Saturday, January 06, 2024

Have you ever heard of a GOLIATH TIGERFISH?


Just look at that thing! Freaking beast! Imagine swimming in a river and suddenly you're attacked by a fresh water mega shark. Geez. They have an african model of this thing with a smaller but just as aggressive teeth. This is the stuff we know about. I wonder what's lurking around that we don't.

Compass Points - Taken Prisoner by Mike Ettore (A MUST READ!)

 Note.  Don't remember if it was Ogden or UTAHBOB that) turned me on to Compass Points.  Its good alot of the time but in my opinion they're too diplomatic when it come to their opposition to FD2030. 

Having said that, I really enjoy some of the sea stories that they tell from time to time.  This is a good one.

π“πšπ€πžπ§ 𝐏𝐫𝐒𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐲 𝐌𝐲 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐒𝐧𝐞𝐬!

I was the CO of Weapons Company 1/8 during the Gulf War.

A few days before we began combat operations in Kuwait, a team from the 8th Marines Regiment came to brief my company on proper handling of Prisoners of War (POW) and to review the aspects of the Laws of Land Warfare that applied to same.

1stSgt Bryant and I stood in the back of the audience. As I listened to the two young Marines – a Sergeant and a Corporal – I realized they were not giving a legit brief and were actually saying things like “You all know what the rules are, but nobody is watching out here in the desert, so do what you think is best” and “We already have too many POWs, so there’s no need to bring us more” and other statements that were essentially encouraging my Marines to do whatever they felt like doing to captured enemy soldiers.

After several minutes passed, I had 1stSgt Bryant interrupt them and tell them the brief was over and they should leave immediately. Frankly, I was pissed that they would say such things to my Marines about such an important topic.

After they left, I stood in front of my Marines and set things right, using some of my previous experiences to convey the proper message.

I made sure they understood that we were about to face Iraqis who would definitely try to kill us and that we’d kill all of them if that’s what it took, but once enemy soldiers surrendered to us and we disarmed them, we would not abuse them in any way.

I left no doubt among the Marines regarding what was expected of them relative to handing captured Iraqis.

A day or two into the ground war, one of our CAAT teams (a group of heavily armed Humvees) had somehow veered off course in the darkness and was headed straight at us.

I thought it was odd they were moving in the wrong direction and was pretty sure they were members of my company, so I figured they would just drive up to us and we’d get them reoriented and on their way.

The smoke from the burning oils wells had turned our uniforms dark and as such they resembled the uniforms worn by Iraqi soldiers. That caused a big problem. My Marines thought we were Iraqis and shouted at us to drop our weapons.

I realized they didn't know who we were and that they couldn't hear us yelling to them.

They were about 100 yards away from us and while we could hear them talking as if they were standing next to us, they obviously couldn’t hear us due to the direction of the wind.

I heard one of the Marines say, “If they make any threatening move, open fire” and I realized that something very bad could happen if the situation went in the wrong direction.

So, I told everyone near me to drop their weapons and raise their hands.

The gun vehicles slowly approached us and I can tell you that staring down the barrels of 50cals and MK19's was a new experience for us all – suffice it to say that the “pucker factor” was quite high!

As they approached is, I heard one of them say "The big one on the end looks a lot like Captain Ettore” and another one say, “He does and and he looks pissed off, too!" which caused some of the others to laugh.

As the vehicles got closer to us, we remained standing with our arms raised upward, I could hear the Marines talking among themselves, and one said, “Oh shit…that is Captain Ettore!” and the group went silent as they slowly came closer to us.

When they got to us, one of the team leaders said, "Sorry Sir, we thought you were Iraqis."

I told him "No problem...thanks for not lighting us up!"

We reoriented them and sent them on their way and nothing more was said about this incident, which serves as a great example of what’s called “The Fog of War.”

I've often wondered if this story would have turned out differently had I allowed the POW briefers to put the wrong mindset into my Marines regarding handling Iraqis who were surrendering?

I’ve had several memorable experiences as a Marine serving in combat operations, and I must say that staring into the barrels of friendly weapons and being taken prisoner by my own men ranks as one of the most memorable, and frightening!

There are several leadership lessons associated with this anecdote, but perhaps the most important are:

- Leaders must supervise and be aware of what's happening within their units. Had 1stSgt Bryant and I not attended the brief given to our Marines regarding the handling of POW's, we'd likely never known that they'd received defective (and illegal) guidance on this topic, and some might have acted upon it, thinking they were within the established laws and rules.

- Marines must be trained to be aggressive in combat and to "arrive violently" when engaging with an enemy force. That said, this aggressiveness must be tempered with sound judgement, because once rounds and ordnance are sent downrange, they cannot be "recalled." Thus, before Marines unleash the awesome firepower they have at their disposal, they must be 100% positive that they are shooting at enemy forces and legit combatants.

- The Fog of War remains on the modern battlefield, despite advances in technology. Leaders should expect it to happen and remain vigilant, so they and their Marines can avoid having "tunnel vision" regarding the original plans and details made regarding combat operations and ever changing battlefield conditions.

.- Leaders should remember that everyone at every level of the chain of command can fall victim to the Fog of War. When such a situation happens, it's best to focus on getting everyone reoriented on the stated Mission of the unit, along with any modifications that are needed due to changing battlefield conditions that will enable the achievement of the Commander's Intent.

- Individual and Unit Discipline is critical to success in combat, and both must be continuously taught, developed and enforced in peacetime. An undisciplined Marine or Marine unit will not suddenly obtain necessary levels of discipline simply by deploying to combat and an attitude of "OK...this is for real...time to get serious about thing." It's easy for some leaders to ease up on various aspects of discipline in peacetime/garrison, but history has shown that without fail, undisciplined Marines and Marine units almost always experience higher casualty rates and mission failure than their well-led counterparts.

Semper Fidelis,

Mike Ettore

Afghan branch of ISIS conducted the attack in Iran according to US intel

Ya know what I don't understand. Where did the Sunni vs Shia conflict go? Why isn't Israel pumping that thing up to divide the Arab world while they take care of Hamas?

Awesome thread on the Czech forces making the move to the AH-1Z

If you have any interest in the Czech armed forces then this is the guy to follow. Make sure you check out his entire thread too. Still looking for a good follow for the Romanian forces...don't know why but I'm kinda fascinated with their build up.

Democrats are losing black males....

I finally figured out the common denominator. Regardless of age, race, creed, or nationality, if you are working to put food on the table (and not waiting for the govt to do it for you) then Biden and the Dems are nightmare fuel. So what's the deal with women? They seek "sisterhood". They will act against their own self interests in order to fit in the pack. Men less so. The battlefield is suburban white women. Black chics are too far gone. It will take more economic pain for them to break away. Black guys? Except for the criminals and politicians/activists they're already there.

Open Comment Post. 6 Jan 24

SecDef is in the ICU..his Deputy assumes duty while on vacation in Mexico & REMAINS ON VACATION!

These people just ain't serious. They don't take their job seriously, they don't take their duty to protect the nation seriously and they're selfish as fuck! YOU WOULD THINK that with the war in Ukraine, war in Gaza, Houthis shooting at commercial shipping, and China making new noise about taking Taiwan that this FEMALE would head back to DC so quick it would make your head swim to ensure that civilian leadership is ready to lead in the Pentagon. BUT NO! She gotta get her groove on. FUCK ALL THESE BASTARDS.

I think that judge has some revenge on her mind....

I get and totally support her feelings. The problem? She is a victim of this crime. Another judge is gonna have to preside over ANY case (to include her assault) from here on out. Without a doubt the "judge club" will band together to probably lock up this guy for a long, long time, but she won't be the one dishing the revenge she wants.

Friday, January 05, 2024

What are the Royal Marines if they don't have ships?


Hmm. I guess the Royal Marines can try that "air centric" thing the USMC toyed with awhile ago before going to this all defense all the time penny packet thing they're doing now. Definitely weird to see the Royal Navy decline this dramatically. Participation in batshit crazy wars and the UK's left demonizing the military has finally started to bite. You turn your own forces into the bad guys then who would want to serve in them. I don't know if the UK is doing the crazy social shit but I'd bet they are and I'd bet that ain't helping either.

If you can get 225# in the gym then you're unique. 405# super elite. 495# freaking unicorn!

All the sweat and effort and sometimes pulled/strained muscles do make you unique.


Nigerian Catholic priest carries a shotgun as he leads his faithful in prayer after the Christmas Massacre by Islamist Fulani militias



Very Good.

Christianity is NOT a suicide pact.  Does not show love by condoning every despicable act and believe that we should endorse unconscionable shit.

That is a modern construct.

What did Jesus say...

 Luke 22 36?

36 He said to them, “But now if you have a purse, take it, and also a bag; and if you don't have a sword, sell your cloak and buy one.


It ain't a suicide pact.  We defend what must be defended. About time that a leader of the church had the commonsense to take responsibility for protecting his flock.

If he is a great leader then he'll teach his flock how to protect themselves. 

Penn State Police go after Amish farmer selling milk...

Hey boys why don't ya'll chase down some Bloods, Crips, MS-13, Hells Angels, Banditos, Black Guerilla Family, Mexican Cartel, Mexican Mafia, KKK, Skinheads, Russian Mob, Ukrainian Mobs, Dixie Mafia, Peckerwoods, Great White Sharks, you want to chase people that won't fight back? You want to chase this farmer down instead of going after the predators that roam the streets?

Finally some decent Brit propaganda

Well played.

Australia has very docile Sovereign CItizens

“We’re not driving we’re traveling “ The SovCit movement is such an insurmountable mountain of BS πŸ˜‚
byu/flaskman inTikTokCringe
In the US if you stop a S/C then its get ready for the gun fight. Didn't even know they went this easy....and yeah considering US S/Cs this is VERY easy.

I think the Ukrainians got him. The Russians usually aren't this slow in debunking misinformation...

Heard this earlier today. Then I got bombarded with the usual "false info". The problem is that's been from the fan boys. The Russians usually aren't this slow in debunking misinformation so I have to believe they got him. Waiting for the response but if the Ukes were able to nail this guy then (1) the US is giving them some outstanding targeting data and they're able to keep close tabs on the locations of Russian leadership and (2) it's now open season on Zelensky and the rest of his crew. I have to believe that the only reason why we haven't seen targeted attempts (besides the viel of secrecy) is that it would take things to a new level. I think we're at a new level if this is true.

Is Space X the most active space agency/entity on this planet?


Wear shit like this at the gym and guys aren't supposed to look?

I laugh everytime I see this kinda stuff. A woman is wearing stuff like this to the gym and a guy isn't supposed to look? SERIOUSLY! Make that make sense! Note I didn't say that what a woman wears means she's asking to be raped, but I AM SAYING that wearing shit like this is gonna grab eyeballs. Its only natural. The women know it and so do guys. But the true mind fuck is that (at least in vids....never seen this in real life yet....maybe its the gym I go to) you see women in vids all the time talking to dudes like they have a tail cause they do look. Amazing.

Note.  Save the hate and anger.  I know this is ancient thinking.  I know its not applicable in the modern age.  I KNOW its "wrong think".

Babies on bayonets was a real thing for Imperial Japanese troops...


“Babies on bayonets”—Atrocities being committed by the occupying Japanese forces against Chinese citizens
byu/HelloSlowly inwwiipics
Good God they were some brutal bastards. That's some of the same shit that Hamas is doing today. They earned those atomic bombs.

Red flag of revenge???

Those people are real big on symbolism aren't they? The one thing that makes it weird is that a religion in the modern era encourages revenge. For the West you would think that's more an old testament thing. I guess the Koran is really different. That's why I keep shouting that you have to get medieval when dealing with this region. Modern thinking and sensibilities are a suicide pact when dealing with the people that live there.

They're blaming us so I would think that another base is gonna get a big dose of ballistic missiles.

We have bases there for no other reason except to give them an easy target to kill Americans.  Although with our wide open border all they have to do is call a few folks that walked in and get them to shoot up a school, hospital, old folks home...whatever.

These fuckers are gonna hit us and make it hurt.  We're not ready.

Russia never said that you lying cunt!

This is why I can't stand this lady. She's not only a globalist and a neo-con but she's also a warhawk from hell. Never once did I EVER hear ANY Russian official, soldier or FANBOY say anything like this. NOT EVEN CLOSE! Why she's making this a major tent pole of her campaign I don't know but it has some serious John McCain vibes. Lindsey Graham should luv her.