Thursday, January 04, 2024

US Army moves forward with its anti-air vehicle (probably Stryker for use against fixed wing/rotary wing/drone/loitering munition)


Apparently, along with almost every other nationality on this planet, battle aged males from Ukraine are crossing our southern border


Ya know what's more alarming then the out of control migration? Not much. But what is of additional concern is that the word "assimilation" has disappeared from the conversation. By my back of the sheet estimation it will take at least 30 years of work to assimilate these people into our society. That's just partial assimilation. The chaos that will hit from them figuring out that the American dream is dead and that the goodies just ain't there anymore will lead many to crime. The coming upheaval will be messy and deadly. We're about to see some 3rd world violence in our country. The coming carnage will be a sight to behold.

Back to the Ukrainian males.

If we were a true ally and if Zelensky was thinking properly about his war effort then rather than demand new weapons he would be demanding the forced return of male citizen that fled his country.

They need manpower.  We have no idea of how many Ukrainians have crossed our border but I'd bet he has at least a couple of battalions worth inside the good ole' USA.

Best commercial of all time?

Open Comment Post. 4 Jan 24

Have you heard about the "Baltic Jammer"? An open source tweeter thinks he's found its location...

I guess this might be a little fringe which is why I haven't posted about it before. I did try and keep up with the issue cause I wanted to try and figure out if it was (1) legit and (2) if it was then could we expect the same to be applied to different regions of the world. I think its legit. I think its an effort to degrade allied intel efforts in support of Ukraine. I think this will be farmed out to other parts of the world. Its to be expected. Signals intelligence should be running wild. I bet everyone is trying to scoop up as much info on everyone else. That includes friends and enemies.


Wednesday, January 03, 2024

In giving high tech precision weapons to Ukraine, did we just give China the play book on killing them?

 Empty Quiver

As the sun sets here at the Winter Solstice of 2023, I would like to draw attention yet again to what, in my estimation, is one of the most strategically significant battlefield humiliations inflicted upon NATO over the course of the Ukraine War: the progressively comprehensive defeat of their precision-guided strike missile inventory — ATACMS, HARMS, JDAMS, GMLRS fired from HIMARS, cruise missiles (Storm Shadow and SCALP).

The Russians have demonstrated that they can routinely shoot down ANY species of strike missile the US/NATO can field against them — not all of them all of the time, but most of them most of the time.

And they get better and better at it as time goes on.

Indeed, over the past few months it is increasingly becoming "all of them most of the time".

As Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu reported earlier this week:

"We are using air defence systems in a comprehensive manner during the special military operation. This significantly improved their responsiveness and strike range. Over the last six months, we have shot down 1,062 of NATO’s HIMARS rockets, short-range and cruise missiles, and guided bombs."

No other military on the planet has previously attested this level of capability. The US does not have it, and is at least a decade away from developing it.

And, it is important to bear in mind that the precision-guided systems the US and its NATO allies have provided for Ukraine are representative of the best their own militaries could deploy in a conflict with Russia.

The current front-line inventory of US tactical ballistic missiles and sea- and air-launched cruise missiles would present no greater technical challenge for Russian air defenses than what they have already seen and defeated in the Ukraine War.

The significance of this battlefield development defies exaggeration. It alters the war-fighting calculus that has been assumed for many decades.

Against Russia at least, the Pentagon must know that the success of a large conventional strike missile package is far from assured. There is no doubt some damaging hits would be inflicted, but Russian retaliatory capacity would not be appreciably affected, and the subsequent Russian counterstrike against NATO targets would be devastating — for the simple reason that US/NATO air defenses are not even remotely as effective as their Russian counterparts. In fact, they are rookie league in comparison. They would be as utterly befuddled as was the Patriot system in Kiev the night the Russians launched a very modest attack against it.

It would also be logical to assume that China, if not as fully proficient as Russia in every respect, is very likely not far behind.

It is also increasingly apparent that Iran has made great strides in the same direction.

As I have noted repeatedly in recent months: for the declining empire and its decrepit vassals, there are no easy wars left to fight.

I don't know who this guy is.  I don't know his political leanings or military knowledge.

But it does make me wonder.

In large part we've given "old" gear.  Weapons that were probably headed toward disposal (at least that's what I've been told) so can we rest easy in the knowledge that the Russians are knocking down "old" tech?

Would the Russians find success in knocking down our latest and greatest?

Oh and rest assured that the Chinese are getting full knowledge of Western weapons, their flight profiles, ECM profiles, radar signature etc...So if we flip this around and the Russians are proficient against our good stuff then certainly so will the Chinese.

I just don't know.  I do know we're caught in a propaganda war so figuring all this out is difficult but operating off open source what do you guys think?  Are they capable against our MODERN precision weapons or not?  If they are does the answer lie in hypersonics or even more stealth?

Late Open Comment Post. 3 Dec 23


Judge gets physically brutalized in her own courtroom


They should have shot him.

Watch the vid carefully.  The felon was full force punching her in the face.  Deputies were slow and the other court personnel were slower.

Did you hear her begging during the attack?

This "individual" needs to be banned from society.  3 chances is more than enough.  He did this in court.  Imagine what this ANIMAL would do to you and yours once he gets out?

Tuesday, January 02, 2024

Israel rejects hostage deal with Hamas

 via AXIOS

Hamas through Qatari and Egyptian mediators gave Israel on Sunday a proposal for a new hostage deal, according to two Israeli officials and one source with knowledge of the proposal.

Why it matters: Israel rejected the proposal, but one of the Israeli officials said the offer shows Hamas is now ready to engage in negotiations on a new hostage deal, even as the fighting in Gaza continues. Hamas has said Israel must end the war before the group would negotiate a new hostage deal.


Hamas propaganda says that they're winning the war.  This latest proposal indicates they're getting pounded like a piece of cold meat.

Israeli propaganda says that this operation, at least in part, is about the return of the hostages.  Their conduct of the war indicates that they don't give a fuck.

I am 1000% behind the goal of destroying Hamas.  What concerns me is that we're seeing more and more mission creep.  Additionally I'm seeing more and more Israeli "thought leaders" talking about getting the Palestinians to immigrate to other lands.

That's dangerous for Israel.

I hope they know something I don't but from my chair that will inflame the issue.  Don't get me wrong.  I believe that the very framework of Hamas made it so that EVERY person was a part of that entity or they didn't eat.  In other words I do think the entire population was part of their war effort DIRECTLY.

They still need to separate the hardcore from those that were "conscripted".

One other thing bothers me tremendously.

No one in that govt is talking about the intelligence failures that led up to Oct 7 or the botched response by security forces.

Unfortunately this mess will continue.

How did I not know about this earlier...the Tavor TS12


The "left" in the US is going off the they want to support Yemen

What I find most amazing is that gays/trans folks are supporting people that would happily behead them in the town center. A political suicide pact if I ever saw one. I have to wonder is the purpose to win these arguments or just to aggravate people around them and to cause new controversies.

Massive Missile Strike on Kyiv


Note Source is pro Russian This tit for tat will continue. The difference? Ukraine will demand more from the West. Past time to turn off this war.

Open Comment Post. 2 Jan 23


Late Happy New Year.

 Stuff had to get done so I wasn't able to wish it to you on Monday, but happy new year ya'll.

Weird vibe in my part of the country this year.  New Years was a bit subdued except for the usual idiots.  For the average man/woman it appears that everyone is happy to see 2023 in the rear view but I don't sense much excitement for 2024.

As a matter of fact I get the impression of dread.

Maybe its a local thing.  Maybe it is the vibe in the country I don't know.

What I do know is this.

Control what you can.  No need in stressing about things outta your control.  Of course you should be informed.  Of course you should know what's going on in your community, state, nation and worldwide as much as possible.

But their drama is NOT your drama.

Take care of yourself and your loved ones and your bros.  Pray for others (victims...not the animals).  Do your part within reason to be a good citizen and person.

Other than that?  It's out of our screw it.

Zelensky makes his latest demand for a wonder weapon. He's gone thru drones, anti-tank missiles, anti-air missiles, F-16s and now he's on Taurus missiles...


This dude has no "off" switch. I'm beginning to wonder why the allies are pushing for him to make proper use of his force and the weapons being supplied. He fucked up the counteroffensive and now Crimea is the goal? Scientist and children can "reach for the stars" without concern about the here and now. You would think civilian leadership during a war would be more practical. I discounted the idea that this war would be fought till the last Ukrainian. No more. It almost seems like that's the goal. Fuck trying to develop a plan to reach a settlement of hostilities that preserves his nation. Nah. He just wants continued warfare at any cost.

Putin supposedly told Xi that they would fight for five years.  That seems about spot on...assuming Ukraine doesn't collapse.  If it does then NATO will activate and establish a buffer zone which will be a whole new kettle of misery for all.

Sunday, December 31, 2023

The Ford is finally heading home and the twitter idiots don't understand that its been deployed for far too long....


Read the comments on the above. Irritating in the extreme.  The Ford is a new carrier.  Its undermanned.  Its basically running a skeleton crew.  Its been deployed for a long time and you have people like Craig Hooper that are basking in the glow of a "lightly" crewed aircraft carrier being put to the test...talking about how much is being learned.

This is how you make people bail on the Navy.

California is weird....San Francisco is just plain disgusting....


In my part of the country if someone breaks into the wrong home in some of the backwoods around here???? THE SUSPECT WILL BE CALLING POLICE TO SAVE HIM FROM THE COMMUNITY! I shit you not on that one. Some of these swamp people will take you deep into the marsh never to be seen again...if the hogs don't get ya, the alligators will, if the alligators don't want ya then the catfish will, if not the catfish then the crawfish, if not the crawfish then the black bears, if not the black bears then the wild get the point...your body won't be recovered.

But back on task.

Can you even imagine?

An armed robbery suspect is saved by a mob?  In a crime infested big city?

I don't get it.  Don't understand it and DO NOT WANT TO!

How long before you need passports to travel between states in the US?  Can't be too much longer.  The two coasts are so different from the south, the midwest is too....can areas so different from each other not reach a point where entry into them becomes controlled?

Houthis are back at it with small boats


At least central command has good number counters...that seems to be all they're good for. How many hits are we supposed to take before we say fuck it and start atomizing motherfuckers? This pussification is provocative. Every bad guy in the region is getting a hard on to fuck America because of this weakness. Hate my wording? Over the top? Yeah, so is this inaction. This region only understands strength. This is not a region of "modern" values and if you "moderate" your behavior in the face of barbarity then you will face even MORE barbarity (between the gross weakness being shown by our commander in chief, the pussification of america and the "lawyerfication" of warfare we might as well pack it up and go home....our people are just targets now).

For the love of God, at least go after the launch sites and C/C facilities....


Congrats Houthis.

You have successfully made the President of the United States (nothing to be proud of you're just another in a long line), the United States Central Command, the US Navy & Air Force look like a bunch of straight up pussified bitches.

Is counting the number of attacks and shooting down their missiles and drones the best we can do?  Correction.  Is that all we CHOOSE to do?

The Houthis are pimples on the ass of the world.  If we can't smash a bunch of primitives hiding in the desert launching shit at WORLD shipping then how the FUCK are we supposed to deter China, Russia, Iran, N. Korea or the next country that decides to go ape shit?

I thank the Houthis for a couple of things though.

1.  They've shown what a joke these combatant commands truly are.  AT BEST they're just another layer of bureaucracy.

2.  They've shown that when it comes time to actually do shit and not simply parade around and have the senior officers drinking cocktails at a party, that partnerships are straight bullshit.
This should have been low hanging fruit for the "partnership" concept but even against these desert fucks, the EU countries got chickenshit scared.  Not against a possible war with China. They got nervous about strikes against the Houthis.

3.  They've shown that deterrence is a joke.  All we heard was bluster.  All we saw was our warships being deployed to the region and even a couple of aircraft carriers being extended to stay there long after they should have gone home.  Houthis didn't care one bit.  They did what they did.  All that firepower and they basically said fuck you, we do what the fuck we want?  You can't deter someone that wants the fight.  The Houthis want the fight and like most bullies all we were doing is talking shit hoping we could bluff our way out of throwing punches.

Russian soldier tormenting a mouse

Russian soldiers have tied up a mouse and are tormenting it. The mentality of Russian soldiers in Ukraine. "Speak Russian, bitch! Russian, not Ukrainian!" Similar videos are shared by Russian soldiers on social media, satisfying themselves on them.
byu/baxly01 inUkraineWarVideoReport
If PETA ever knew what was done to critters out in the field they'd want the US Army and Marine Corps banned and its members locked up. This is not good but I've seen as bad or worse. So have most of ya'll. We're seeing all the stuff that touches on emotions in the Ukraine fight now. Ukraine is still posting snuff films of Russian soldiers getting killed. The cluster bombing of the Russian city has its citizens wanting blood and military/civilian leaders in Europe are beating the war drums.

I guess we have two wars competing for eyeballs so the Ukes are upping the ante to get us focused back on them.