the Marine Corps does to the whole thing and finally the thinking that the military is bending the knee to an ideology that many don't recognize, don't accept and want NO part of and you have a recruiting crisis.

10% at best, of the nation is wildly crazy about the woke stuff.  A big middle is watching this madness deciding what to think and a sizable minority is hating it with a passion.

That leaves a president, secdef and military pursuing an agenda that only 10% of population supports (a 10% that would never join the military in the first place and that's assuming they're qualified) and the people who's children have been the backbone of the military absolutely despise and you have a crisis of their own making.

But wait you say.  The Marine Corps is meeting recruiting goals.


Not really.

They're keeping people they have and the force is getting older. That will come with its own set of problems but that's another discussion.


Recruiting is fucked.  If Biden and his crew is re-elected then the misery will continue.  Trump will bring his own set of issues but recruiting will bounce back.  From a reset of the military perspective a new president will be needed and a serious effort made to reconnect the military to the public will be needed.

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Is the IDF running this op or is it Netanyahu?

Who is running this thing? The IDF or Netanyahu? The IDF seems to be pushing beyond its limits and I can't lie. I worry about their reserve stregnth. They have to have enough forces left to deal with the unexpected. A full blown fight with Hamas. Or Iranian militias. Or even attacks from Iran proper. Once forces are engaged its hard to pull them out of a fight and get them into a different one. My support remains. I'm just wondering what intel has them opening multiple fronts on this thing. The Biden admin is fully vested in the Ukrainian fight, now we have this one, China's President told Biden he will retake Taiwan and I'm looking at an American empire with FAR TOO MANY COMMITMENTS and despite being the best funded force on the planet not being equipped to handle multiple flashpoints at the same time.

Why say all that?

Nightmare scenario.

Next spring we see a renewed Russian offensive in Ukraine, a massing of forces on the border with Israel while at the same time we're looking at Chinese forces gathering to attack Taiwan.

Do you think we're postured to handle all that?

Let me add to that mix.  Do you think our defense industry is ready to handle the supply of munitions or to get gear ready to get into the fight if the fight lasts more than a month?

The solution is simple.  Europe has to take on the Ukraine mess solo.  Full stop.  There shit they fix it.  Then it becomes a choice between Taiwan and Israel.  Which one dies and which one do we choose to support?

Why so dramatic?

In that scenario I just don't think we could plausibly aid both.

So the US Navy's laser works when it comes to knocking down Iranian drones....

That was a kind of slow boil. Guess I was expecting a Star Trek like hit with the laser and the target goes boom. This was hit with a laser and watch the water boil. Still high tech and I guess sci-fi sorta but a bit of a disappointment. I really wanted the explosion.

Don't know what's going on in this vid but Turkish twitter is going nuts about it and asking that it not be shown/shared...anyone have info???


Open Comment Post. 27 Dec 23


Have we been involved in a religious war rather than a war on terrorism?

198 people killed in Nigeria. Christians. Nothing from the mass media about this atrocity. Supposedly we've been at war with terror but have we really been involved in a war with the Muslim religion? I don't say that in jest. The very foundation of that religion is conquest and I don't see any moderating factors from any of their leadership. I don't know but I'm gonna think hard about this.