Sunday, December 31, 2023

Houthis are back at it with small boats


At least central command has good number counters...that seems to be all they're good for. How many hits are we supposed to take before we say fuck it and start atomizing motherfuckers? This pussification is provocative. Every bad guy in the region is getting a hard on to fuck America because of this weakness. Hate my wording? Over the top? Yeah, so is this inaction. This region only understands strength. This is not a region of "modern" values and if you "moderate" your behavior in the face of barbarity then you will face even MORE barbarity (between the gross weakness being shown by our commander in chief, the pussification of america and the "lawyerfication" of warfare we might as well pack it up and go home....our people are just targets now).

For the love of God, at least go after the launch sites and C/C facilities....


Congrats Houthis.

You have successfully made the President of the United States (nothing to be proud of you're just another in a long line), the United States Central Command, the US Navy & Air Force look like a bunch of straight up pussified bitches.

Is counting the number of attacks and shooting down their missiles and drones the best we can do?  Correction.  Is that all we CHOOSE to do?

The Houthis are pimples on the ass of the world.  If we can't smash a bunch of primitives hiding in the desert launching shit at WORLD shipping then how the FUCK are we supposed to deter China, Russia, Iran, N. Korea or the next country that decides to go ape shit?

I thank the Houthis for a couple of things though.

1.  They've shown what a joke these combatant commands truly are.  AT BEST they're just another layer of bureaucracy.

2.  They've shown that when it comes time to actually do shit and not simply parade around and have the senior officers drinking cocktails at a party, that partnerships are straight bullshit.
This should have been low hanging fruit for the "partnership" concept but even against these desert fucks, the EU countries got chickenshit scared.  Not against a possible war with China. They got nervous about strikes against the Houthis.

3.  They've shown that deterrence is a joke.  All we heard was bluster.  All we saw was our warships being deployed to the region and even a couple of aircraft carriers being extended to stay there long after they should have gone home.  Houthis didn't care one bit.  They did what they did.  All that firepower and they basically said fuck you, we do what the fuck we want?  You can't deter someone that wants the fight.  The Houthis want the fight and like most bullies all we were doing is talking shit hoping we could bluff our way out of throwing punches.

Russian soldier tormenting a mouse

Russian soldiers have tied up a mouse and are tormenting it. The mentality of Russian soldiers in Ukraine. "Speak Russian, bitch! Russian, not Ukrainian!" Similar videos are shared by Russian soldiers on social media, satisfying themselves on them.
byu/baxly01 inUkraineWarVideoReport
If PETA ever knew what was done to critters out in the field they'd want the US Army and Marine Corps banned and its members locked up. This is not good but I've seen as bad or worse. So have most of ya'll. We're seeing all the stuff that touches on emotions in the Ukraine fight now. Ukraine is still posting snuff films of Russian soldiers getting killed. The cluster bombing of the Russian city has its citizens wanting blood and military/civilian leaders in Europe are beating the war drums.

I guess we have two wars competing for eyeballs so the Ukes are upping the ante to get us focused back on them.

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Open Comment Post. 30 Dec 23

Kurganets IFV with swimming pads.

Don't know what changed. Did it gain weight? Earlier it was shown being fully amphibious with just a swim vane. Now they're using an attachment. I'll give them credit though. Much better solution than the swim bags we saw on early Bradleys and on the Korean K-21 IFV but I have to wonder if its "disposable" and can be detached after the swim or is it a mod that is going on select vehicles going to certain units.

Friday, December 29, 2023

These are the Hamas ANIMALS that so many support and the IDF is grinding into dust....don't turn away, look at what they did

This is what so many support. This is what so many twist and turn and try and come up with "whataboutism"....these are the animals that so many protest for. All Hamas supporters disgust me and deserve the same microfragmentation and dinner in hell that they do.

Russian X-101 cruise missile using flare decoys....I didn't know cruise missiles did that. Do American models? Chinese?

The war on fat is taking a pretty intense turn...

Wow. Dudes tell their buddies to get in shape. Women take it to a whole new level. I mean they were once all on the body positivity train but once they got off...well gawd damn! Wonder if the turn against trans in women's sport will be this brutal.

This guy should be on the list of cabinet members in the Trump admin....I'd like to see him as DHS Sec

Having said all of the above (in the title) he still needs to get his fellow republicans onboard. We've heard nice sounding speeches before. Time for action.

Biden's statement condemning the latest Russian airstrike

Pop it open and read the whole thing. Easy question. Why should we go BROKE paying to stop an invasion of Ukraine when we can't stop an invasion of our southern border? How can we help others when we can't seem to help ourselves???? Want some memes? Check out the couple below....
Oh and Republicans better take note. The party members (fuck the leadership) are watching. Either you get some work done on this issue or its Biden/Kamala again and a new party rises to take your place. I'm moderate and I'm feeling this way imagine how the more right wing members are feeling.

Ukraine conscripted a dude with downs syndrome....defenseless against the enemy and his own folks...


This shit is too real. Want to meet some of the nicest yet most sadistic people in your life? Join the military. I've never seen such a mixture of kindness and evil wrapped up in people before in my life. Yeah. His crew is fucking with him hard. That shit about gaining a gun in battle? Yeah I can see that too. This shit is pure evil and the guys that sent him to war deserve a special place in hell. He won't survive and if he does he's gonna be beyond fucked for the rest of his life. Don't know if this is God allowing this shit, the devil playing games or man being a bitch but someone needs to pay big time for this. I mean south side of hell, special kind of suffering kinda shit.

The Methodist Church of Great Britain is for all purposes dead....


This has been the most shocking thing I've seen about the covid bullshit. Churches voluntarily closed their doors instead of seeking to work with their flocks during that emotional and isolating time. Since then they haven't taken one stance against all the craziness we've seen. To the contrary they've endorsed it. The church is dead. Individuals are having to hold their own moral standards against insanity instead of looking to organized religion to be a guide. I've always said that religion at least in the black community (which has been politically compromised for awhile and now socially) is just organized/legalized theft. You'll see preachers driving brand new Mercedes/Rolls Royce/BMWs while the people donating are eating rice and beans everyday and glad when friday comes so they can put a hot dog in it.

Govt and social media killed it and the church leadership participated for popularity, money or because they want the thing to die.

Either way its evil all the way around and I hope there is special place in hell for all the fucks.

If you carry a weapon its your RESPONSIBILITY to safeguard it!

Fucking pathetic! Why some depts even allow lvl 2 holsters is beyond me but still you have to safeguard your weapon from snatches. Totally unaware. Totally dead on a plate if the idiot wanted it. Totally at the mercy of some pathetic moron. Wanna know something worse? I've seen videos of all kinds of people practicing disarming police. AND POLICE ARE SUPPOSEDLY TRAINED! Against a civilian open carrying it would be child's play for even untrained individuals wanting to get a free firearm.


Wow. Now Saudi Militia Groups are claiming the IDF killed another 11 leaders of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps

Seems like the leadership of the IRGC is taking a pounding in Syria. I know intel agencies know but I would luv to get a glimpse at how many forces they have massing there. Or are these simply advisors to the fight? Either way it seems like all the major players are lining up for the big brawl. The only country that has me wondering is Qatar. They're easy pickings for whoever wants to make a run at them. There has to be a president or general somewhere in the region that is wanting to take a major league swipe at them.

The President of Argentina did alot of work in a short amount of time....

Open Comment Post. 29 Dec 23

Missile crossed into Poland from Ukrainian airspace...

I really have to wonder if this is Ukraine attempting to conduct a false flag and draw Poland into direct conflict with Russia. The drums are beating for war and most European leaders seem to be all for it. Of course this would activate article 5 so the US would be drawn into another made up fantasy war. If we ever were to get serious about our foreign policy the first thing would we do is to withdraw ourselves from these worthless (to us) defense treaties that do nothing and benefit no one (except the rich/elite) within our country. The days of the USA subsidizing the world has been over for a long time now. Only the clueless leadership we have doesn't realize it.

The US Navy's war continues....USS Mason knocks down a drone and an anti-ship ballistic missile

So how could the recon/counter recon, FD2030 bullshit work in this scenario again? Against the Houthis with a limited magazine they could maybe knock a few of these down but the flip side is that all of these tiny, stand in force units would be subjected to all kinds of ground attacks that they're incapable of withstanding. This concept is dead against even minor powers much less China. The sea battle belongs to the Navy. Every other service (including the USAF that will be the biggest contributor to the Navy's success) is just baby support at best.