Friday, January 05, 2024

Nigerian Catholic priest carries a shotgun as he leads his faithful in prayer after the Christmas Massacre by Islamist Fulani militias



Very Good.

Christianity is NOT a suicide pact.  Does not show love by condoning every despicable act and believe that we should endorse unconscionable shit.

That is a modern construct.

What did Jesus say...

 Luke 22 36?

36 He said to them, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.


It ain't a suicide pact.  We defend what must be defended. About time that a leader of the church had the commonsense to take responsibility for protecting his flock.

If he is a great leader then he'll teach his flock how to protect themselves. 

Penn State Police go after Amish farmer selling milk...

Hey boys why don't ya'll chase down some Bloods, Crips, MS-13, Hells Angels, Banditos, Black Guerilla Family, Mexican Cartel, Mexican Mafia, KKK, Skinheads, Russian Mob, Ukrainian Mobs, Dixie Mafia, Peckerwoods, Great White Sharks, you want to chase people that won't fight back? You want to chase this farmer down instead of going after the predators that roam the streets?

Finally some decent Brit propaganda

Well played.

Australia has very docile Sovereign CItizens

“We’re not driving we’re traveling “ The SovCit movement is such an insurmountable mountain of BS πŸ˜‚
byu/flaskman inTikTokCringe
In the US if you stop a S/C then its get ready for the gun fight. Didn't even know they went this easy....and yeah considering US S/Cs this is VERY easy.

I think the Ukrainians got him. The Russians usually aren't this slow in debunking misinformation...

Heard this earlier today. Then I got bombarded with the usual "false info". The problem is that's been from the fan boys. The Russians usually aren't this slow in debunking misinformation so I have to believe they got him. Waiting for the response but if the Ukes were able to nail this guy then (1) the US is giving them some outstanding targeting data and they're able to keep close tabs on the locations of Russian leadership and (2) it's now open season on Zelensky and the rest of his crew. I have to believe that the only reason why we haven't seen targeted attempts (besides the viel of secrecy) is that it would take things to a new level. I think we're at a new level if this is true.

Is Space X the most active space agency/entity on this planet?


Wear shit like this at the gym and guys aren't supposed to look?

I laugh everytime I see this kinda stuff. A woman is wearing stuff like this to the gym and a guy isn't supposed to look? SERIOUSLY! Make that make sense! Note I didn't say that what a woman wears means she's asking to be raped, but I AM SAYING that wearing shit like this is gonna grab eyeballs. Its only natural. The women know it and so do guys. But the true mind fuck is that (at least in vids....never seen this in real life yet....maybe its the gym I go to) you see women in vids all the time talking to dudes like they have a tail cause they do look. Amazing.

Note.  Save the hate and anger.  I know this is ancient thinking.  I know its not applicable in the modern age.  I KNOW its "wrong think".

Babies on bayonets was a real thing for Imperial Japanese troops...


“Babies on bayonets”—Atrocities being committed by the occupying Japanese forces against Chinese citizens
byu/HelloSlowly inwwiipics
Good God they were some brutal bastards. That's some of the same shit that Hamas is doing today. They earned those atomic bombs.

Red flag of revenge???

Those people are real big on symbolism aren't they? The one thing that makes it weird is that a religion in the modern era encourages revenge. For the West you would think that's more an old testament thing. I guess the Koran is really different. That's why I keep shouting that you have to get medieval when dealing with this region. Modern thinking and sensibilities are a suicide pact when dealing with the people that live there.

They're blaming us so I would think that another base is gonna get a big dose of ballistic missiles.

We have bases there for no other reason except to give them an easy target to kill Americans.  Although with our wide open border all they have to do is call a few folks that walked in and get them to shoot up a school, hospital, old folks home...whatever.

These fuckers are gonna hit us and make it hurt.  We're not ready.

Russia never said that you lying cunt!

This is why I can't stand this lady. She's not only a globalist and a neo-con but she's also a warhawk from hell. Never once did I EVER hear ANY Russian official, soldier or FANBOY say anything like this. NOT EVEN CLOSE! Why she's making this a major tent pole of her campaign I don't know but it has some serious John McCain vibes. Lindsey Graham should luv her.

Open Comment Post. 5 Jan 24

Its amazing how a proud native dance has been so co-opted that is become annoying....

I don't even know the tribe that performs this dance. When I first saw it I thought cool. That's pretty awesome. Then the Rock did it on a movie I forget. Then I saw damn near every Australian military doing it. Then a couple of soccer teams. Then just ordinary folks. Now this? Its a proud dance done by proud people but its been co-opted to the point of annoyance. My take is simple but probably not shared by another person on this planet. Unless you're a member of the tribe just stop.

Thursday, January 04, 2024

B-1 Bomber Mishap

US Army moves forward with its anti-air vehicle (probably Stryker for use against fixed wing/rotary wing/drone/loitering munition)


Apparently, along with almost every other nationality on this planet, battle aged males from Ukraine are crossing our southern border


Ya know what's more alarming then the out of control migration? Not much. But what is of additional concern is that the word "assimilation" has disappeared from the conversation. By my back of the sheet estimation it will take at least 30 years of work to assimilate these people into our society. That's just partial assimilation. The chaos that will hit from them figuring out that the American dream is dead and that the goodies just ain't there anymore will lead many to crime. The coming upheaval will be messy and deadly. We're about to see some 3rd world violence in our country. The coming carnage will be a sight to behold.

Back to the Ukrainian males.

If we were a true ally and if Zelensky was thinking properly about his war effort then rather than demand new weapons he would be demanding the forced return of male citizen that fled his country.

They need manpower.  We have no idea of how many Ukrainians have crossed our border but I'd bet he has at least a couple of battalions worth inside the good ole' USA.

Best commercial of all time?

Open Comment Post. 4 Jan 24

Have you heard about the "Baltic Jammer"? An open source tweeter thinks he's found its location...

I guess this might be a little fringe which is why I haven't posted about it before. I did try and keep up with the issue cause I wanted to try and figure out if it was (1) legit and (2) if it was then could we expect the same to be applied to different regions of the world. I think its legit. I think its an effort to degrade allied intel efforts in support of Ukraine. I think this will be farmed out to other parts of the world. Its to be expected. Signals intelligence should be running wild. I bet everyone is trying to scoop up as much info on everyone else. That includes friends and enemies.


Wednesday, January 03, 2024

In giving high tech precision weapons to Ukraine, did we just give China the play book on killing them?

 Empty Quiver

As the sun sets here at the Winter Solstice of 2023, I would like to draw attention yet again to what, in my estimation, is one of the most strategically significant battlefield humiliations inflicted upon NATO over the course of the Ukraine War: the progressively comprehensive defeat of their precision-guided strike missile inventory — ATACMS, HARMS, JDAMS, GMLRS fired from HIMARS, cruise missiles (Storm Shadow and SCALP).

The Russians have demonstrated that they can routinely shoot down ANY species of strike missile the US/NATO can field against them — not all of them all of the time, but most of them most of the time.

And they get better and better at it as time goes on.

Indeed, over the past few months it is increasingly becoming "all of them most of the time".

As Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu reported earlier this week:

"We are using air defence systems in a comprehensive manner during the special military operation. This significantly improved their responsiveness and strike range. Over the last six months, we have shot down 1,062 of NATO’s HIMARS rockets, short-range and cruise missiles, and guided bombs."

No other military on the planet has previously attested this level of capability. The US does not have it, and is at least a decade away from developing it.

And, it is important to bear in mind that the precision-guided systems the US and its NATO allies have provided for Ukraine are representative of the best their own militaries could deploy in a conflict with Russia.

The current front-line inventory of US tactical ballistic missiles and sea- and air-launched cruise missiles would present no greater technical challenge for Russian air defenses than what they have already seen and defeated in the Ukraine War.

The significance of this battlefield development defies exaggeration. It alters the war-fighting calculus that has been assumed for many decades.

Against Russia at least, the Pentagon must know that the success of a large conventional strike missile package is far from assured. There is no doubt some damaging hits would be inflicted, but Russian retaliatory capacity would not be appreciably affected, and the subsequent Russian counterstrike against NATO targets would be devastating — for the simple reason that US/NATO air defenses are not even remotely as effective as their Russian counterparts. In fact, they are rookie league in comparison. They would be as utterly befuddled as was the Patriot system in Kiev the night the Russians launched a very modest attack against it.

It would also be logical to assume that China, if not as fully proficient as Russia in every respect, is very likely not far behind.

It is also increasingly apparent that Iran has made great strides in the same direction.

As I have noted repeatedly in recent months: for the declining empire and its decrepit vassals, there are no easy wars left to fight.

I don't know who this guy is.  I don't know his political leanings or military knowledge.

But it does make me wonder.

In large part we've given "old" gear.  Weapons that were probably headed toward disposal (at least that's what I've been told) so can we rest easy in the knowledge that the Russians are knocking down "old" tech?

Would the Russians find success in knocking down our latest and greatest?

Oh and rest assured that the Chinese are getting full knowledge of Western weapons, their flight profiles, ECM profiles, radar signature etc...So if we flip this around and the Russians are proficient against our good stuff then certainly so will the Chinese.

I just don't know.  I do know we're caught in a propaganda war so figuring all this out is difficult but operating off open source what do you guys think?  Are they capable against our MODERN precision weapons or not?  If they are does the answer lie in hypersonics or even more stealth?

Late Open Comment Post. 3 Dec 23