Tuesday, January 09, 2024

Adaptable Deck Launching System


Monday, January 08, 2024

Open Comment Post. 8 Jan 24


UK about to scrap the HMS Albion and HMS Bulwark?

 via UKDJ

Grant Shapps has been tipped to retire two assault ships to deal with a shortage ocrews, it has been reported.

It is understood that the defence secretary aims to retire both HMS Albion and HMS Bulwark from active service ten years before their planned out-of-service dates.

In the words of her operators, the Royal Navy, the role of the HMS Bulwark and HMS Albion, is to ‘deliver the punch of the Royal Marines ashore by air and by sea, with boats from the landing dock in the belly of the ship and by assault helicopter from the two-spot flight deck’.

The LPDs can carry 256 troops, with their vehicles and combat supplies, and this can be swollen up to 405 troops. The ships act as the afloat command platform for the Royal Navy’s Amphibious Task Force and Landing Force Commanders when embarked.


The lust for two big aircraft carriers destroyed the Royal Navy.  Two aircraft carriers and the F-35 smashed them.  They just couldn't afford them but arrogance pushed them into the buy anyway.

The British armed forces are about to shrink.

What will remain is a question but the once "punch above their weight" force is no more.

Sunday, January 07, 2024

Beware a mysterious fog in S. Korea

We're not even 10 days into this new year and so much has already happened. God knows we've probably missed a large part of the thing too.

If this report is true then CIA Direct Action Teams/Navy SEALs are in Iran doing raid shit...


Wow. I wish I lived closed to Fatalville right now. Nah, scratch that. I wish I had info on the movement of Rangers and the rest of the SOCOM. Don't need to "spy" on them, just hangout at the gyms they go to, where they chase women etc...Why? Because if CIA/SEALs/Delta are doing mischief then Rangers are acting as their quick reaction force.

Having said all that, once again, if this is true then its beyond the capabilities of ISIS.

Someone is running ops.

I don't think the Israelis are in a position to get this done at this time.  I don't think they have the manpower OR the infrastructure to get all this done.

The Brits with their SAS & SBS might be helping out but I can't think of another force that would participate (well maybe the Saudis in a DEEP support role...maybe operating FARPS in the desert).

Things are getting goofy and that is not good.

The covering your ass olympics has begun in the Dept Of Defense executive offices

No reason at all for her to say a thing after the SecDef took responsibility. My little harping and the chirping from other defense twitters shouldn't even be an annoyance. Yet here we are. Is it possible that these people are so fickle that perception is more important to them than actually doing the work? Make no mistake the SecDef and Deputy both fucked up. The crazy thing is that ALL THEY HAD TO DO FROM THE START IS THE RIGHT THING and this would have been a non-issue.

China's guide to invading the US (or gun confiscation)

This kid is a problem. One day someone will have to effectively deal with him

JP Morgan analyst predicts Biden will pull out of the presidential race

33ft long anaconda?

33ft long? Over 800 pounds? Nuke this motherfucker from orbit! I bet they have some shit deep in that jungle that will curl your pubic hairs.

Geez. The IDF is wrapping up things with Hamas and now they're gonna make a run at Hezbollah


Wow. This is bigger than Oct 7. Netanyahu had a plan and he's executing it to the fullest. A proper op against Hamas should take a few more weeks at least. No doubt they've been degraded tremendously but the aftermath of that fight will have to be dealt with. I would think that would be enough on anyone's plate but no, the Israeli president wants more. A fight against Hezbollah at this time? Doesn't make sense to me but then again I don't have insight into their intel. I guess we're not getting away from this thing with minimum pain.

Why does our govt seem so uncoordinated? Because each dept is doing its own thing....without informing the white house

This might seem like no big deal to the majority here but to me it speaks volumes. This is simple. Austin is a military man and knows the deal. If you're a commander and you're incapacitated then your number 2 takes over till you're good to go. We saw that with the Commandant of the Marine Corps after he suffered a heart attack.

The idea that the SecDef would be hospitalized, sent to ICU and for the white house not to be informed till far into the process is crazy.

To think that this would go on with the world aflame is insane.

I won't even get into the mindset that comes with a #2 being informed the boss is down for a bit and they remain on vacation during a time like this.

The crazy thing is that this is happening in the dept of defense. If this is happening there then it is obvious that we have little kingdoms in the Biden admin and that there is no coordination.

FUCK! Qatar has a Texas A&M sat campus in their country doing US nuclear weapons research....they fund it and have access to the work done


Hmm. Does this go under the heading of traitorous activity? Apparently higher education is just a dressed up whore for sale to the highest bidder. Add universities to the list of things that need to get torn down and rebuilt from the ground up. Its obvious to me that every major institution in the US has been infiltrated by a foreign power.

Open Comment Post. 7 Jan 24


US Intelligence Shows Flawed China Missiles Led Xi to Purge Army

 via Bloomberg

US intelligence indicates that President Xi Jinping’s sweeping military purge came after it emerged that widespread corruption undermined his efforts to modernize the armed forces and raised questions about China’s ability to fight a war, according to people familiar with the assessments.

The corruption inside China’s Rocket Force and throughout the nation’s defense industrial base is so extensive that US officials now believe Xi is less likely to contemplate major military action in the coming years than would otherwise have been the case, according to the people, who asked not to be named discussing intelligence.


This could be the opening we need.  If this reporting is true then that puts Taiwan on the backburner.  We have a FEW extra years to either (1) get ready or (2) attempt a diplomatic solution.

Oh and before you laugh, understand that our own MIC is jacked up and corrupt as hell too.

This is an opportunity.

Another chance to avert an extremely destructive war for both sides.

Understand this though.  If we're gonna try to take a different path we have to move quickly.  That corruption is gonna be rooted out poste haste.  They will be brutal and efficient. The long arm of China's law will scoop up many.  Many will be guilty and a few innocents will suffer too, but it will be done to sort this out on their side.

A bonus report talking about China's economy.

via CNN

 China’s businesses are struggling and job seekers have trouble finding work, President Xi Jinping acknowledged during his Sunday New Year’s Eve speech.

This is the first time Xi has mentioned economic challenges in his annual New Year’s messages since he started giving them in 2013. It comes at a critical juncture for the world’s second largest economy, which is grappling with a structural slowdown marked by weak demand, rising unemployment and battered business confidence.

Acknowledging the “headwinds” facing the country, Xi admitted in the televised speech: “Some enterprises had a tough time. Some people had difficulty finding jobs and meeting basic needs.”

“All these remain at the forefront of my mind,” Xi said in remarks which were also widely circulated by state media. “We will consolidate and strengthen the momentum of economic recovery.”


Saturday, January 06, 2024

Maybe the Dems are losing black women too...she said Joe and the hoe got to go!

Tornado forms in downtown Ft Lauderdale...Never knew a tornado could form inside a city


Hanwha's Arion-SMET Successfully Completes the Foreign Comparative Test with US Military


Looks like ISIS has declared war on Iran...car bombing now...


This kinda makes me wonder. Why now? Why would ISIS decide to attack Iran now? Seems like the whole Arab world is attempting to unite in support of Hamas so again...why now? I never once believed that ISIS was a creation of the CIA. This however is the first time that I've been given pause. If I was running the CIA (or MASSAD) now is the time that I'd want to unleash the hounds on Iran. It makes sense on two fronts. Iran is supporting Hamas and Russia. This is a quick two for one if you have them on the leash and can make them attack on command.

Did the Occupy Wall Street Movement along with the election of Trump that scared the elites so badly?

Did this movement along with the election of Trump the thing that activated the elites to distract the American people?

Is this the root of all our manufactured issues?

Were that that fearful that the natives were coming with pitchforks that they decided to destabilize society?